DnD Story Ideas

This is how the king is introduced, when entering a room full of people or subjects, usually from General Aurther.


“Presenting! His Royal Highness, His Excellency, Defender of the People, Champion of the Lessek Trials, Slayer of the Tarrasque, Ruller of the Southern Alliance, King Emperor Audric “Griffin” Gondus Tiernas!”







The following Images do not belong to me, but to Wizards of the Coast and other artists.



Dalcon, readying Ultima. -------------------- Image done by JJH from Deviant Art Dalcon, readying Ultima. -------------------- Image done by JJH from Deviant Art

17 to 18 Finding Phacia

18 to 19 Tebryn and the Order of the Bow

19 to 20 Brimstone

20 to 21 Level 20 cap Quest.


Finding Phacia

Now that the AntiLord and all the AntiLings are sealed away back into the Antiverse, and the breach between the Antiverse and the Universe is healed, their influence on the Universe has stopped. As such Mirdan's message bird can find the real Phacia.


Unfortunately, she is being held captive by an old enemy of Aiden's. A very old enemy. Dalcon, an Evil Wizard of the first Order back before the fall of the former First Order.

Dalcon represented the Black Robe of First Wizards over one thousand years before. He was cast out of the Order after he tried to steal the secrets of the "Time Wizards" from Magnus.


He was banished from Terra Nima to Terra Ora by Aiden Auditore Magnus. There he was slain by Xeik, the Dragon Paladin. Afterwards, his body was sucked into the Shadow Zone. There time moves differently. When the Breach to the Antiverse was first opened, it enabled him to escape that dreadful place. His first thought was revenge for Aiden banishing him to Terra Ora, by seeking him out and kidnapping his love.


Events of the Antiverse prevented his plan from unfolding until now.


Now he wants Aiden to witness the execution of his love (Phacia), before he finishes off Aiden.


The PC's have to travel to Dalcon's new hideout, and rescue Phacia and stop Dalcon.


Perhaps Mirdan will be here to help the PC's. I will need to figure out how to do this and balance the encounters so that Mirdan is not steeling the show.

Mirdan Mirdan


Perhaps Dalcon somehow fastens a collar around Mirdan's neck that drains his magical powers. Maybe the collar was meant for Aiden to steel his latent powers, but Mirdan got in the way to prtotect Aiden.


Normally, an Antimagic feild wouldn't stop Mirdan, but Dalcon explains that the collar actually drains the arcane energy from the subject, so the more that Mirdan tries to get it off, the more energy it will absorb.


Dalcon may make a comment on how Mirdan actually became a Wizard of the First Order like he aspired to. A tip to the hat as it were. If anything, Dalcon respects Mirdan, unlike Magnus.


This is when Dalcon does the cliché monologue on why he is doing what he is doing. see above. A few tidbits of information are revealed here. It will be the first time the Term "Time Wizard" is used. Perhaps Dalcon will go into detail on the nature of Magnus' power. Stuff like, Magnus is the last of a race known as Time Wizards. Unlike normal Wizards who use their intellect for magical powers, Time Wizards use their passion, however they could achieve the same as any Wizard, and more.


Then he will go into detail about his banishment and his revenge thing, yadda yadda yadda.


Now ordinarily, Dalcon would be too powerful for the PC's. However, Mirdan will pull a rabbit out of his hat. Mirdan creates a small orb of Nytro. Using the other side of the elemental coin, he is able to bypass the collar he is wearing to a limited degree. Basically, Mirdan is recreating the dampening of magic that the Antiverse did when the veil was breached. Enough go where Dalcon's epic spells don't work well anymore, and the fight will balance out.


Epic battle ensues between the PC's and Dalcon, First Wizard of the Black Robe.


Once he is killed, Phacia can be saved.


The End of Side quest! Yay!



Tebryn Tebryn

Tebryn and the Order of the Bow

18 to 19


Taliana gets a cryptic message from Tebryn explaining that he urgently needs her help. The instructions say to mee him at the Temple of the Psi-Blazer in east Tiernas.


Tordek knows where this temple is, as he has been there before.


Once the PC's arrive at the Temple, they are greeted by Tebryn.


