Long Ago, Terra Ora and Terra Nima were once a single world, Terra Mana.
Something happened back then to split the world in two.
But that was purely on a Material Level. The world was actualy split another two ways.
Heaven and Hell... as they were eventually called.
Hell was a world cut off from Positive energies and thus existed primarily out of Negative energies. Demons, Devils and Undead were the primary occupants.
Heaven was cut off from the Negative energies and thus existed primarily out of Positive energies. Angels, Archons and other animated beings dwelled here.
The cause of this is a mystery... though few divine beings sermise that it was caused by Molestar, a scientist that obsessed over obtaining the ultimate knowllege.
Some say that Terra Mana was the cratel of the universe... the focal point of the universe itself. Where the Xell and Nytro Energies collided to create the universe.
It wouldn't be for several millenia to come when the Cynical Pi effect would solve the human condition.
If the end was Cynical Pi... the Begining was Cynical Tau.
The only thing certain was that the gods themselves called the split, the Cynical Tau event.