Revenge of the Tarrasque

The king invites you to a celebration at Griffin Palace.


King Emperor Tiernas invited all the nobles of the Southern Alliance to Griffin Palace to celebrate a recent victory. The Seven Handles were leading an offensive campaign into Diortem. They had only just recently successfully took Tourian, a major city/stronghold in Diortem. This is the first time in decades that the southern Alliance expanded on their territory's in more than a trivial amount.


Tordek, Aura, and Aiden will be invited as Lords.



The Reintroduction of Anui.


Anui will be present at the "celebration" in which the Litch King Intertupts. She is after all a Lord of Tiernas. It would only make sense for her to be there too. So what has she been up to?


Since the Antiverse incident, she's been content to live in her Castle being Lord. Or has she?


Anui has been a bit busy lately. She's been recruiting lately, and training.


Aparently, her piece of land is on the Coast, and one of the towns under her provence is a more than modest port town.

She has been busy making a Navy for Tiernas. She was inspired of all things in her previous adventure, by the voyage across the ocean.


So as such, since the Antiverse incident, she has made 3 seaworthy battleships. And she is still building!


Most people have critisized her for making such a force.


1. You don't need sea worthy ships to transport troops from 1 point in the continent to the other.

2. People seem to think it is a waste of tax payers money.

3. people thought that Sail power was slower than man power.


Anui says that most people dont have her vision of the future. She says that one day in the future, sea power even ocean power will rule the world. Her new line of ships she calls Carrack's. Her time on the Murta Le Strata filled her head with ideas from the Gnomish inginuity.


By now, she has expertise in everything naval. (she might be well suited for the Silvard Wings?)



During a royal banquet, will all manner of food, and all manner of important and rich people, something happens.


The room darkens, and black smoke appears out of nowhere. the smoke coalesces in the center of the room, forming none other than the Litch King! In a black robe, Glowing Blue Diamonds for eyes, and half a dozen teeth in the skull that have been replaced with Gems of some kind.


The Guards and soldiers attack him. The Litch King quickly dispatches them effortlessly. He sucks out all of their souls, leaving their bodies behind as nothing but dust. The only soldier left was general Aurthur, who stepped in between the King and the Litch King.


"A Futile Effort!" He speaks without speaking. His voice echoing through the hall. Everyone in the room was frozen stiff.


"I did not come here today to kill you, Tiernas King. Not today anyways..."


"What do you want, Death Lord!?" Tiernas demands.


A creepy and unworldly laugh haunts the hall.


"My patience with you is at an end, Mortal King." The Litch King speaks.


"You have defied me for the last time." he continues, "Your victory in Tourian was an empty one."


"Easy for you to say, " King Tiernas replies, stepping down from his thrown a bit, "less so to experience, I think."


"Granted..." The Litch King responds, "The fall of Tourian was a setback..."


He regained his composure.


"But that victory will soon turn to ash before the week is over."


"What do you mean?" The King asks.


"As punishment for invading my land."


Tiernas interrupts, "You invaded first!"


"As Punishment..." The Litch King continues, "I will unleash your greatest fear upon you and your precious Alliance."


The Creepy laugh returns.


"And what will that be?" The King Emperor sounded unimpressed.


"Why, my King Emperor..." The Lich King answers, "The Tarrasque of course."


The People in the hall gasp with fear.


This creature, you have only known through myths and Legend. Now usually only used as Bogyman stories to scare young kids. What you have heard about this beast was almost frightening, but it never concerned you up until today, because Audric Tiernas, when he was young, defeated it. It was a tale common enough for everyone that grew up in Tiernas to know.


For a moment, Audric Tiernas' eyes widened for only a moment in response, but they quickly turned back into resolve.


"I defeated the Tarrasque, Litch King!" Tiernas says with confidence, "Decades ago."


"You merely sealed him," The Litch King corrects.


"By an unbreakable Holy Seal!" The King adds.


