This ending should be interesting to say the least... at least i hope so.
So Far I have consolidated the Shadow Beyond Time Plot points into the Voidfire and the Scrolls of Andloft story line.
What does this mean? A Double Threat! And also it adds many more descisions for the PC's to make... many more then origionally intended.
Here's what's going on.
Previously, the PC's acidentally activated a strange orb in the Litch King's Horde, sending them to the end of the universe to the year 100,000,000,000,000 AD... yes i wrote it out as numbers to show the significance of it.
There they accidently cause Aiden's previously forgotten Nemesis (from his past life) to regain his memory and steal Aiden's staff, trapping him and the rest of the PC's at the end of the universe with no way back... if it wasn't for Aiden's past life self seeing this coming and allowed the PC's to have a way back to their own time.
Well it turns out that Chronus, the Nemisis I was refering to in the previous paragraph, turned out to be General Aurther, a long time supposed Ally of the PC's. It seems that this whole thing is a self fullfilling profecy on Chronus' part. Chronus had gone back in time and lived his life as General Aurther in the Southern Alliance, as well as being a clever double spy for the Northern Legion. He had been feading the North with intelligence, and had allowed them to make their way all the way down to Kried.
The PC's came back and tried to warn the King, but when they did, Chronus killed the king with the Excaliber, a sword that when used to slay someone, they may never be brought back by any mortal means etc.
With Xeik Helping they managed to kill Chronus and undoing his curse he put on the city, but now they must face the force outside. To make matters worse, Chronus clued the PC's in on another threat on the horizon as part of his last breath.
Meanwhile outside, in responce to Kried getting reinforcmence from the Otan Elves, the Litch King Summoned a Primal Dragon God as a Dracolitch under his control.
Before the PC's can help, they are attacked by another Dragon... A Force Dragon. So the next session will begin with them having to deal with this Dragon...
And now what IS to happen or what MAY happen.
Lets start with what IS to happen. While the PC's deal with the Force Dragon, the Seven Handles fight the Primal Dracolitch. When they slay this Dragon, Xeik will "One up them" by Slaying the Dracolitch with the Power of Oreah himself.
After that, the Litch King Disapears and the Northern Legion forces retreats.
Within a week, the Chawk'Trro's Warchief is slane by his own Skull Crusher, and Kor'Qall takes command of the Chawk'Trro, and under his lead, The Chawk'Trro join the Southern Alliance.
Within the next few months, the lack of a Litch King causes Diortem to surrender to the South, Leaving Orac'Gor the only remaining opposition. The otherwse united West continent then assemble an Army greater than anyone has ever seen to invade Orac'Gor.
Within the year, the South will sucsessfully invade Orac'Gor.
Durring the final push however, a battle on the higher planes causes the dieties of the Dahj'neil people to loose all of their devine powers, as a final defiant act of the remains of the Northern Legion.
The High Elves go through withdrawl through the lack of Divine grace that was given to them by their godesses.
A Dark and unknown force bargains with them for a new source of magic. An unexpected last campaign wages across the west, as the High Elves, now using Fel Magic, wage war against the rest of the contient at the bequest of their new master.
While they pose a great threat, the remaining Southern Alliance sucsessfully defeat them, causing the Elves to become an endangered speicies.
The War will then be over...
The above is what IS to happen... or rather, that is what is suppose to happen. The battle of Kreid is a forgone conclusion, however afterwards is not.
Because of the whole Orb and Chronus thing, Lukimea sucsessfully obtains the last scroll. sonner or later he will use his powers to bring the one that the PC's have to him, in the Shadow Zone, the ground of the universe.
But that is not the only thing sturring in the Dark. Another thing that Chronus did before he died was explain to Magnus (Aiden) that his pocket watch wasn't broken, but contained the essence of what he was before in his past life.
Knowing this, the other threat emerges. Crimson fist, a PC is an interesint character. From day to day he switches between two different people it seems like. Crimson now knows that what "his master" is looking for is inside the watch. He will attempt to steal the pocket watch, and when he does he will take it back to the Temple of Eternity, and toss it into the Shadow Beyond Time.
The PC's must now fight Crimson Fist... atleast half of him. The Locket that Alectoris gave Aiden a while back will warm up. When Aiden uses it, Kaveroth and Crimson Fist will split apart. Kaveroth will help the PC's fight Crimson Fist, but it will be too late.
