
Chelton, the horselands. Like the nickname suggests, this land is home to a large number of Horses. The Chelts who live here make a life of living with the horse. As such, the most honorable and notable soldiers here are Cavaliers or other form of horsemen.



Crown City of Chelton


There is a prestine upper city, walled off to protect the Castle, as well as several upper class buildings, such as the Silversmith Building. Surrounding this Upper City is the relative slums. Outside the walls is surrounded by farmland and ranch land, more for the horses then for the people who care for them.


Chelton is a Feudalistic society, in which their are three classes of people, not including the King. Lords, Vassals and Surfs.


Lords own large portions of land called Counties, while Vassals maintain portions of said land in exchange for some type of service to the Lord of the land. Surfs are the lower class that serve the Vassels and Lords above them.


While Technically, there is a King, he is really a figurehead. The real power lies with the Silversmiths, people who have been payed by other Lords and vassals to keep their money safe, who at the same time loan the money out to other people.


Overall, the Chelts cherish Fine art, wine and Horses, which are all an unofficial secondary currency to the Silver Standard they otherwise use. Nobles tend to spend vasts amount of Silver to acquire such things in high quality.


Chivalry is also extremely important in Chelton. So much so that they almost worship it like a religion in their culture. There is a code of Chivalry in their very law, that the people go by.


Almost everyone is trained in some form of horseback riding, or at the very least, able to take care of a horse in some way. Every Soldier is expected to have horseback training of some kind, and the most notable Knights are Cavaliers.


The Silversmiths have only recently grown to power, fueled by the tradings with Penchura to the far south. They control the bulk of the wealth in Chelton and are in many ways the power behind the throne.


The People of Chelton tend to have red hair and speak with a distinctive accent.

[They speak with a Scottish sounding accent]

Racial Traits

The chivalrous nature of the people of chelton glady step in to save wounded comrades. The major focus of chelton war strategy lies in achieving quick and deciesive victories.

Racial Feats: Swap Places, Improved Initiative

Racial Power: Deciesive Strike (Grants +1 atk and adds a number of d6 in damage)

Post Brotherhood Wars

Lilias Eachann, a bastard to the throne has been legitimized towards the end of the first Brotherhood War and taken up the throne after the corruption of the Silversmiths had been largely dealt with.

After the Day of Armageddon, and the disappearance of the Queen, the Kingdom of the North Invaded to Stabilize the region. They placed a former Silversmith on the throne as Warden of the East.

Towards the end of the Second Brotherhood War, the Warden of the north made a deal to put Queen Lilias back in power as Queen of Chelton and Warden of the East.

The Kingdom remains Feudalistic, however, the Queen has more power as she has the primary source of income.

[Think french feudalistic society]