The Litch King gestures, "That may have been true... before the Antiverse incident."


The King's eyes returned to fear.


The Litch, again let out a creepy laugh.


"Yes... the AntiLord was good for something after all..." He said, "With Magic weakened, the Tarrasque was allowed to break free of said "Unbreakable" curse... with a little help from me of course."


The crowd was silent.


"With one command from me, the Tarrasque will be unleashed upon all that you hold dear!"


"The why havent you already?" Tiernas barked back with some of his confidence back.


"I wanted to give your people a chance to prevent the catastrophe from otherwise happening." He answers.


He then turns to the nobles, Lords, and Ambassadors.


"If you want to prevent the countless slaughterings of you and your fellow citizens from happening, then you will sacrifice your King Emperor in a grand display."


"Failure to comply..." He adds, "Results in you again feeling the terror of the Tarrasque unleashed upon this world."


The Litch King glances around the room.


"What say you!?" He barks.


Everyone starts looking at each other, asking each other what they should do.


"The Tarrasque has been defeated once before, it can be done so again!" Tiernas announces.


The crowd seemed pleased with this answer, and soon started cheering their support for the King.


The cheering was cut short by another round of Laughing from the Litch King.


"Perhaps some time to realize your mistake will put things in perspective."


"You have 10 days. 10 days to feel what you have decided. 10 days from now... I will ask this proposal from your people again... If they decline like they did today, there will be no more chances... So... people of Tiernas, the Southern Alliance... think on this very carefully. If the King is not dead by your own hand within 10 days... it will trully be the end of this so called freedom..."


"In the mean time..." He says as he turns to King Tiernas.


"Unleash the Tarrasque!"


The Ground rumbles...


A penetrating roar can be heard in the distance.


King Tiernas was again struck by fear.


People all rush to the window to see.


"There is nothing to see..." The Lich King informs, "The Tarrasque is no where near Kried."


Someone said something like how can that be when they could hear the roar.


The Litch King laughs, and his eyes beam a great amount of light as he starts floating away backwards into the darkness, disintegrating into smoke as he does so.


The light in the room returns to normal.


The Fear from everyone in the grand hall could be felt like a damp cold on your skin. Soon you felt all eyes settle on you.


"This Banquet is dismissed..." King emperor Tiernas commands, "Brewmaster! Magnus! you and your companions meet me in the throne room, now!"


Only a few minutes later.


General Aurthur informs the King that via magic message, they have confirmed that the Tarrasque is indeed back.


King Tiernas starts speaking, "The Seven Handles MUST stay in Tourian! That Victory is too important to abandon it at the first threat made to this Alliance! That leaves me with you all." The King was gesturing to you.


"The Tarrasque is the Nemesis to the world. It is a creature of raw destruction. There is no reasoning with it. And it is not so dumb as to be detracted by deception. And to this day, no one knows how to Kill it."


The look in Tiernas' eyes were most serious.


"After what you did for the Universe, i do not expect you to still feel obligated to defend us again... but I must ask this of you... Please... Find a way to stop the Tarrasque. For good this Time!"

Questions pertaining on how the King did it last time.


"Last time... I had help... Nothing anyone did could stop it. It simply could not die. So... I went to extraodinary messures to keep it from causing any more harm. Using a one of a kind artifact, The World herself opened up, and the great destroyer fell into the firey bottomless pit, before the world closed itself back up. Supposedly, there would be no way for the Tarrasque to escape. I suppose the events of the Antiverse changed that. I would never have imagined that even spells from the higher planes would be affected by such messures... Many people i considered dear friends died that day..."


The Artifact?


"The Artifact... is in the pit that the Tarrasque origionally fell through. Like i said... it was a one of a Kind Artifact."


"If there is a way to do which i failed so... I know you will be able to find it."

Information informs the PC's that the Tarrasque is many leagues to the south east, near Portland.


Upon trying to find the Tarrasque, the PC's will discover that Portland has been completely decimated. The Beast left a trail of destruction going west North West, aparently in the general direction of Kraid.