Even with Crimson Fist's destruction the damage will already have been done. His master, the Creator... aka Wodahs, now has what he needs to come back to the world of Time... the Essence of a Time Wizard... the Ability to Rebirth. With it, he will regenerate his body and lay siege to the World of Time. When and where this will take place is actually now up to him... since he exists outside of time... so there is no telling when he will enter it.
So now there is Lukimea, that is already destroying the universe... and there is Wodahs who WILL if Lukimea fails.
Everything above CAN and MAY happen.
Now there are a variety of ways the PC's can go about completing this campaign.
If they go into the ShadowBeyond Time BEFORE they confront Lukimea, the Universe will continue to unravel itself till there is nothing left.
If they Confront Lukimea and absolutly fail; either by opening the wrong scroll that destroys life or allowing Lukimea to open the scroll that gives him the power of life: the Universe as they know it will stop right then and there.
Those are the worst case senarios.
Now lets discuss the other outcomes that CAN save the universe.
If a PC opens the right scroll, giving them the power of Life, they can destroy Lukimea (sort of) and undo the damage that he did as well as pretty much anything in the universe that they want. But they cannot Stop Wodahs or keep him from entering the Realm of Time, as he exists outside of Time right now and therefore outside the reach of even the Scrolls of Andloft. If a PC's does this... he can potentially do anything he wants... More on this later.
The PC's can Try and trick Lukimea to opening the scroll that kills the one that opens it... which will end Lukimea and his plot right then and there.
A PC can open the scroll that kills the one that opens it, thereby sacraficing themselves. This accompishes the task of removing the only protection that Lukimea has against Voidfire and thereby erasing himself from history... thereby undoing the damage that he did with said Voidfire.
Now here are a set of ideas that I have on concerning to further spice up the ending.
Aiden could open the watch that he has before Crimson steals it. What this could mean. Aiden as a PC would end... control of such character would transfer over to the DM (me). Basically this is what would happen: Magnus takes control. He imediatly uses the staff to evacuate the Tower of all of his friends...
The Tower would form a bulb at the top, like the staff. The globe would start pulsing with light. The Weather would pick up as the Whole Tower, with Grove, dissapears from Kreid. He takes the whole thing to the Shadow Zone to confront Lukimea. Magnus realizes that even he can't destroy Lukimea, as he gets his power from the Shadow Zone itself and cannot trully be killed by physical means.
So he does the last thing that he can. He opens up every single Dimensions gate in the universe. He then uses every bit of his, the Staff's and the Towers Power to Throw Lukimea, the Voidfire spell and the Scrolls of Andloft into the Raw of the Time Vortex.
Basically he is using the gates to expose them all to the sands of time, multiple times, once for every gate in the universe. The Void Fire and the Andloft spells dicentegrate and their powers return to the Time Vortex.
This act comes with a great cost... Magnus' own life. Sealing Lukimea away has always been a greater feat than anyone could manage... atleast without a cost.
Magnus could only acomplish the feat he did by going a thousand years. Basically he opened every Gate in the universe with their one thousand year later counterparts... because that was as far as he could go with such power. This manipulation of the Temporal Energy Plane would be enough to return the powers of Voidfire and the Scrolls of Andloft back into the Time Vortex but he wasn't too confident with Lukimea.
Atleast there, the universe would have a fighting chance to stop him... but only if the Protector of Time rose up to stop him.
Anyways, Magnus before he dies, returns to his former companions, dieing.
He Reasures Phacia that Aiden is somewhere in him and is not lost... yet. While he is dieing, perhaps he can leave her with something. Magnus performs the Final Rebirth. After a great display, Magnus is gone, leaving only Aiden behind... in White Robes... No longer having the abilities of a Time Wizard... Perhaps to add a bit of flair... he has seeming ly no memroies at all.
The story could end with Phacia taking care of him and the new baby, and he starts whistling that one song he plays on the lute.
Here is another ending.
Tordek opens the Correct scroll of Andloft... perhaps he does so only after realizing that the Libram to life and Death was a fake, and he now sees the magicall aura's around the scroll. Two of them are Black, and one of them is White.
When Tordek Opens the Scroll, everything goes white.