Tebryn explains that there is a traitor in the midst of the Order of the Bow. Someone is eliminating its members one by one. Tebryn knows that Taliana isn't the culprit, since the killings started happening before Talina was indoctrinated.


Tebryn explains that was why he was in Woodthorp. He was investigating the death of another Order of the Bow, when he bumped into Taliana.


Now he needs her help in weeding out the traitor.


Tebryn takes her to the Order of the Bow council, where he sponsors her from an initiate to a full member of the Order of the Bow.


There is some argument on bringing Taliana in as a full member when she has only been an initiate for such a short time. Tebryn urges the council and vouches for Taliana.


One vocal member of the council demands a small test of her skill, before they would consider bringing her into the Order.


The test would involve hitting a target that is beneath a hardened shield.


Lo'kav, the vocal member demands that (s)he choose the genre of the test.


Lo'kav says that first, Taliana must drink a magical potion. Lo'Kav says that it will enable her to see the target even though it will be behind some protection.


Taliana is sent into the wilderness. The PC's can watch.


Taliana is attacked by Khaldar, and the Ultimate Tyrant Beholder!


The situation is thus. Seeing Khaldar again awakens an inner anger. each round, Taliana has to make a will save. If fail, she will continue to be angry. Once she saves, she will be able to calm her inner anger. Once she does that, she will be able to see the target, inside the Ultimate Tyrant. Now that she can see it, she can make a called shot for it.


Once she hits it, the Ultimate Tyrant and Khaldar disappear.


Lo'Kav says that the potion's side effect was to make the drinker angrier, and coupled with the magical manifestation derived from her own thoughts of source of anger, only through the training of the Order of the Bow would Taliana be able to calm her anger and see the target and hit it.


Tebryn admits to being the one that started implementing the orb as a target for the trials.


The council is impressed, and Taliana is accepted as full member of Order of the Bow.


Lo'Kav---------------------------------------------------------------Elven Ranger by ~grandanvil from Deviantart Lo'Kav---------------------------------------------------------------Elven Ranger by ~grandanvil from Deviantart

There should be an encounter that involves yet another council Member of the Order of the Bow being killed by an anonymous foe, only this time the PC's witness it and have to deal with it. Maybe an assassin monster or something.


Afterwards there will be another meeting about it. It ultimately goes nowhere. At one point Lo'Kav accuses Taliana, but it is quickly dismissed since the killings started happening before she got there.


Later, the Council convenes and shares that Neutral City needs massive help routing out members of a rouge group of elves called the Order of Blood, A prejudice elven group dedicated to the eradication of Dwarves and Humans (mainly Dwarves) because of the previous war between Tiernas and Dahjneil. Neutral City is... well neutral, and allows all races inside its borders. The Elven Order of Blood has infiltrated the borders and is killing off Humans and Dwarves discreetly.


So the Council decides to send everyone to Neutral City and find the truth, and eliminating Order of Blood members from the city.


When they get there, there will be some investigations going on by all the Order of the Bow members.


There will be an encounter or two involving the Order of Blood.


Eventually there will be a city wide mass encounter. Order of the Bow and the City guard versus the Elven Order of Blood. All this time there will be friction between Taliana (and PC's) and Lo'kav


Things are going well for them, when all of a sudden, Order of the Bow members start dieing left and right. Lo'Kav drops as well. It is not the Order of Blood, nor is it the Neutral City Guard, but it is Tebryn! He's the traitor!? (plot twist)


Tebryn makes his escape. The remaining Order of the Bow members convene. Discuss about Tebryn. Council can't believe that it was Tebryn because he was the best of them. So the remaining members of the council start discussing a plan to catch Tebryn and interrogate him.


Later one of the members catches Tebryn snooping around the perimeter.


An encounter will start up between the remaining council members and Tebryn. Tebryn kills them all off one by one.


Before it comes down to Tebryn and Taliana, Lo'Kav shows up. He explains that he faked his own death. He gives Taliana that same potion from before from the trials. After Drinking it, Taliana will be able to see a weird magical glowing thing circling Tebryns head. Lo'Kav says that Tebryn might allow Taliana to get close enough to "chat". Only then will she be in range to shoot the weird magical orb circling Tebryn's head. If not, then it is up to her since she seems to be the best archer out of all the Order.