If the PC's follow the trail, they will find the Tarrasque in time to witness the destruction of Ghundlehall, Tordek's home town.


This fight should end without resolution on the PC's part, though there may be a chance that the Beast is defeated here. If so, the Quest is over. However, what will more than likely happen is that the Tarrasque will be "killed" only for it to get back up moments later. Should the creature be decentegrated, moments later it will reconstitute and continue as it did before.


It will seem unbeatable.

What the PC's do from here is entirely up to the PC's.


They will need to search out information on how to defeat the Tarrasque.


Searching for this information may take them to hell and back.


Perhaps they will go find Kira the Witch of Alandria. Alandria is a demi-plane deep in the Astral Sea. The only way to get there is by someone who already knows where it is.


Finding this information could prove interesting. Perhaps they need to hire a navigator? a Pirate Captain? Get a compass that points to what you want most? Maybe the Illithids of Ny? Could they help?


If they goto Alandria, the PC's will have to use thier newly aquired Airship, The Silvard Wings.


Once there, the meeting with Kira should go interesting. The Witch will give the information at a cost. Even if the Cost is met, she will tell you the information they will want to hear but she will also tell you information that you don't want to hear.


Perhaps she will give previously unknown information regarding the Tarrasque. Perhaps the Tarrasque is a being known as a GodBeast, and can only be defeated by another Godbeast. Or atleast the remains of one maybe?


I must ponder on this.




In the Astral Plane...



You wake up realizing something is wrong...


You here the occasional thump against the hull.


You arrive on the main deck, you emediatly notice more debris around you than normal. Rocks, Junk, and a whole manner of things floating by.


You go up to the wheel and ask Anui, "What's going on? Where are we?"


Anui turns to you and smiles, "Aye, We're good and lost now."


"Lost? What do you mean?"


"Take a look." Anui tosses you the compass.


You open up the compass and you find that it is spinning un controlably.


"We're Lost?" you ask again.


"Aye. How can we find something that no one is found, if we knew where we where going?"


You go up to the bow of the ship and look forward. You notice that the reason there was so much junk around was that it was being sucked into a "White Hole." This white hole seemed to be a powerful gravity well. Sucking in and crushing everything that got near. It looked like a death trap.


You turn around and yell, "Everyone to stations! Come about!"


"Belay that! We go strait and true!"


You start hearing the stress in the hull like a low groan. Water and other drinks are starting to fly out of the cups forward, toward the White Hole.


"I figure that other people never survived because they tried to get away from this thing... so... Full speed ahead!"


You imediatly notice that the ship is picking up speed... more so than it should.


More and more debris hit the hull of the ship, but now mainly the front of it.


The White hole comes upon you fast. Gravity starts pulling everything on board towards the hole.

Just as you hit it everything turns white.





You don't know how but you can only guess on how you lost conciousness.


You wake up. You don't know how long you have been unconicouse but you are starving and are thirsty. The heat is exubrant. You look around. There is no one around. The Silvard Wings and the rest of the crew are gone. You find yourself in some sort of strange white desert. The Sky is a solid white too. Everything is flat as far as the eye can see. You are alone.


The Ground is made up of some sort of flat course mineral rock/crystal with a thin layer of dust over it.


You soon find that magic of any kind doesn't work here.


In the case of Tordek, your Armor and Brimstone seem to still radiate with a divine aura but those are the only things you percieve to work.


In the Case of Aiden, The Staff still seems to work, but any kind of interdimentional travel it would normally be able to accomplish doesn't seem to work here either.


In the case of Crimson, you are in your favored Soul Form, and the only thing magical that still works is your weightless sword.


Each of you are by yourselves. You have no idea where you are. You have no choice but to aimlessly wander the endless nothingness that is everything.


You have no idea how much time has passed. It seemed like months or more. You can only wonder what has happened back on Terra Nima. Did the King Die? Did the Tarrasque destroy the Southern Alliance?


