Previously, on Anui's Fellowship...
The AntiLord successfully enters the realm of the Universe.
He uses the Temple of the Collectors to exert his will on the entire world. Only the PC's, Anui, and a Litch named Dukat Demmar are spared from such a fate.
PC's are warned of the impending, End of Time Itself, if they do not stop the AntiLord. They are also warned that with the increasing influence of the Antiverse on the Universe, Most magic is failing.
PC's find Xeck, living as a hermit living in a temple of his creation in the southern mountains in the Outer Continent. They explain to him what is going on, which he applies to what he already knows. He explains that to halt and repair the widening breach in the veil between the Antiverse and the Universe, one needs one of two Artifacts.
Xeck goes into detail about the two Great Deities, Xell and Nytro. Also how while they lived on an extremely high plane of existence, they had material realm versions of themselves in the form of Artifacts called TriDiamonds. Either the Xell or the Nytro TriDiamond would be needed to combat this catastrophe. However the Xell TriDiamond had been shattered into many pieces and hidden around the world a long time ago, and since they don't know where they all are nor have time to find them all, they must go get the Nytro Tridiamond.
Xeck Informs them that he knows where the Nytro TriDiamond is, and so he takes them there.
The PC's and company travel with Xeck to the Northern Mountain Range up North in the Outer Continent. There in a cave lies the largest Crystalline structure they have ever seen.
It was Colossal, Green, and had a woman embedded inside the huge crystal structure in what appeared to be a slumberous state.
Xeck puts his hand on the face of the crystalline structure. Xeck’s eyes begin to glow green, and shortly after, his entire body. It appears he and what he is wearing becomes weightless
(but stays relatively in place on the ground). The ground starts shaking.
Light erupts from behind Xeck. An Angel appears. He announces himself as Solar, and he is protector of the Tridiamond.
And now the Continuation…
Encounter: Solar Angel.
During this whole Encounter, Xeck will be frozen in place having his hand on the Nytro Tridiamond.
The PC’s and company have to face this Angel by themselves. Solar has silver skin, is bald, and of course gleaming white wings. He wields a special composite long bow that can shoot
slaying arrows and a “dancing” long sword, as well as a whole slew of Divine Powers.
Only after Solar is defeated does Xeck get unfrozen. Also, the TriDiamond glows, and a smaller crystal jewel emerges from it.
The Nytro TriDiamond.
Just as it seems that they have attained what they sought, time seems to slow to an almost standstill. The PC's perceptions are unchanged but their motor skills seem to slow to a
It is then that the AntiLord appears. He had used his Anti-Elemental powers to slow down time for everyone else so that he could obtain the power that they sought.
He then gloats of how the End of Time is Nigh.
He disappears with the Nytro Tridiamond. Time goes back to normal.
Xeck seemed to know where the Anti-Lord has gone. To the Mother Tree. However, Dukat's or Aiden's Teleportation magic doesn't seem to work. In fact, all magic that is tied to space/time
doesn't seem to work. The Anti-Lord used his powers and the powers of the Tri-Diamond to control the flow of Space as well as Time.
Xeck says that he thinks that he can concentrate his power and he can teleport everyone to the Mother Tree. As soon as everyone grabs each others shoulders, they start fading away.
They reappear at the base of the Largest Tree EVER. the Trunk towers high into the air, and branches extend outward for miles.
Before the PC's can continue further, they run into the Seven Handles (now being controlled by the Anti-Lord). It will be a tense situation for the PC's, since the Seven Handles represent
the best of the best of what the world has to offer.
However Xeck tells them to relax, saying he will handle them.
The turned Xeik get's insulted at this remark, and demands more respect. He orders the other six members of the seven handles to kill him.
In one round, the 6 of the seven handles are defeated by Xeck.
Xeik partially recuse himself, saying that, okay maybe Xeck has some Skill.
Next encounter is a one on one battle between Xeik and Xeck. Dragon Paladin against Nytro Elemental Monk. At first it will look as though Xeck has a clear advantage. However, Xeik will get a lucky blow in there with his sword. Since his sword uses Xell Element, it will do considerable harm to Xeck. Xeck will however come out victorious, however only just.
The very earth starts shaking. Xeck urges the PC's on, saying it's up to them now (to save the universe).
The PC's can make their way up the Mother Tree through the center spiral.
After an endless "Stairwell" The PC's will run into Tordek's brother, Grimace. Grimace says that while they are brothers, he cannot allow them to pass.