Main Encounter. Tebryn vs PC's.


Tebryn will be out of range of the other PC's for most of the time. It will be up to Taliana to make the shot to destroy the orb thing. Once it is destroyed, Tebryn regains his senses. He seems to be caught up in anguish over what he has done.


He says that he found the Orbs long ago, one of them took control of him without him realizing it until it was too late. since then, there were times were he would go on a murderous rampage and there was nothing he could do about it. Even when he wasn't in those moods, the orb had enough control over him where he couldn't tell anyone, even though he wanted to.


Lo'Kav had faked his own death to figure out as much. He knew that being "alive" kept him in the spot light in the council. Only after faking his own death was he able to sneak around and follow Tebryn, see him arguing with himself and make the connection. Only whenthe Orb was active could it be detected by the potion, thats why no one saw it before that time.


So with just a few members left, the Order of the bow make Taliana a council member. Tebryn goes off to wander the world and meditate for an undetermined amount of time, even though the council welcomed him back.


Someday Tebryn will learn to control his anguish.


The End.


Nymbrixion Nymbrixion


19 to 20


Tordek is starting to see strange symbols in his head. Occasionally it overwhelms him and he flips and has to write them down.


Upon investigating, it turns out that these symbols are High Draconian, a dead language. This language was used by the First Breed Dragons. Aura can't read it, nor can anyone else for that matter. The language is so old that it predates the spell "comprehend language."


Aura suggests finding someone that can understand what is happening to him. When no one available can understand it, she suggests finding a really old Dragon. Preferably one that wont kill them.


Tiernas(?) mentions a Silver Dragon that lives in the Elemental Plane of Air, but the entrance to her lair is high in the Glacierpeak Mountains. Her name is Nymbryxion. She is probably the oldest (good aligned) Dragon they know.


When visiting Nymbryxion, she greets Tordek and company respectfully, fully realizing him being a master Dragon Paladin. When Tordek shows her the strange symbols, she gasps. She says that she hasn't seen that language in over 2 thousand years. Unfortunately. She doesn't understand it beyond that.


She does tell you that there might be a dragon Old enough to know what i means. Vanathia, a Twilight Adamantine Dragon. He was alive when Ancient Draconian was still in use. She warns you though that he is quite very old, and quite stubborn. She also warns you that he might not care about the going ons of good and evil and such.


And one more thing she adds. His lair is in the Underdark.


If the PC's try to teleport away, they will find that they cannot. Nymbryxion says that she has spelled her lair and surrounding areas to keep people from just teleporting into her lair.


When the PC's exit her lair, they will be attacked by Brimstone! He has come for revenge against Tordek for killing his daughter, Kalfyra. The PC's will find that he is surrounded by an anti magic field. He will scoop up Tordek and take him away.


The Fight should end prematurely, when Tordek starts having flashes of those symbols. He will have an uncontrollable urge to right them on the ground. Brimstone will watch him do this. When he sees as much as he wants to see, he tries for Tordek's head. Before he can snap it off however, Nymbrixion saves the day and starts battling Brimstone. An Epic, Dragon vs Dragon fight will ensue.


The PC's will be able to do little but watch, as Brimstone eventually wins the fight. By this time, the PC's should surround Tordek and are now ready for him. Brimstone takes his leave, seemingly satisfied with what he saw.


When the PC's find Nymbrixion, she is surrounded by another anti magic field so she cannot be healed. She is dieing. Her dieing breath is for the PC's find Vanathia.


Vanathia Vanathia

At some point, PC's go see the twilight Adamantine Dragon for help.


If not, then Tordeks flashes will become worse.


When they find Vanathia, he seems to be sleeping... or worse. He is in a state of deep sleep. When they wake him up, there might be a short encounter with a startled adamantine dragon, until they can calm him down.


It will become obvious that Vanathia is an old fart.


Once they do (the fact that Tordek is a dragon paladin may stop him before then), he tells them what the symbols signify.