The Strangest thing is that you seem to be unable to die, even from thirst and hunger. However, the most terrible strain is to your mind.


Along your journey, you find debris scattered about the place, though few and far between. Airships that had tried to make the journey before you, smashed and erroded with time. Through your journey, you don't find the Silvard Wings... which you wonder if it was a blessing. Somehow not finding it justified that it wasn't like all the other wreackage that you found.


After who knows how long, Tordek and Phacia meet up.


Alternatively Jaymus and Crimson do as well.


Aiden and Qrom meet up.


Some interesting things can happen here.


After more of the countless time. The Six of you finally meet up. There is an emotional reunion, as none of yall have seen each other in an eternity.



For some time later you all travel aimlessly together upon the pointless and endless expance. Evin Jaymus didn't know what this place was. It seemed obvious that whoever came here did not leave to tell the tale.


You eventually came across the remains of the first person that you have seen since you came here, atleast ones that weren't with the wreckage of the other craft that you saw. All that was left was a few bones. As you traveled you came across more and more bones and other remains. Some remains you recognized what race they were but most you didn't.


Then one day, you saw the first living thing since you got here.


It looked like a Fox.


It was in the distance, looking at you. It started walking away keeping its distance. You follow it. You are hungry after all, and maybe the creature had found an Oasis? You could only hope.


You don't know when, but you found yourself on green pastures. Tree's bearing fruit. Plants of all sorts that bore fruit. You were very hungry. You also saw a pond of crystal clear water.


"Eat, Drink. Sustain yourselves..." They were the first words you have heard in years it seemed like.


You look over to where the voice came from. Standing over the Fox was a Woman. A Dwarven Woman by the looks of it. You didn't recognize her. But Tordek did.


"Mother?" were the words that barely came out of Tordek's mouth.


"Welcome, son... You and your friends must be famished. This place will torture you if you don't take care of your own bodies." She said.


You (Tordek) fealt an almost maternal bond with this woman. It almost put you at ease.


You're not my mother bit.



Her shape changes... She is now in the form of a beautiful Eladrin. Long and flowing auburn hair. Silky Smooth Skin. She was wearing a long white silk dress. The hem of her dress, along with her hair, seemed to flow like there was a constant gentle breeze. Her eyes were a captivating Emerald Green. She was probably one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen.


She pets the Fox.


"I mean you no harm." She says, "I only took the form of your mother to make you feel at home and at ease. Especially after the journey you had to get here."


the Corpses.


"Everyone that has come before you has not been able to leave. While it may seem that you can live forever... it is not the case. However not all people died of natural causes. Some came for nefarious reasons and they died by my hand."


Where is everyone?


"Oh, they are around."


What is this place?


"Why this is Alandria," She answers... "This place exists on the fringes of the Astral Plane, and the beginings of the Far Realm. It is because of that, your magic doesn't work here. It is also because of that, people go mad here. This can be a Paradise... but to everyone so far it is a Purgatori."


The Tarrasque.


"Ah, the reason why you came..." She said, "Yes... I know why you have come. Normally... I would ask for a payment for said information... a Payment that no one has yet to been able to satisfy..."


"However... Since you did save the Multiverse, with me in it... I will wave the NORMAL fee."


"I do not actually know the answer to which you seek... but I can show you. But only to Tordek and Aiden... since you two were the only one of you all to have the payment required."


I will show you a vision... It may or may not show what you want to see... Come... Tordek...


She places her hands on Tordek's shoulder... She starts chanting encantations... after about a minute... the vision happens.




You find yourself, Bloodied, You are not Holding your father's Axe. You are instead holding what apears to be a giant feather like a sword or a fan. You are not in Alandria, You are in the ruined village of Ghundle Hall. Buildings that you had grew up with were now smashed to rubble and were burning. Above you towered the largest monster you could have ever concieved.


