Alpha Prime Republic
Human/Terran: The Dominant Species of Terra Nima.
IAC (Interstellar Alliance Commonwealth) races
Agas: One of the First Alien Races that the Alpha Prime Federation encountered. Previously at War with Alpha Prime, they are now part of the Interstellar Alliance Conglomeration.
Apearance: Reptile/Iguana-like race.
Anuuk: A race stemming from a high gravity planet, the Anuuk are living tanks. What they lack in speed, they make up for in toughness and strength.
Mandarans: A wasp-like Insect species. They are from a planet rich with oxygen, lacking avian bird like predators.
Stephotus: A race of Avian-like creatures. They resemble an Eagle from Terra Nima and have predatorily tendencies. This primarilly caused the war between the Mandarans long ago.
Uban: The Uban are a humanoid species from a low pressure frigid planet, requiring them to wear refrigeration suits most places they go; as they have evolved to survive in such conditions.
Nychus Federation
The Nychus are an older race in the Galaxy. They are aquatic cephalopod life forms, and highly telepathic. They are divided up between three cast systems. The Military Cast, The Religious cast, and the Artisan Cast. Each has their role in their society.
When dealing with outsiders in alien atmospheres, they travel around in floating pods that serve as EVA suits and encounter suits with a glass like substance on the front so you can see them.
The Nychus are an aggressively Xenophobic race. They do not allow anyone into their space, going so far as to locking down all jump gate into it.
Halite Empire
A race of Silicon based crystalline life forms. They are an aggressive war-like expansionist race. They are one of the primary reasons that the IAC was formed. They live in environments which is hostile to most other lifeforms.
Galatea Aggregate
A Race of Swarm Artificial Intelligence. They take on the appearance of whatever machine platform they choose to inhabit which can vary greatly. As a swarm intelligence, an individual platform is not that intelligent. The More Programs that can network together, the more their intelligence grows. This makes their motives unpredictable as different colonies have different motives until they are brought together.
Walroo Kosmar
A race of humanoid Walrus marsupials. They are renowned for their prowess for ground combat. While they hail from a colder planet, their blubber insulates them from all forms of weather, ranging from cold to extremely warm.
Conra Assembly
A Race of warm blooded semi-humanoid frog-like creatures. Skeletons composed of more cartilage than those found on most other races. They are a race of thinkers, making them good scientists and tacticians. Technologically, they are above average.
Prosedar Dominion
A Race that looks most like humans, save for their grey/oyster color skin and white and light shaded hair. The Prosedar pride themselves on their looks and athleticism, and with a metabolic rate 10% faster than humans, are more agile and leaner than humans naturally.