Dragon tells them of the original metallic and original chromatic dragons. One Titanium, one Chromatic with 5 heads (each a different color). These two were the first dragon kind, birthed by Oreah. Titanius and Yazimat.


Titanius spawned the first 5 metallic dragons, while Yazimat spawned the first Chromatic Dragons. A war was started between the two races. It became so epic that Titanius created a weapon capable of defeating any evil dragon. It was said to contain the power of Oreah itself. They gave it to the First Dragon Paladin. He used it to slay evil Dragons.


Yazimat killed him for this. Afterwards, the war turned in favor of the chromatic dragons. To keep Tatanius' weapon from falling into the hands of Yazimat, the Original 5 Metallic Dragons sealed the weapon away in a hidden tomb made of their very own bodies.


It was called the Tomb of the First Breeds.


Vanathia says that whenever a Dragon Paladin reaches a certain level, they get the calling to find this tomb in the form of these symbols. However most Dragon Paladins don't reach this state of being, and even less fulfill the calling before they go mad with being burdened with the Ancient Draconian Language.


If the PC's tell Vanathia about Brimstone, he will say that Brimstone is old enough to understand the language, and is probably on his way to find the power of Oreah for himself.


The Adamantine Dragon teleports the PC's to a distant desert on the East continent (they came from the West).


The PC's have to figure out where in the desert the Tomb of the First Breeds are. Vanathia doesn't like the sun anymore so he wants to crawl back into his cave and sleep some more.


Brimstone Brimstone

There might be a small adventure here.


When they find it, they will find that there is nothing in the tomb.


Soon, the PC's are ambushed by Brimstone himself.


The fight should go very badly for the PC's as again Brimstone is surrounded by an Antimagic field, and while Brimstone can't use his breath weapon, he is several levels higher than the PC's.


Vanathia will come to help out, but he is so old that he is not as powerful as he once was, so Brimstone starts beating on him. Soon, Brimstone will pin him on the ground and gives the PC's a choice.


Brimstone gives them an option to run or die.


Tordek needs to choose to fight, if he does then the following happens.


Fueled by a personal vendetta, Brimstone concentrates on Tordek, until he kills him.


Brimstone gloats and starts flying around in circles celebrating his victory. Tordek will be imbued with an Antimagic field so his Allys can't revive him.


Meanwhile, up in Celestial Dragon Heaven.


Tordek is greeted by the spirits of the First Breeds. They tell him that he has fought Valiantly for the cause of Oreah and to restore Tordek's fathers name. They tell him that the Power of Oreah cannot be found, it can only be earned.


Tordek wakes up. His Dwarven Battle Axe of Dragons Bane changes forms. Going from the Resemblance of a Gold Dragon into the Resemblance of a Platinum Dragon. Tordek will find that despite being in an Antimagic field, the Magical Properties of the Axe persist. It has become an artifact. (perhaps his platinum armor too becomes an artifact.)


Brimstone notices that Tordek is up, so decides to come back and finish the job.


The True Final battle between the Brimstone and Tordek (and company) begins.

After the battle, Tordek notices the symbols are gone.


After his death, Tordek gets a vision from his deal ol' Pa, telling him of his thanks and how Tordek has achieved what only he could have dreamed of.


Vanathia gets up and heals himself. The Antimagic field is gone. The reign of Brimstone has finally ended, after thousands of years. Vanathia said that before now he wanted to spend the last decades of his life in slumber in some dark cave, but now her wants to explore the universe and see all there is to see, beyond anyone has gone before, before he at last passes away.


Vanathia says his farewell to Tordek and Company, and gives his thanks.



Tarrasque Tarrasque

Level 20 cap Quest.


The PC's have reached such a state of physical and Mental development, that there doesn't seem to be any room to grow anymore. They seemed to have reached their peek. Though they have witnessed other mortals better then themselves, like Xeik the Dragon Paladin, and Mirdan the Grand First Wizard of the First Order. They know it is possible... but they can't seem to achieve it on their own.


Researching on how to go beyond the limits seems to grant them no knowledge. All the books they read indicate that it is possible, but non describe on actually how to go beyond the Limits.