Next to you was Jaymus, lying there next to you, aparently dead and in a few pieces. Qrom was standing next to you, also bloodied. He was still carrying his Double Axe. Blood was dripping down his face. "Perhaps today IS a good day to Die, Chieftain!"


You don't have time to look anywhere else, the Tarrasque moves his head down, and its gaping maw surrounds you. Everything goes black.


Flash, you are back in the meadow. To take a step back, like you were trying to avoid something.


Kira's voice is in your head, "A vision usually tells you not only what you want to know, but what you don't want to know. This is only one possible future."


"I know what you saw... I believe what you seek has been shown to you." She turns to Aiden, "I can show you a vision as well... come... Aiden..."

(Aiden's Vision)




You find yourself on the Silvard Wings, at the bow with Phacia right next to you. Bellow you is the Tarrasque, the Largest Creature you have ever seen. Bellow him is a small village, that has been crushed and was burning.


"Whatever happens," Phacia tells you, "I'm glad I married you." She takes you left hand. you can feel the new ring on your left ring finger.


"Now, use it husband."


You find that you are holding something in your right hand. It looks like a small bronze coin. You point it at the beast, and say some words that you didn't recognize.


A beam of light shoots out of the coin and hits the Tarrasque. The beast roars and starts to shrink. As it does so, it takes a look back at you and swings its tail. The Tail nails the hull of the Silvard wings, causing Phacia to go overboard.


You yell her name as she falls to the Tarrasque and to her death.


You take a step back and you are back at the meadow of Alandria.


Kira's voice is in your head, "A vision usually tells you not only what you want to know, but what you don't want to know. This is only one possible future."


After some stuff.


"Kaveroth... There is a touch of destiny about you... Come here."


She places a hand on him. Next thing you know, he is the Artificer. May this ability help you on your way.


Crimson can now split his forms.

What items were in those visions?
For Tordek: That was a feather of the great God-Beast Tenchatcoon. The Tarrasque was also a God Beast. It only makes sense for something of a God-Beast to destroy another God Beast.
And the Bronze Coin?
For Aiden: That was the Coin of Solomon. It was said that the coin could trap the powers of powerful demons... possibly gods.
"Those are the two items you seek."
Tenchatcoon can not be tracked by any mortal means. He transcends the normal laws of the planes. But perhaps only one feather, a feather that has been molted, would be easyer to find? Easier being a relative term. In history there has only been one known in the universe. The one wielded by the legendary Sky-Blazer. However it has been lost for over a thousand years.

So how do we get out of Alandria?


"While no other has escaped Alandria... You have brought something no one else has before."


"A Temporal Elemental. A being that originates from the Temporal Energy Vortex... a Realm that exists even out here on the fringes of the Far Realm."


"Before you leave the Astral Plane... I must warn you all that you must eat. Not as much time has passed as you think, however enough time has passed so that when you leave it will catch up to you. There is still time before the deadline is met."


Where is the Silvard Wings? Where is everyone else?


"Actually... in some form or fashion... you are all physically still on the Silvard Wings... and yet you are physically here. I don't think anyone could explain it to where you would understand."


"As you know, most magic doesn't work here, as this place is outside the range of most magical power sources. I cannot create a portal for you... however there is a place here that has a naturally occurring portal."


Kira points in a certain direction, back into the endless flat desert. You see a lone mountain there that you swore you didn't see before.


"There lies the portal."


"Don't forget... eat something..."


The Journey to the lone mountain was a long one. It didn't seem like you were making any headway going towards the mountain. However looking back, you had long left the oasis.


You weren't sure if you were getting closer. But at least you had a destination.


For what seemed like years, you traveled across the desert. Till finally, one day, you arrived at the lone mountain.


You were getting hungry again.


There was a cave.


Inside the cave, there was an orifice made of the weird white mineral only in a more crystallized state. inside the Orifice, there was a fissure of white energy.


However there was a guardian to said fissure.


Encounter: Something...