Encounter: Grimace, Anti-Cleric.
Since the last encounter, The Anti-Lord has bestowed Grimace with more abilities, namely Paladinic powers along with his Clerical powers. So in addition to Divine Magic of a 20th Level
Cleric, he is bestowed with smiting strikes as well as a celestial steed. That coupled with a vorpal sword as well as decked out in the best enchanted equipment, makes this the Ultimate
Boss Battle.
After Grimace is dispatched, the PC's will continue upwards.
At the top of the endless spiral, the PC's find themselves at the top of the trunk, where the last of the limbs branch outwards. This section gives a clear view of the sky overhead.
The Anti Lord is standing on a makeshift alter made from a tree branch with the Nytro Tridiamond floating above it. The Anti-Lord is channeling energy into it.
Soon, the PC's can see above them, out in space, another Planet appears. The AntiLord explains that the planet above is the perfect opposite to this world from the Antiverse. When the two
planets collide, the resulting shock wave would eventually destroy the whole of reality, and time itself, thereby preventing the coming disaster that would come otherwise.
The energy is gone and Xeck collapses on the ground. “Stop him… somehow… stop him… whatever it takes…” before drifting to unconsciousness.
The PC’s find that they are at the base of the largest thing they have ever seen. The tree was larger than most mountains. Its branches stretched out across the sky and into the horizon. Before them was an entrance to a cave of some sorts, which was inside the tree.
Inside the tree was a spiral root that went up the inside the tree like a spiral staircase.
After many hours of climbing this godforsaken tree, you emerge at the top of the trunk. Branches go in every direction, but you can see up into the sky.
UP at another pedestal is the AntiLord with the Nytro Tridiamond… at a pedestal. His hand over it. Glowing. He calls out that it is too late.
The ground starts rumbling.
“Look above!”
A planet comes into view high above. It looks like a normal planet only everything is inverted in color. The outside is glowing green.
“In moments… my home world will collide with yours. When that happens… they will cancel each other out… violently… When that much Energy combines with that much anti energy, the shockwave will be so large… it will destroy everything in its path… getting stronger as it goes. Once it reaches the ends of this material plane… it will bleed into the Elemental planes, gaining even more power and continuing on to the outer planes and so on and so forth until all of the planes of this material existence seas to be. And that’s not the end of it. Once it consumes the astral plane, it will invert on itself and flow into the shadow planes and do the same in every other material plane... until all of reality… all of existence… all of time… simply ends…”
“Using this Tridiamond… I can ascend beyond time as consciousness alone and be free of this existence. And then I can create a Time of my own making. By destroying this one…”
Overhead… the planet gets closer… the rumbling gets stronger.
“Unless the link is broken…” Xeck says as he comes up from the trunk.
“That’s why you removed control over Anui… because you needed an anchor to this universe.”
“The Anti-Lord is like Anui… born with the mark. Only his is that of Nytro. With it, he was able to conquer all of his universe. Just as if Anui put her mind to it… she could do the same in this one.”
The Anti Lord gapes, “How… did you know?”
Xeck responds, “This tree you are on… the Tridiamonds… So much mastery over Space, Time… and your greatest strength and greatest weakness… Thought. The Mother Tree told me your thoughts... And It’s thoughts… The Link is between you and Anui. Everyone has an opposite. You two are nothing alike. Without one of you… the other cannot exist. None of this can exist. The Veil between this universe and the Anti-Verse are between Anui and the Anti-Lord, through the Tridiamond.”
Anui looks between Xeck and AntiLord. She then turns to the PC’s, “Kill me! Save the Universe! This is bigger than me!”
Anui takes out a Dagger.
The Anti-Lord whips out his hand and the dagger flies from her finger tips.
“No you don’t!”
Anui is binded in some sort of telekinetic field, so she can’t move.
Her Forhead starts glowing.
“That won’t work! Even if you had mastery over your power, I have the Advantage.”
Then the binding field stops.
Xeck is over the Tridiamond. He’s channeling his energy into it.
“I have also touched the Tridiamond… I am not without some control.”
Anui turns to the AntiLord, her symbol glowing. Antilord shoots green energy at Anui, she holds it back using her own purple energy. Between the clashing of the two, orange energies clashes around.
Xeck: “I am suppressing his control over the Tridiamond. But I am using all of my willpower to do so. Do something!”
