DnD Independence Day Special 2011
Hopefull transcript.
Time: 10 years after the end of the Two Century War; 11 1/2 years after the events of Voidfire and the Scrolls of Andloft.
Independence Day.
Location: Kried, Griffon Palace, Royal Ball Room
It was the tenth aniversery since the end of the great war that spanned over two hundred years. Many people died in the war. Many Scars... But now there was peace, and hope for a better future. People almost forgot how to celebrate Holidays.
Independence day was a new holiday and a new reason for people to celebrate.
Here, Independence Day signifies the the first day after the end of the war that ended ten years before. A war that lasted too long. Over Two Centuries as a matter of fact. The day represents freedom, liberty and independence from those that would take them from us.
"...And for the tenth Indepenence Day, we are gathered here to day to celebrate Ten years of Peace!" Udric Tiernas, King of the Kingdom of Tiernas spoke.
"Some of you have traveled far to get here... And so it wasn't easy to invite all of you."
laughter in the crowd.
"That's why I have to think Mirdan here." Gesturing towards the Wizard standing but twenty feet away.
People in the crowd clapped for the Wizard.
"Yes!" King Udric continued, "Yes, he used one of his magnificent tallents to help gather us all here."
"My natural charm?" Mirdan asked.
More laughter in the crowd.
"Yes, I'm sure that's it." the King chuckled.
"But in truth, there are countless more people to thank than just Mirdan's natural Charm for us all to be standing here today."
"Firstly, to all of those that contributed to the cause of freedom durring the war. Those that Laid down their lives to protect the people of the Southern Alliance and said freedom."
People started clapping.
"The people of Wardrow! Who were for most of the war at the front lines." More applauding.
"The People of Tiernas! Who were ever so vigilent!"
"Our Allies to the north, from Doowlan Otanorif!"
"Our fallen breatheren to the east;from Dahjneil. As sad as how they were affected by the war, we couldn't have done it without them."
"And to our former beloved King Emperor. My brother... Audric Tiernas."
A moment of Silence continued.
"I have to personally thank the Seven Handles..." The King gestured to the six that were standing off to the side. The Crowd was cheering, "I fear without their leadership, many more would have died."
"You all know Mirdan! Grand Wizard of the First Order." He have a slight head bow.
"Felinara! Blue Guard of Doowlan Otanorif!"
"Argus, the Dwarven Master Forger of the Mighty Dragoons!"
"Mikku! The master Rouge of Wardrow!" --- "The World! She corrected"
More laughter ensued.
"Oris! Head Druidess of the rebuilding Dahjneil!"
"And Xeik! Dragon Paladin of Tiernas!" the Cheering had built up to a near uproar.
Xeik stepped up to the Podium, Udric graciously stepped aside with a smile on his face.
"King Tiernas was kind enough to allow me to say a few words here. I would like to personally thank Kirrahnahl, who could not be with us here today."
Crowd started to quiet down a bit.
"Kir was the only one of us who fell in the war. However he was no less significant. Without him, none of us would be here today. If anything he deserves the most prestiege out of the Seven Handles... Let's give him a round of applause as the greatest hero of them all."
The massive room echoed with the blast of cheers eminating through it.
After a few minutes, the room quieted down again.
The King took the podium again.
"Also, lets thank another group of heroes, some of which at one point actually saved the world a time or two."
The King Gestures into your Direction.
After introductions were made(Aura, Taliana, Aiden, Kaveroth, Phacia, Qrom, Jaymus etc. [mention of Tordek]), more cheers errupted from the crowd.
The King went on to thank people of note, including the young woman who arguably ended the war. She was given a huge cheer as well.
"And one last thank you, to the people of the Southern Alliance!"
More Cheers.
The King held up a glass, "Let's make a toast, to the people of the Southern Alliance, and all those who supported us in such a terrible time."
A Banquet was being held. Top quality food, service, the works. Everyone was happy, with the occasional rememberance of those that died in the war.
It was a Grand Celebration.
The doors to the ball room burst open, and thirteen strange men march into the room.
You recognize these Soldiers as those from the East, Qeteshrhea. They were dressed for a hot climate, which didn't fit with the surrounding climate.
The man at the lead, if you could consider him a man, had the head of a cobra, with glowing red eyes.
The First Hanuris you knew him as... but no one else knew who these people were.
The guards at the entrance to the ball room were unconcious, likely as a result of the poison that the Qeteshrhean guards' weapons were dipped in.
The rest of the guards in the ball room drew their weapons and encroched. Xeik drew the Dragon Oreah Blade, and leaped to infront of the First Hanuris.
Instead of making ready his staff, the First Hanuris instead dropped to his knee along with the other dozen Qeteshrhean guards upon the approch of Xeik.
The First Hanuris Spoke, "Forgive us Bastamun, but the Pharaoh Goddess Alectoris barbara Aegypticus requested that you come with us back to Qeteshrhea, the holy land. There the Goddess awaits his return."
A confused look apeared on Xeik's face, "Eh... What? Who? Where?"
The First Hanuris hesitated, than answered carefully, "You are Bastamun, God of Justice and everything that is below. Horeusa, Goddess of the Void is in possesion of the Pharaoh Goddess Alectoris babara Aegypticus. Qeteshrhea is the holy land to the east in which you must return."
"I am not a boss you moon... And I've never been there before." Xeik answers.
The First Hanuris, ignoring everyone else in the room, replies to Xeik only, "Forgive me, but you ARE Bastamun, and you have been to the Holy land before."
"Well... I don't care to go back there then." Xeik remarks.
"Forgive me Bastamun, but you WILL come back with us to the Holy land."
"Yeah?" Xeik asked, "You and What army?"
The first Hanuris hesitated, then stood up, "The Qeteshrhean army, Bostamun." he then made ready his halbred and so did the other dozen Qeteshrhean Soldiers.
"Since, I'm apparently your god, can't I just order you to go back without me?" Xeik asked.
"You could, but I wont." The First Hanuris replied.
The First Hanuris swings his halbred at the Dragon Paladin. The two blades clash into each other. Sparks fly.
To be Continued...
Independence Day Week, 2011