When you step through the portal...


You find yourselves waking up on the Silvard Wings... When you get up, you notice that the crew's bodies, unlike yours, are surrounded by a grey energy, intangible to the touch, but they all look unconscious.


You look up, and you see the swirling grey clouds of the Temporal Energy Vortex. The Temporal Elemental has put up some sort of barrier to protect the ship from eroding away. You notice wreckage and debris around the ship that weren't so lucky. They were all circling a vortex of sands of time that you were also caught in.


The Vortex that you and the Silvard wings were in seemed to be a self contained vortex, that instead of sucking things into it, things were being spewed out of a central black point from the vortex's source.


If they try to pilot their way out... the Ship cannot overcome the temporal current, nor can it plane jump.


That's when a hand lays on the pilots shoulders.


"Let me give it a try..." Anui suggested.


Where did you come from?


"I had the help of Aura here." She gestures to Aura, who is emerging from the cargo hold. She found me, then were were flying across the desert for what seemed like a decade. Aura spotted you and followed you to the mountain. Man I am hungry."


Anui takes a hold of the wheel.


"Lets turn around!" Anui commands as she spins the wheel.


The Silvard wings makes an about face and starts going the other way.


We are going the wrong way!


"What you were doing doesn't help us... we didn't have enough speed... So the answer lies... in getting more speed!"


You notice that she was piloting with the currents of the vortex. The ship was definitely gaining speed.


"Now..." Anui says... "Bring me that Horizon!"


The Silvard Wings makes a hard turn, sending everybody to the deck. As you look up, you notice that the spewing black hole was now closing fast.


"Man the forward Guns!" She orders you.


"Aim at the debris and fire when I tell you!" She commands.




The Black hole gets closer.




More junk is spewing out of it.


"Fire All!"


You fire the main cannons. the rounds impact a large set of debris just as it emerges from the Black hole. the Rounds split them just as they get too close, barely missing the ship.


The Black hole envelops you.

You are back in the Astral Plane. The White Hole of Alandria is a distance behind you.


Okay lets eat something...


The PC's will discover that all that time they spent in Alandria translated to about 3 days in the real world.



The Feather of Tenchatcoon.


Where can it be found?


The Elemental Plane of Water.


This part of the adventure will take them deep into the Elemental Plane of Water.


There they will encounter, Merfolk, Big Sharks, and Giant Sea Turtles.


Now all i need is a plot.

The feather of Tenchatcoon, lost at sea many upon many years ago. It now resides in the Elemental Plane of Water.


First off... can the Silvard Wings enter the Elemental Plane of Water? I would say yes... but what of the crew?


Water breathing shouldn't be much of an issue... but what of talking and stuff? Definatly some obsticals to overcome.


When they get thier searching for the Feather of Tenchatcoon, they will find themselves outside a giant piece of floating choral.


This piece of Choral will aparently be the home of a group of Merfolk, and their god, Azurmat; a giant Seaturtle.


Azurmat has been in a cranky mood recently. The Merfolk fear that they might have angered thier deity. Because of this, they ward away all outsiders.


The PC's will need to find a way to gain their trust.


Perhaps saving one of thier people from a band of Sahuagin.


Maybe the PC's will see a worried mother leave the Choral. Someone who is clearly destraught. Only after talking to Narissa does she reveal that the Matriarch Meridith says that they can't expend more resources to find her lost daughter, Cordelia.


Maybe the PC's can save Cordelia from the Sahuagin. The Sahuagin kidnapped Cordelia to hold her ransom because she is secretly the rightful heir to the Throne of the Merfolk. However, Meridith has no intention of negotiating the release of the threat to her throne. She was the one who allowed the Sahuagin to kidnap her anyways, and hoped that refusal to submit to their demands would prompt them to kill said threat.


The PC's will have to rescue her and reveal this consipracy to the rest of the Merfolk people. They can do this by showing her Birthmark; which is a symbol for the Eye of Met'Sys the God that Sired Azurmat, the God of the Merfolk.