Rumbling gets stronger. There is an elemental Chaos roaring everywhere. The Inverted planet is getting closer. Xeck is occupied suppressing the Nytro TriDiamond. Anui and AntiLord are keeping each other busy.
All three are protected by some sort of telekinetic barrier. Anui will try to help you if you choose to try and kill her.
Out of the chaos… rips in the fabric of reality start forming. Some large, some small. Including of which is spheres of annihilation.
If the PC’s try to use the spheres, they will have a few options on how to use them. They try to move it towards the two obvious targets, Anui or AntiLord. Then there is a less obvious choice… the Nytro Tridiamond. If any of these three are destroyed the link is destroyed, and the day is saved.
The easiest thing to do is use them on Anui, because she herself will help you move it towards her. The Hardest thing to do would be to use it on the AntiLord, because he is working directly against you. This is all but impossible as his level and intelligence score is way higher than the PC’s. The middle option is using it on the TriDiamond. It will be a bit more difficult to do than Anui, but easier than Anti-Lord because it is unexpected.
Three outcomes can come from this.
Bad outcome… Anui dies.
Antilord will recoil in pain. All the Nytro energies will rush back into him. The Antiplanet will drift away and disappear. The Antilord will erupt in a ball of light. His will is removed from the world… the world is saved.
Other bad outcome… used on Antilord.
His arm gets desentegrated… he shifts his will towards the spheres. The Spheres suddenly go in every direction. PC’s need to make a reflex save, or be annihilated. Anui will Take the opportunity to make her way to the Antilord. Her Glyph will glow and so will Antilords. The two will cancel each other out. The Antiplanet drifts away and disappears. Antilords will removed from the planet… the world is saved.
Good outcome. Nytro Tridiamond is destroyed.
The Antipanet will stop coming towards the planet and drift away. Both AntiLord and Anui recoil in pain. Their energies are being expelled from themselves. Elemental Chaos ensues. The Antilord fades away… the scene calms down.
Anui is Alive, but without the holy mark on her forhead.
Teleportation is now possible.
Tordek is starting to see strange symbols in his head. Occasionally it overwhelms him and he flips and has to write them down.
Upon investigating, it turns out that these symbols are High Draconian, a dead language. This language was used by the First Breed Dragons. Aura can't read it, nor can anyone else for that matter. The language is so old that it predates the spell "comprehend language."
Aura suggests finding someone that can understand what is happening to him. When no one available can understand it, she suggests finding a really old Dragon. Preferably one that wont kill them.
Tiernas(?) mentions a Silver Dragon that lives in the Elemental Plane of Air, but the entrance to her lair is high in the Glacierpeak Mountains. Her name is Nymbryxion. She is probably the oldest (good aligned) Dragon they know.
When visiting Nymbryxion, she greets Tordek and company respectfully, fully realizing him being a master Dragon Paladin. When Tordek shows her the strange symbols, she gasps. She says that she hasn't seen that language in over 2 thousand years. The symbols speak of an artifact, the Tear of Oreah-kind. The Artifact gives the user powers of Oreah. In essence, if a Dragon Paladin gets it, he becomes an Oreah Paladin.
Nymbrixion mentions the First Breed Dragons. There was the original Chromatic Dragon and the 5 original Metallics. They used the Tear to breed the next generation of Dragon. However a war was started over the Tear. Chromatic Dragon against the Metallic Dragons. To keep the Chromatic Dragon from getting the Tear, the Orgional 5 sealed it away in a tomb made from their very bones. The Tomb of the First Breeds it was called. It was hidden away where very few know of. The Chromatic Dragon was kept from the Tear, but not before she spawned the 5 races of chromatics.
In the wrong hands the Tear could be used to create and summon a swarm of evil dragons.Before she can tell you more, all kinds of Alarms go off. Someone breached Nymbrixion's Lair. Tordek's axe glows bright Red and starts burning. Next thing Tordek knows, a Colossal Red Dragon lunges for him. Nymbrixion gets in the way.
You see the two colossal Dragons duke it out in the Lair.
It becomes apparent that this is Brimstone. Brimstone uses his breath weapon on the Party, however Nymbrixion cancels most of it out with her own breath weapon. Soon after that, Brimstone gains the advantage, and mortally wounds Nymbrixion.
Before Brimstone can exact his revenge on Tordek for killing his youngest daughter, Nymbrixion curls around the PC's and teleports them away. The PC's end up in a desert. Nymbrixion tells the PC's that they are on the East Continent, near where the Tomb of the First Breeds is.
