The universe shares an origin...
It is theorized that the universe began with Xell and Nytro.
Xell gave the universe the Basic Elements; Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Force, Life, Dark, Light and Void.
Nytro gave the universe, the Anti-Elements; Space, Time and Thought.
Together they formed a balance and the universe was thus.
Xell had "offspring", each representing an Element.
Zioni, god of Earth.
Diablos, god of Fire.
Fenrir, god of Force.
Taninim, god of Water.
Siren, godess of Wind.
Eden, godess of Life.
Rook, god of Light.
Lilith, goddess of Dark.
Azdin, god of Void.
These Elemental Gods were powerful beings on a cosmic scale... but on Terra Mana in the Material Plane, they took the form of Crystal like shapes. As such, they were known as Xell Crystals.
However, these Xell Crystals could be manipulated by the mortals of the world, and were. There were those that obtained great power from these crystals. These select Mortals obtained the power of the gods themselves.
The Xell Crystals were puzzled by the actions of these free willed mortals that abused thier powers. However, these mortals were so far below them that they could not stop them... they did not uinderstand them.
So they created a god that could understand the world of men... or mortals. Oreah, the first Xell Beast.
Oreah did as he was intended... he understood the human condition. He saw that they possesed not only the 9 elements, but the anti elements as well. However, he was not made to change the human condition and so could not. Included in them was darkness as well as light.
A new concept was formed among the Mortals... Good and Evil... Oreah recognized these concepts. But there was nothing he could do to change them.
So he created a being of equal power to his own, one that could change the human condition. Her name was Yugdaib.
Oreah had made a terrible oversight in her creation. While Yugdaib had the ability to change the human condition, she did not have the ability to understand them, like Oreah could.
Yugdaib started making arbitrary changes to the Human condition, without understanding it.
People started fighting for the powers of the Xell Crystals.
Sometime along the lines of history, a Great War was fought among the mortals with the power of gods and thier followers. This had largely to do with Yugdaib, manipulating the balance of Good and Evil.
Oreah pleaded with Yugdaib to stop what she was doing. She was confused as to why Oreah would want to stop her from doing what she was created to do. She fought back.
Since thier Powers were equal, there was nothing Oreah could do to stop her. So he went to the Xell Gods and ask for thier help.
Again, most of the Xell gods saw that the affairs of mortals were benieth them and did nothing. However, Rook was concerned for them. He confronted Yugdaib to try and reason with her.
Yugdaib lashed out in anger and shattered Rook.
This event had terrible consiquences in the universe. The Great Darkness spread throughout the universe.
The Balance was upset, which brought for the wrath the other eight Xell Gods upon Yugdaib.
Without Rook, the Xell gods could not completely obliterate Yugdaib from existance. So instead, they condemed the existance of Yugdaib, turner her into the ground of the universe... the underworld...
Without Rook, there was a great lack of light in this world... the Xell powers completely morphed Yugdaib into a deformed and distorted land... this ground became the Shadow Zone.
The Xell Crystals put the Light Xell Crystals back together to reform Rook. However, he was not the same again. A piece of him was still missing. Still, light was able to return to the universe, and most of the Xell Crystals saw balance... even though Darkness slightly overpowered the light.
Oreah wanted to atone for his mistake... so on Terra Mana, he gathered up all the Xell Crystals and the Mortals who had gained thier power, and left Terra Mana so that they would no longer be influenced by the great powers of the Xell Crystals.
This left Terra Mana in a vulnerable state...