King Emperor Tiernas learns of the PC's research, and sends for them.


Once they arrive, Audric Tiernas tells them of an important mission.


Long ago, when Tiernas was still young and able, he had fought a powerful beast called a Tarrasque. Up until that point, no one was able to slay the creature. The most they would ever be able to do was make it burrow back into the ground, where it would eventually surface again and terrorize the world.


Tiernas was able to finally able to defeat it, by magically sleeping it, and permanenizing the spell. It was laid to rest at the bottom of the ocean.


It would have stayed dormant if it wasn't for the recent events of the Antiverse. Now it is yet again on the rampage, killing anyone and anything in its path with out rhyme or reason.


The King asks that the PC's deal with this threat.


And so they are off.


The initial sight of the Tarrasque should be breathtaking. Very few things the PC's have seen even approach the size of this thing. It may take the PC's a while to figure out how to slay it. Once they get it to zero hit points, they may think it is dead. however, soon after it will rise again. The only way to slay such a creature is get it to zero hit points before casting wish or miracle to keep it dead.


Once they slay it, the PC's will realize that they actually have become stronger. Breaking the cap that was holding them back before, they can now realize their true potential.


Oh and the King congratulates them.


The PC's are now level 21.

A long time ago, it was said that before the world was split in two, a great war ravaged the lands.

Both sides wielded magic beyond imagining.

A weapon of magic was created. A weapon so powerful that even the ones that created it were afraid of its potential, so it was never used.

However even though the weapon was promised to never be used and sealed away in a magical barrier. Its very existence was a threat to all.

So the decision was made to make something that would counter this weapon. It too was equally dangerous. On their own, each one of these weapons could do the unimaginable.

These Weapons were known as…



The Scrolls of Andloft

By Nathan Walker

Later… after thousands of years, after the world changed, there was another war. A war that would last 2 hundred years.

Near the end of that war, a Demon arose with power beyond imagining. He led the northern forces against those in the south, and did so with such efficiency that all hope for mankind looked like it would be lost.


His name… was Lukimea.


If it wasn’t for a brave young woman, he would have brought the apocalypse.

Sue Myret, a woman of extraordinary talent, sealed Lukimea away in the Temple of the Collectors for all time. Or so we thought.

The magic that was used to seal Lukimea away was so powerful that it tore through the veil separating the universe from a place known as the Antiverse.

The Antiverse had laws of nature that were vastly different from what our universe had. Our Universe was comprised of the Elements, while the Antiverse was comprised of the AntiElements.


As time went on, the breach in the veil grew wider. As it did, it’s influence spread to the Universe. One of the things that were affected by this was magic. As the Tear grew wider, magic itself was waning.


The Breach was sealed, but not without consequence.


Unbeknownst to everyone, the seal on Lukimea failed, and he was released.


Even more so. The barrier keeping the secrets of Voidfire also had failed, and Lukimea took advantage of that opportunity.


Lukimea obtained the secrets of Voidfire, before the tear in the veil was repaired.


Once the breach was sealed closed, everything went back to normal in the world. With the exception that Lukimea was free.


Which brings us to the now.


The Southern Alliance has lost contact with some outlining towns, cities, and villages to the north.


These are places that have declared neutrality in the war and are yet affected by it.


The Alliance has sent scouts to report on what is happening in these areas. None have returned.


These strange happenings are happening outside the current war zone, which troubles the King Emperor Tiernas.

And with many resources committed to the current war front, he can spare little to check out what is happening.


So he sends those that he trusts to find out what is going on. (Tordek, Magnus, and Taliana presumably)


They arrive in the area of contested territories.


After finding some cities that are not where they are suppose to be, they get ambushed by a strange and massive Blue Dragon. This Dragon has eyes that are completely blacked out. Even more so, it breaths some sort of Black Lightning.


This Black Lightning seems to disintegrate everything it touches. And for some reason, the weapon that Tordek wields doesn’t seem to be effective on it like it is normally on other dragons.


The Dragon kills them with its black lightning.


You would think the story ends here… but it does not.


Eons later… Location: End of Time.

They wake up.


