Voidfire and the Scrolls of Andloft

Temporal Elemental Encounter.


After they get the Libram of the Secrets to Life and Death... the Book will change to yet another shard of the Nytro Key.


Yet again, the Scene Changes...


The PC's now find themselves in the Tower of Time and Space... It is ruined by Time. The outside is equally ruined. there are no Stars out in the sky.


Aiden will not have the staff of Magnus.


Monsters will be chasing them all the way up to the top of the tower.


When they arrive to the gate room, they will find that the Staff is laying infront of the opened Gate. retrieving the staff and going through the gate changes that staff into a shard of the Nytro Key.


The Scene changes one more time.


Crimson is still in his Artificer form.


The PC's find themselves in some sort of grand Temple. After some investigation, they find that what they are looking for is at the end of the grand hall.


There, the PC's have to fight some sort of Angel who's face is obscured. The Item they are looking for is a Pocket Watch that he is holding. Behind is a Portal to some dark place... The PC's don't want to go through there. They want the Watch that the angel is holding.


When they get it... it Transforms into the Last Shard of the Nytro Key.


The Scene Flashes back to the Time Vortex, with the Temporal Elemental infront of them. Now... the Nytro Key is whole, and Crimson can use it to bind it to the fully formed Nytro Key.


Once he does so, the PC's only have a moment before they are thrusted back into the Time Vortex, again falling for an Eternity.


Next thing they know, they are walking down the ramp of the Gate Room in the Tower of Time and Space.


Anui attracts attention to herself, by commenting on the Mark of Xell again on her forhead.


For the Time being... she can not control it... but its presence is a symbol. And only the PC's can see it.


The PC's may try and ask for help on the whereabouts or information on Lukimea. However they will find none.


No one they speak to will know who Lukimea is. Even the People that first informed the PC's the first time.


The next set of rollplay will be about the PC's not being able to learn anything on Lukimea.


No record of him exists. No knowledge of him can be found anywhere. No one Remembers him. However the most disturbing part of it all is that otherwise... history has not changed...


They may try to goto Mirdan or Xeik and Tourian. However even they don't know who Lukimea is. There recount of History is that yes, for a Time, the Northern Legion became effectivly organized... but the formation of the Seven Handles must have broken their resolve... as they fought them off. Mention of the Temple of the Collectors will reveal that it was the source of the breach to the Antiverse... but thanks to the PC's that damage was undone.


All acounts of History involving Lukimea were either missing or recounted differently. Magical books telling about Lukimea will actually have blank pages where the text used to be.

The more the PC's try to press that Lukimea is behind something, the more NPC's will distant themselves from the PC's.


Even Visiting Alectoris will yield no answers.


Visiting the Illthids of Ny on the otherhand will provide exactly what the PC's need to start to uncover this plot.


There they will give the PC's 4 clues that will help them find the Lost City of Set'nahl'tah(?) under the Ocean.


There they will learn about Voidfire... and the Scrolls of Andloft.


There should be a guardian to this Information... of the City. (Epic Level Handbook maybe?)



An interesting new Idea i just had...


What if Lukimea takes this oprotunity throughout the campaign to exploit the darkness in Aiden's heart. Maybe somehow corrupting him... feeding him doubt. Offer him power beyond reasoning. The "Power of the Dark Side" so to speak.


Lukimea's modivation will be because of the untapped power that Aiden is holding onto. The power of Time and Space it self.


Magnus was a member of the Time Wizards... a race of beings that had an innate ability for the Arcane... Long ago in forgotten times, they possessed powers that today, only gods have. In people Eve, Magnus was the last... and before Lukimea could meet him, Magnus had already dissapeared.


Since Lukimea's reawakening... he has been watching the PC's through his mind.


Even as powerful as Lukimea is... he still see the value in powerful lackies... and even Lukimea doesn't have the power of Time and Space at his disposal.



The Dissapearing Cities.


I suppose an easy answer for Lukimea scooping up cities is to absorb the life force from all of its inhabitants to extend the time he has... but that might not make sense...


The Scrolls of Andloft are Possitive Energy... and Voidfire is Negative Energy. By making himself a Player of Andloft, he effectivly becomes immune to the Negative Energy that Even Voidfire has on himself.


So why towns? Perhaps it is not a modivation of self preservation... but modivation of his father? Since he is targeting northern towns... those towns do not believe in the Creator... so he would be destroying them because they stand for everything opposed to the Creator.


Perhaps the outskirt towns that do survive are the ones who worship the Creator. This could provide to be the clue for the PC's in the Campaign after this one.


Lukimea's goal is to collect the scrolls of Andloft and open the right one to gain the power of life... power which will enable him to not only overcome the effects of Voidfire... but gives him the power to fully restore his father... Wodahs... the Creator.





Back to his interest in Magnus.


As a side plot... Lukimea needs to attept to turn Magnus to his side... The point of this story is for Magnus to learn the third Anti-Element in his mastery... the power of thought. Until then... he will become a slave to it. two outcomes can come from this. Either Magnus becomes master of his own thoughts... or becomes a slave to it...


Lukimea's origional plan was to being Magnus back with his own power after he killed him with the possesed blue dragon. However, James put a stop to that the first time... a feat which was responsible for draining much of James' power.


Now... how do I do this?


Perhaps introducing another NPC? Or perhaps introducing mind games with Magnus.


Perhaps a mysterious voice enters Magnus' mind. Perhaps it will be a helpful voice at first. Perhaps like i said before, he can tempt him with new spells... Epic Level Spells.


There should be three temptations...


First Spell: Fireball 3: Like Delayed Blast Fireball... Only it has a Contingency trigger on it and maximum damage is 30d6

Second Spell: Void Ball

Third Spell: Void Lightning


Still need to think about spells