Tordek does the responcible thing and restores everything back to the way it was and whatever, but then he gets an offer from the Xell Crystals to take his place in the realm of Oreah, as a beakon of light to help in the fight against a greater evil that is to come. But if he chooses this path, he has to leave everything that he knew behind in the mortal world.
If he chooses this path he says his final goodbye's to everyone and then disapears into the great unknown.
This doesn't prevent the Shadow Beyond time thing from happening once that threat starts but it does give closure to that character so to speak.
And now... detailed stuff till the end (hopefully)
Xeik hops onto the back of Felinara's Dragon Cat. The two of them charge into battle against the Dracolitch of Dracolitches.
Before you could help though, you noticed that Tordek's Axe Started to glow blue. Soon after, you heard the flaps of great wings, but you did not see.
The Litch King's mount had returned. It looks like you have to go through him first.
Encounter: Force Dragon.
Going to build my own Adult Force Dragon. One with Epic spell casting (just for greater spell immunity), and metabreath feats such as maximize breath and heighten breath. That coupled with his constitution modifyer, should provide one devestating breath weapon. (DC 60 to reflex. Tordek should be alright but everyone else will have a challanging time evading such a breath weapon. Those that don't take 360 points of damage... which will kill most if not anyone hit by the full blunt of this breath weapon.) Side effect is, in order for him to do this he will take 1d4 +18 rounds to recharge his breath weapon. (basically two minutes) (rolling is almost redundant). - first turn he will use it, then change tactics to setting up walls of force and force cages and the like and attack through them.
Breath Weapon Dectription.
The Dragon Before you is a massive beast that you find difficult to focus on. It is like light itself bends around and goes through this beast. The very first thing he does is lean his head forward and opens his huge maw. It is as if you could feel the power coarce through this magnificent beast, using power from all over its body, coalessing from the very tips of its tail and wings, all the way to its lungs in an instant before he expells it from his mouth. Time seems to slow as the very ground starts ripping itself apart to a devestating degree.
Never in your life have you seen such a powerful singular act unleashed upon you in such a way. It was as if Destruction itself was personified and incarnated.
In that single instant, like a shockwave of raw destruction extending from his mouth in a cone shape extened in your direction ripping apart everything it touched including the very ground. For those that failed the save, your very bodies felt the raw force tearing through you. For many, it was the last thing you remember before the pain suddenly stops and everything goes black.
Anyways, after said enounter.
After defeating the Force Dragon, you look over into the City, where with the addition of Xeik, the fight was heading in the right direction.
Realizing that the Dracolitches current tactics were doomed to fail, it changed them. It opened its mouth and you saw raw energy starting to collect in its mouth. At the same time it started flying upwards into the sky. Just before it got out of range, you saw Xeik jump onto its back.
Mirdan, along with Oris, both casted their most powerful spells upon the godly beast. Oris casted some powerful Holy spell, while Mirdan unleashed his Xell Fire upon it. However, just as they reached the Flying Dracolitch God, the spells winked out. At the same time, you saw a shockwave emit from its body in all directions in a spherical pattern. The shockwave continued for as far as the eye could see. It was the most impressive form of antimagic anyone has ever realized. What's more is that the charging breathweapon seemed to be unaffected by such an antimagic field, as the dragon continued to ascend.
You were helpless.
The only hope was Xeik who was still clinging onto the Dracolitch God's back. He seemed to be dueling the tail of the baest. By this moment, they must have been miles into the air.
Xeik was slowly but surely climbing his way up the back of the Dragon, holding on for dear life. However things changed. The Dragon made a lucky hit, sending Xeik falling to his doom.
About that time, Something wizzes past you and into the air. It was Brontes!
He flies up and catches Xeik! Together they fly up back towards the Dracolitch.
It seems too late however, as the mighty dracolitch uneashed the might of his breath weapon in one collasal ball of energy desending down towards the city. A ball of doom.
Xeik and Brontes flew up to meet the ball of energy. Xeik seems like he swings the oreah blade at the ball of energy.
There was an explosion of light. A collumn of gold energy shoots from the Dragon Oreah Blade and pierces the Dracolitch God's breath weapon, disolving it completely. The Colloumn of energy continues upwards towards the owner of said breath weapon.
The Collumn of energy forms into a serpentine dragon of magnificent stature. Tordek knew who it was. It was Oreah.
Oreah manifistation flew into the Dracolitch. Both Oreah and the Dracolitch god went up in a ball of light.