She tells you that the Tear is too dangerous to be kept whole and must be destroyed. She tells you where it is.
PC's find it.
Brimstone appears. He gets Tear. Final battle will be Brimstone. Nymbrixion tries helping but dies. before she does though, she tells you to destroy the Tear. If tear is destroyed. Brimstone kills Tordek. Tordek goes to Dragon Heaven. the First Breed Dragons tell's him that he has earned the rank of Oreah Paladin, blah blah blah.
Tordek wakes up. His Axe changes from a Gold Dragon, to a Platinum Dragon. His Axe is uber now.
Tordek Fights Brimstone.
Not sure if this story is epic enough.
Alternate Brimstone
Tordek sees symbols. They are High Draconian, a dead language, even to current dragons.
At some point, PC's go see a twilight Adamantine Dragon for help.
Dragon tells them of the original metallic and original chromatic dragons. One Titanium, one Chromatic with 5 heads (each a different color). These two were the first dragon kind, birthed by Oreah. Titanius and Yazimat.
Titanius spawned the first 5 metallic dragons, while Yazimat spawned the first Chromatic Dragons. A war was started between the two races. It became so epic that Titanius created a weapon capable of defeating any evil dragon. It was said to contain the power of Oreah itself.
Yazimat killed him for this. Afterwards, the war turned in favor of the chromatic dragons. To keep Tatanius' weapon from falling into the hands of Yazimat, the Original 5 Metallic Dragons sealed the weapon away in a hidden tomb made of their very own bodies.
It was called the Tomb of the First Breeds.
The Adamantine Dragon teleports the PC's to a distant desert on the East continent (they came from the West).
The PC's have to figure out where in the desert the Tomb of the First Breeds are.
When they find it, they will find that there is nothing in the tomb.
Soon, the PC's are ambushed by Brimstone himself.
Revised Brimstone story.
Tordek is starting to see strange symbols in his head. Occasionally it overwhelms him and he flips and has to write them down.
Upon investigating, it turns out that these symbols are High Draconian, a dead language. This language was used by the First Breed Dragons. Aura can't read it, nor can anyone else for that matter. The language is so old that it predates the spell "comprehend language."
Aura suggests finding someone that can understand what is happening to him. When no one available can understand it, she suggests finding a really old Dragon. Preferably one that wont kill them.
Tiernas(?) mentions a Silver Dragon that lives in the Elemental Plane of Air, but the entrance to her lair is high in the Glacierpeak Mountains. Her name is Nymbryxion. She is probably the oldest (good aligned) Dragon they know.
When visiting Nymbryxion, she greets Tordek and company respectfully, fully realizing him being a master Dragon Paladin. When Tordek shows her the strange symbols, she gasps. She says that she hasn't seen that language in over 2 thousand years. Unfortunately. She doesn't understand it beyond that.
She does tell you that there might be a dragon Old enough to know what i means. Vanathia, a Twilight Adamantine Dragon. He was alive when Ancient Draconian was still in use. She warns you though that he is quite very old, and quite stubborn. She also warns you that he might not care about the going ons of good and evil and such.
And one more thing she adds. His lair is in the Underdark.
If the PC's try to teleport away, they will find that they cannot. Nymbryxion says that she has spelled her lair and surrounding areas to keep people from just teleporting into her lair.
When the PC's exit her lair, they will be attacked by Brimstone! He has come for revenge against Tordek for killing his daughter, Kalfyra. The PC's will find that he is surrounded by an anti magic field. He will scoop up Tordek and take him away.
The Fight should end prematurely, when Tordek starts having flashes of those symbols. He will have an uncontrollable urge to right them on the ground. Brimstone will watch him do this. When he sees as much as he wants to see, he tries for Tordek's head. Before he can snap it off however, Nymbrixion saves the day and starts battling Brimstone. An Epic, Dragon vs Dragon fight will ensue.
The PC's will be able to do little but watch, as Brimstone eventually wins the fight. By this time, the PC's should surround Tordek and are now ready for him. Brimstone takes his leave, seemingly satisfied with what he saw.
When the PC's find Nymbrixion, she is surrounded by another anti magic field so she cannot be healed. She is dieing. Her dieing breath is for the PC's find Vanathia.
At some point, PC's go see the twilight Adamantine Dragon for help.
If not, then Tordeks flashes will become worse.