The PC’s find themselves in a place completely devoid of any discernable color… even black and white. All around them was a view of swirling energies that seem to converge on the location they were in and suddenly cease to be.

A little ways off, they could see a glowing green light.

When you arrive at the light source, the PC’s realize that the green light is coming from the Nytro Tridiamond. Last place they saw it was on top of the Mother Tree, before it was supposedly destroyed.

There was also a man here. He had purple skin but otherwise a blond human.

He reveals himself as the former Dimensional Protector. His name he cannot reveal at this time. (his name is James)

He explains that the PC’s, the Nytro Tridiamond and himself are at the Center of Time, otherwise known as the End of Time. All timelines eventually end up here and is utterly destroyed.

The only thing that exists at the end of time is the only two things that can exist, Void and Thought. All other Elements and AntiElements are long over at this place. The Dimentional Protector says that he represents void.

The Nytro Tridiamond was brought there after it was destroyed. The same fate happened to the PC’s.

James (the Dimentional Protector) used a large portion of his power to bring the PC’s to the end of time instead of letting them be utterly destroyed.

James informs the PC’s that they were brought here to save the whole of creation from tearing itself apart.

He explains that their previous exploits involving the Antiverse has caused Lukimea to be free, before he was meant to.

This allowed him to somehow to go on and destroy all life in existence. Unfortunatly that information has yet to reach James. Only the fact that reality stopped long before it was meant to is what he knows.

James himself cannot go back and investigate because he is already there of sorts and cannot leave because he is trapped at the Center of Time.

He chose the PC’s because of the nature of the way the Universe ended abruptly. What he knows is that whatever he did, it changed the timeline that was supposed to happen, and changed it persistingly.


Since the PC’s are time travelers, they will be unaffected by the changing timelines directly, because they see the universe in a different light now, even if it is subconsciously.

He wants them to go back and investigate how Lukimea did this and if possible, reverse it. But he warns that any direct confrontation with him will be fatal. They sealed him up because they couldn’t kill him to begin with. So they must investigate without bringing down his wrath.

James gives them the option to return via Dimentions Gate. It is the only thing powerful enough to get them past the gulf between reality and the end of time. He gives them a set of symbols to be used on the gate to reach the end of time. However he recommends against using it on a whim. The universe is already in a fragile state, crossing the gulf between reality and the Center of Time is a burden on reality, so use it sparingly and only when they absolutely must.

James opens up a portal on the nonexistent floor. When they jump through, the PC’s will find themselves back in the Gate room of the Tower of Time and Space.


The PC’s may decide to go to Mirdan or someone about Lukimea.

However… Lukimea’s presence is unknown to the peoples of the world. Even more disturbing is the fact that no one remembers him, and that there is now no evidence that he ever existed.

No one will remember him. So when they ask about him they will be all like, Who? What? Is that some sort of Cancer?

The more they persist the more people will think they are crazy.

They will have to ask other questions to get the answers they are looking for.


Perhaps if there is no other way, the Illithids of Ny can provide clues to what the PC’s need. They too will have no memory of Lukimea despite them being able to see throughout Time and Space. Unlike anyone else though, they will not think the PC’s to be crazy. They will leave them with certain cryptic clues to look for.

For example (Maybe):


The word “Voidfire”


“What you seek has been long hidden.”


“You must find the place of Knowledge in the Temple bellow the Ocean.”


“Beware the Beast with three heads, as it is your salvation, but it could be your doom.”


These clues reference several things. Voidfire being the spell that Lukimea has used to conceal his movements. It is also the cause to the whole of reality being torn apart.

What you seek has been long hidden, and the place of Knowledge in the Temple bellow the Ocean references a great city that was once hidden by magic long ago. It is the place that contained the Voidfire spell book, which Lukimea had used.


It is also the place where knowledge of the Spells Counter is revealed, The Scrolls of Andloft; which is the fourth clue. “Beware the Beast with three heads, as it is your salvation, but it could be your doom.”


Looking for some sort of Beast with three heads, they will find a book “Beast with Three Heads: The History of the Great War.” Inside this book tells of a war that took place before known recorded history. It places the war roughly four thousand years ago.


