Goro is the Capital City

Estrada is a "kingdom" that takes up a portion of the Seletan Mountains. specifically where many safe roads and paths lead through the otherwise trecherous terrain linking the north and south of Daksina.

Estrada has been without a High King for decades. Because of this, the Jarls command their individual clans. Since then, the Clans have fought over control of the roads that lead through Estrada so that they may claim taxes for people trying to cross.


The better the road, the more prestige a clan gets.


The only form of order between these clans is in Goro, the Capital of Estrada. Here, the High council of Hirdmen mediates and resolves disputes between clans on a political level. However, overall they have little real power without the High King.


Goro is treated as a neutral city per tradition, so no fighting between the clans takes place here.


Outside of Goro, the clans physically battle for control over roads.

The main thing that holds the Estra People in order is the Code of the First High King, Azdin All-Father. He created the code when Estrada was first founded, and is worshiped as a god by the Estra People.


They believe in a heaven they call Ardengard, a place where all the warriors go when they die.

There are 13 clans in Estrada.


1. Crimson Hammer; known for using large two handed hammers

2. Death Skull; use skulls for everything, from decoration to the cups they drink out of. 

3. Stormaxe; decendants of Azdin's lightning axe personal guard.

4. Cult of the Blade; known for using swords instead of axes or hammers

5. Head Stompers; known for their heavy armor and use their very bodies as weapons. 

6. Order of Berung; Clan lead by a Dragon that was friend to Azdin

7. Brothers of Pulung; Pulung was a hero under Azdin who died defeating Cethling.

8. Ridder's of Celthing; Clan who uses tricks and cunning to outsmart their opponent

9. Shadowwrack; Crazy clan who live in the umbralands and fight the shadow creatures.

10. Skyknarls; This clan lives in the tallest peaks of the mountains; furthmore, they are especially suited to the harsh enviroment of the mountain than the rest of the Estra.

11. Mantle of the Ancestor; Famous for their Honor Guard of the Ancestor's. A beserker fighting force which seeks thier own death in honorable combat.

12. Protectors of Ardengard; clan that is stationed at the wall 

13. Sons of Azdin; Clan where all the High Kings have come from.

Racial Feats

The people of Estrada are tough and absorb vast amounts of damage before going down.

Racial Feats: Great Fortitude, Toughness

Racial Power: Rage (this ability grants +atk +dmg and reduces ac by an equal amount.)


Post Brotherhood Wars

Towards the end of the First Brotherhood war, Estrada had gotten their first High Queen in History (Haldis Helger-child). After she disappeared in the Second Brotherhood War, her younger brother, Hjalmar Helger-son has risen to the throne as High King. And after some political scandals and attempted assassination by his own bride Rayna, he has remained High King, solidified by his older Sister's rise to deity-tom.

The Culture and clans of Estrada have since stabilized. While the clans still war over the roads, they maintain a code of conduct that prevents civil unrest from spilling over to the travelers that use the roads.


Tallest Mountain in Estrada. Home of the First Great Hall of Azdin. Now abandoned due to its desolate location.

Gudson Hold

Region of land owned by the Sons of Azdin. It is a plateau surrounded on all sides by mountains.

Morksump Hold

A Swamp Valley formerly owned by the Ridders of Cethling. This dense swamp has the advantage of only having one way into it. (Two if you count the secret mountain cave pass)

Fjellhvittop Hold

Home of the Skynarls. The City Isenhula is inside high otop another tall mountain in a seemingly immovable glacier.