Pre-Brotherhood Wars

The Common Kingdoms

Twelve Kingdoms, each too small to amount to the same power that one of the other representative bodies of the United Soverence Council.

Orkwell, Entland, Scogland, Briles, Whetland, Tanamura, Pergow, Listain, Gloventree, Ayrfris, Corvenford and Dales

[Language-wise, they sound old English/United Kingdom] [except Dales which is French sounding]

Post Brotherhood Wars

Greater Tanamura

During the final campaigns of the First Brotherhood War, Queen Tessa Tanamura united the Common Kingdoms with the political and military support of Estrada.


Since then, each of the old former kingdoms are now States, which each King serving as Governors/Lords of the Realm.


After the Day of Armageddon, the Kingdom of the North Invaded to Stabalize the region and placed a Warden of the West in charge of Greater Tanamura and Nersia. Towards the end of the Second Brotherhood war, the King of the North through Headmistress Oswin allowed Tessa to regain her authority as Queen of Greater Tanamura and become the Warden of the West.


As a side note: Ever since Queen Tessa's rise to power, Greater Tanamura has had a rise in Apple Cider Exports of the Queen's personal blend, The Apple-Shot.