It says that a Great War was declared between two factions of Humans, Terrans and Xantonians. The Terrans were a race that were dedicated Science, while the Xantonians were a race dedicated to Religion. Both sides wielded incredible magical powers.

At the height of the Great War, a magic weapon was created. More powerful than anyone could ever imagine. Voidfire, a spell that was so powerful, that it could remove someone completely from existence without creating a paradox. However that in itself was a Paradox.


It goes into detail how the spell doesn’t actually change the timeline, it just changes it in all forms of records.

The spell in theory, functioned like a wild fire. It would start at its source, removing the subject from the perception of time. It would spread and remove all knowledge, and memory then beyond. It makes it where the subject would instantly be forgotten. Even if someone were to stare at the subject, they would instantly forget them before their brain even had time to register that they saw the subject. Likewise, text or any form of knowledge or record on the subject whatsoever would be erased.


In the case of memories. Events that the subject was directly involved would be overwritten, leaving the mind of the persons whose memory was erased to fill in the gaps on their own. What would end up happening is that from the outside perspective, the person with the altered memory wouldn’t remember certain things and in other cases, remember them differently all together.


However, there was a large chance that the spell would not stop there. In theory, the spell would persist and erase memories and records that were only related to the subject, and then erase memories related to those memories and records related to those records.

If left unchecked, the spell would eventually erase all knowledge from existence destroying life, and that would eventually rip the fabric of time open as surely as if a paradox was forced on creation.


This spell would be very bad for the health of the whole of reality. And while Voidfire was never used, and hidden away, a counter to the spell was made.

The Scrolls of Andloft.


These scrolls were made specifically to counter Voidfire. However since Voidfire was never actually used or even tested, the Scrolls of Andloft had to be made with the ability to counter any eventuality of Voidfire so that it could ultimately overpower it. This in itself made them potentially even more dangerous than Voidfire. So as such, they were made to be a lot harder to obtain and use. Many checks and balances were made.


First of all, there are three scrolls, each in a protective jeweled sleeve tube. First one would have to be able to remove the wrapper from the scrolls. Then one would have to figure out which of the three scrolls to open.

If the right one was opened, the user would gain the power of life, and therefore be able to undo the damage done by Voidfire.

If the wrong scroll was opened, the user would die most absolutely.

If the other wrong scroll was opened, the whole of Life would come to an end.


Being able to determine which scroll to open would be another chore. As such, one book was created as a key to the use of the scrolls. It was called, “Libram of the Secrets to Life and Death.” It is a book filled with many formulas and rituals that were made specifically to determining which scroll to open.


However there is another form of media that is vital for the use of the Scrolls. The Tablet of Andloft. This magical tablet has a spell on it that enables someone to become a “player” only after becoming a player would one be able to open a scroll. One needs at least one Scroll and the spell on the tablet to become a player.

However, once someone becomes a player, they have a limited amount of time to open at least one of the scrolls or else they would die. However, a player would be immune to the effects of certain kinds of magic that altered life, as long as they were a player.


Also, in order to figure out which scroll to open, a player needs all three scrolls together to form the proper ritual. So finding all three scrolls is vital.

Also, Lukimea will fight the PC’s every step of the way by remotely entering different beings’ minds and “assuming control.” This will provide a means for which the player can fight Lukimea without having to actually fight Lukimea and defeat the being he is possessing.


Locations of the essentials, (PC’s have to find out where they are first before traveling to get them)


Tablet of Andloft: Was once in the Temple under the Ocean, but it was removed. It was assumed that Lukimea stole it so no one could use the scrolls against him.

The Tablet was left in Hell, under the protection of Balor, a nasty demon and his band of a little less nasty demons.


Libram of the Secrets to Life and Death: Mirdan, long ago obtained this valuable, one of a kind book. Since then, he has kept it in his own tower at the ruins of Ghundewood.

Mirdan won’t trust anyone with it, not even the PC’s. So the PC’s have to find another way to get their hands on it.


First Scroll: A distant Queen has possession of a Scroll of Andloft. It has been a family heirloom for countless generations.

