Cosmology (Terra Mana)

After Oreah left Terra Mana with the Xell Crystals and those that had obtained great power from it, Terra Mana became vulnerable...


Without the powers of the Xell Crystals to protect it, the veil of the Shadow Zone and Terra Mana had weakened.


The use of suficiently powerful magic would further weaken the Veil.


In this cosmology, there is only Terra Mana and the Shadow Zone. Left behind by the former great powers was a field of residual magic called the veil. The few people who have acsess to magic get thier powers from the veil.


Though using this magic can be detrimental since it is the veil that separates the world of the living; Terra mana with the world of the dead, the Shadow Zone. So pulling magic from it will ultimatly weaken it.

Not that it is an easy thing to do, to weaken the veil.


Most people don't know how to tap into it, and even fewer can do much harm to it. Most of the few people that can tap into the veil are nothing more than adepts. Still, there are enough of them to potentially do some harm, that's why the Wizards Coven was formed. To organize those few and help them control their powers.


Other types of people that can tap into the veil are Druids. While there are only a handful of Druids in the known world (about 6 or 7), they are still powerful magic users. Fortunatly, their phylosophy is take only what they need from what nature gives them and nothing more. This attitude towards magic enables them to still be pwoerful magic users but have a minimal impact on the grand sceme of things.

Some of the Rangers of Talea have a minor connection to the veil.