Once this situation is resolved, Cordelia will help the PC's with information. Azurmat would know something about Tenchatcoon, but he has been in a foul mood lately and ill. However she will allow the PC's to visit with him.



Upon further discovery, they will find that the cause of Azurmat's ill temperment is none other than the feather of Tenchatcoon, lodged within its shell.


The PC's will have to figure out a way to dislodge it.

Once they do, Azurmat will be greatful. He will allow the use of the Feather to help slay the Tarrasque... but the condition is that after they do so, the must return the Feather back to him.


The PC's now have the Feather of Tenchatcoon.





Now... for the Copper coin of Solomon.



The Copper Coin of Solomon will be located in the higher planes.


This will be the first time the PC's will visit the higher or lower planes.


Unlike other cosmology, the Higher or lower planes are not outer planes, instead they act as the Positive energy Plane and the Negative energy plane, and a simple plane shift will get you to these "Alternate Dimentions."


Even though "Heaven" is another version of Terra Nima West, what the PC's wond understand is the vast differences, since unknown to them, the Planet was devided before, and that in people eve, the floating continent crashed into the west continent. So there will be new locations where there weren't before and locations that they know might not be on the ground, but in the floating continent.


The Coin of Solomon will be located in the Heaven Dimention, on the floating continent.

The inhabitants of the floating continent will be "Angels" and most importantly, Rook, God of Positive Energy.


Rook will send an Angel down to inform Tordek and Aiden that Rook is greatful for them preventing the destruction of the universe. As thanks, he will allow them to attempt to climb the Mountain of Celestus to claim the Coin of Solomon.

The Coin it self will be on the highest mountaint in Celestus, which the higher you go the more positive energy there is.


Deep in the mountain, there will be a chamber filled with Major Positive Energy, which grant 5 HP per round to any creature in there. While this may seem good, once a characters HP go beyond their normal total, there is a risk that they will be embued with so much positive energy that their very bodies will immolates with positive energy like a planet caught at the edge of a supernova until there is nothing left.


One or more of the PC's must enter this Positive energy chamber to retrieve the Coin of Solomon.


To make things interesting, only PC's will Divine powers can even approch this chamber. Crimson, if in his Artificer form, climbs the mountain of Celestus, he will end up changing into his Favored Soul form from the overwhelming Positive energy traits of the area.


As far as PC's go... all but Tordek, Phacia, and Crimson's favored Soul will have no choice but to turn back, because the Positive energy was too much for them. Even Aura will have to turnback at some point.


Once they get to Solomon's Chamber in the Mountain of Celestus, the smart thing to do would be to allow only Crimson to go in their since he is part construct, and is only partially effected by the overwhelming traits of Positive energy.

Well... now the PC's have everything they need to destroy the Tarrasque. The Rest will be up to them.


If the coin is used, the tarrasque will shrink and grow weaker until he is the Tarrasque in the Monster Manual. Even this form is extremely powerful.


The Tenchatcoon Feather can be used as a sword against the Tarrasque... though it's true value is stabbing him from the inside with it when his hitpoints are down to zero.

When the PC's accomplish the impossible and destroy the Tarrasque, they will advance to level 21.






Encounters within Revenge of tarrasque.


Astral Plane

1st. House of Neblevar gnomes (Airship Battle)


2nd. GithYanki Pirates (Airship Battle on Astral Carrack)




3rd Guardian (at the Temporal Energy Gate, where magic returns to the PC's) Vermiurge (ELHB)


Elemental Plane of Water


4th Sahuagin (depending on mode of transportation, Airship fight or personal) (MMI + Buff)


5th Paragon Merfolk (Meridith)


Positive Energy Plane (Celestus)


6th Paragon Xag-Ya Energon. (Manual of the Planes + ELHB)


7th Immolated Angel.


Prime Material Plane


8th Tarrasque (Epic)