She keeps it in her treasure room. She doesn’t want to give it up. She has a powerful Sorcerer(?) protecting it.


Second Scroll: The Litch King found it a very long time ago. He knew the value of such an item, and has hidden it on some demiplane of his.

The PC’s must travel to Kestral Nexus, a grand City in its own Demiplane said to act as a hub for the whole multiversity. Powerful beings from all over the Multiverse travel here for a variety of reasons. This is by far the largest Mega City in the known Multiverse. It is here where the PC’s can get information on where the Litch King has hidden the Scroll, not without attracting attention of course.

Once they figure out where to go from there, they must travel to the Litch Kings Demiplane, a place where he keeps his most valuable possessions. All but his phylactery of course. Anyways the Scroll is here. The PC’s must fight past powerful protections to get it.


Third Scroll: At first, the location of the third scroll is a mystery to everyone. No means of magic can find it. It’s like it has dropped off the face of the universe.

Lukimea has it. Had it. He also has hidden it. The PC’s will find out at this point that Lukimea had stolen the tablet of Andloft to put the Scrolls in play. He did so to protect himself from the Voidfire Spell, as being a player of the Scrolls means the player is immune to all forms of Negative energy, including Voidfire. However this also means that Lukimea needs to find the scrolls or he will eventually die from being a player. However it is also the fact that he is a player and is protected from Voidfire that is the cause for Voidfire to run out of control. Since he himself is not erased from existence, Voidfire overcompensates and continues to eat away at the knowledge of the universe. If the PC’s could somehow take the Scrolls out of play it might solve the Voidfire problem. However that would require someone opening one of the scrolls.

Lukimea lures the PC’s to the Shadow Zone, a plane of existence that acts as the “Ground” to the Universe. A place said to be the physical representation of some long forgotten evil deity. Lukimea’s birthplace. The Final Scroll is here.


This is of course a trap. Lukimea has allowed the PC’s to come to the Shadow Zone, where he keeps his Scroll of Andloft so that he can gather all three together. If the PC’s don’t mean to bring them, they will without realizing it, because Lukimea had entered their minds and made them bring all the pieces to the puzzle with them.

The Tablet, the Libram, and all three Scrolls are now in one place. Lukimea will use this opportunity to start performing the ritual to find out which scroll to use. If Lukimea opens the right scroll it will be bad for the universe, as well as if her opened the other wrong scroll, which would also end life.


It will come down to two foreseeable options. Either one of the PC’s opens the right scroll before Lukimea can, therefore undoing the damage that he has caused…


…or have one of the PC’s open the wrong scroll… the one that kills the person opening it. Yes it will kill the PC, but it will put the scrolls to rest, and Lukimea will no longer be a player… meaning that he won’t be protected by the scroll, and Voidfire will erase himself from his own mind… from existence. This will also halt the effects of Voidfire, as the protection from the scrolls allowed the effects to run rampant.





Nam comments here



Could you define Lukimea's powers?

He seems pretty much omniscient and omnipotent based on what you wrote.

Lukimea's powers:
Lukimea is a powerful Sorcerer,
able to cast powerful arcane spells, of all elements and more.
His signature power is Black Lightning, which he is able to shoot from his hands. The Black Lightning is unlike electricity. It doesn't shock, but disintegrates and ultimately destroys. Its effectiveness varies on what is getting hit.
His main ability, and one that is hard to perceive, is his psychic abilities. He is able to enter someone’s mind and assume control. This abilities effectiveness varies as well.
If can more easily simply read the surface thoughts of a person.
Overall his mental abilities are what makes him the most threatening. The ability to reach out and enter another’s mind. Not only does it make it easier for him to know what enemies are planning, but it allows him to personally accomplish goals from safety.
And even if a challenger would be upon him, his magical abilities makes him overall one of the most powerful beings in the universe which is why it wasn’t until 2000 a.p.e. before some one could slay him.


Perhaps his psycic abilities normally have a range limit (say, line of sight), but somehow he has been able to extend his abilities in this story.

I thought he was supposed to be a Dragon Ball Z villain

We already went over this before. He is not. MoleStar can serve that purpose.