When they find Vanathia, he seems to be sleeping... or worse. He is in a state of deep sleep. When they wake him up, there might be a short encounter with a startled adamantine dragon, until they can calm him down.
It will become obvious that Vanathia is an old fart.
Once they do (the fact that Tordek is a dragon paladin may stop him before then), he tells them what the symbols signify.
Dragon tells them of the original metallic and original chromatic dragons. One Titanium, one Chromatic with 5 heads (each a different color). These two were the first dragon kind, birthed by Oreah. Titanius and Yazimat.
Titanius spawned the first 5 metallic dragons, while Yazimat spawned the first Chromatic Dragons. A war was started between the two races. It became so epic that Titanius created a weapon capable of defeating any evil dragon. It was said to contain the power of Oreah itself. They gave it to the First Dragon Paladin. He used it to slay evil Dragons.
Yazimat killed him for this. Afterwards, the war turned in favor of the chromatic dragons. To keep Tatanius' weapon from falling into the hands of Yazimat, the Original 5 Metallic Dragons sealed the weapon away in a hidden tomb made of their very own bodies.
It was called the Tomb of the First Breeds.
Vanathia says that whenever a Dragon Paladin reaches a certain level, they get the calling to find this tomb in the form of these symbols. However most Dragon Paladins don't reach this state of being, and even less fulfill the calling before they go mad with being burdened with the Ancient Draconian Language.
If the PC's tell Vanathia about Brimstone, he will say that Brimstone is old enough to understand the language, and is probably on his way to find the power of Oreah for himself.
The Adamantine Dragon teleports the PC's to a distant desert on the East continent (they came from the West).
The PC's have to figure out where in the desert the Tomb of the First Breeds are. Vanathia doesn't like the sun anymore so he wants to crawl back into his cave and sleep some more.
There might be a small adventure here.
When they find it, they will find that there is nothing in the tomb.
Soon, the PC's are ambushed by Brimstone himself.
The fight should go very badly for the PC's as again Brimstone is surrounded by an Antimagic field, and while Brimstone can't use his breath weapon, he is several levels higher than the PC's.
Vanathia will come to help out, but he is so old that he is not as powerful as he once was, so Brimstone starts beating on him. Soon, Brimstone will pin him on the ground and gives the PC's a choice.
Brimstone gives them an option to run or die.
Tordek needs to choose to fight, if he does then the following happens.
Fueled by a personal vendetta, he concentrates on Tordek, until he kills him.
Brimstone gloats and starts flying around in circles celebrating his victory. Tordek will be imbued with an Antimagic field so his Allys can revive him.
Meanwhile, up in Celestial Dragon Heaven.
Tordek is greeted by the spirits of the First Breeds. They tell him that he has fought Valiantly for the cause of Oreah and to restore Tordek's fathers name. They tell him that the Power of Oreah cannot be found, it can only be earned.
Tordek wakes up. His Dwarven Battle Axe of Dragons Bane changes forms. Going from the Resemblance of a Gold Dragon into the Resemblance of a Platinum Dragon. Tordek will find that despite being in an Antimagic field, the Magical Properties of the Axe persist. It has become an artifact. (perhaps his platinum armor too becomes an artifact.)
Brimstone notices that Tordek is up, so decides to come back and finish the job.
After the battle, Tordek notices the symbols are gone.
The True Final battle between the Brimstone and Tordek (and company) begins.
After his death, Tordek gets a vision from his deal ol' Pa, telling him of his thanks and how Tordek has achieved what only he could have dreamed of.
Vanathia gets up and heals himself. The Antimagic field is gone. The reign of Brimstone has finally ended, after thousands of years. Vanathia said that before now he wanted to spend the last decades of his life in slumber in some dark cave, but now her wants to explore the universe and see all there is to see, beyond anyone has gone before, before he at last passes away.
Vanathia says his farewell to Tordek and Company, and gives his thanks.
This is an AIM conversation with parts cut out to explain the back story to the Brimstone story
Magus, Aiden Auditore
7th Level Cleric
3rd Level Wizard
5th Level Archmage
17th Level Mystic Theurge
13th level of a Psyonics class (must look into it later)
Tordek BrewMaster
9th Level Paladin
6th Level Fighter
20th Level Dragon Paladin
Outsider Levels... (must look into this later)
5 ranks of Devine
Kaveroth Thalador
45th level Artificer (maybe)
30th Level Fighter
30th Level Bard
30th Character Level devine????