Halloween Special Idea's!
This special will serve as part two in the Wodah's Trillogy Specials. (to be concluded on X-mas)
This one picks up where we left off on IDS.
The PC's were imprissoned for 5 years before they were mysteriously freed to help end the war. Though as it turns out, Wodahs is returning. We know this because Xeik's sword is glowing black as a warning. Usually it only glows certain colors when faced with certain kinds of auras like Evil Dragon Aura's and only do so in close range. However this time, it is constantly glowing wherever Xeik or the blade is.
It's proving to be an omen.
Also whatever is happening, it is imparing Alectoris' diety powers. They seem to be draining away. Infact all devine powers are being drained away. Right now, only epic level devine powers are getting effected, and miracle spells will most likely not work.
The PC's, along with Xeik, get a cryptic message, summoning them to the 10 year old temple of Oreah, built by Aura.
There, they get a message from Tordek in the form of a spirit avatar so to speak. (maybe)
This is where they get the information about Wodahs posing as The Creator, the prominent diety in Western culture. Aparently he used the Two Century war and the Intercontinental War for his own purposes of gaining new worshipers and destroying those that wouldn't.
Between Lukimea's wish using the Scrolls of Andloft, Magnus' watch, and gaining devine power using mortal's, Wodahs finally has what he needs to bring his body back from the Shadow Beyond Time, a realm that exists outside of Space Time.
Xeik wants to confront him head on, however he will be warned against it. There will be some Prophecy that states that this is not Xeik's battle. Xeik pretty much says screw prophecy and wants to do it anyway.
Tordek has information saying that the best place to stop Wodahs coming is at the Temple of Eternity, at the Portal to the Shadow Beyond Time.
Xeik and the PC's go to the Temple of Eternity to confront Wodahs.
When they get there, they noticed that the portal which used to be a wall, has now started to consume it's way outwards. It is no longer confined to the one wall, but instead started growing onto the other walls and spreading.
When they aproch it, an aspect of Wodahs will apear out of the blackness in a golden aura. It is Crimson Fist... sort of. It is actually a fusion between Crimson fist and Master Poltergiest. So... Crimson Poltergiest?
The first fight will be against him. He will have all of the Construct immunities but none of its weaknesses... plus some new abilities to put the combined might of the PC's (still minus tordek of course) and Xeik on their toes.
If anything, this battle will be alot like the Antilord battle in terms on rules. (HP and saves with the added twist of elemental and energy immunities.)
After Crimson's defeat, he will back into the Shadow Beyond Time.
Afterwards, in the blackness, an enourmouse eye opens up. The Eye of Wodahs.
As soon as it does, everyone looses energy and falls on the floor in pain.
The Will of Wodahs pearces everyone's soul.
Xeik get's up, with Oreah Blade in hand, fighting past the pain.
He marches towards the Eye.
A white beam of light shoots out from the eye at Xeik.
Xeik is destroyed, leaving only the Oreah Blade.
The Shadow Beyond Time spreads even further accelerating in the rate in which it spreads.
Energy starts collecting in the eye again, but to a greater degree.
A spirit of Tordek apears inbetween the Eye and the PC's. He puts up a barrier between them.
Wodah's attack pierces through the barrier and Tordek, and everything goes black.
To Be Continued... at the Next Christmas Special.
New Ideas concerning the Halloween Special!
Alectoris has all but lost all her power. But it is not just her... All Divine power has been lost. That is, except for Clerics of the Creator. Wodahs is draining ALL Divine power and leaving it only for himself and his followers.
What's more, When the PC's are at the Temple of Tordek, Clerics of the Creator, with eyes glowing gold, confront them. To make this encounter interesting, they use their holy symbols like they are turning or rebuking undead... only it works on living people. Positive and Negative Energies are not particularly effective against these clerics. Instead, only raw magical energy or pure Xell Energies work on them... Or Temporal Energies.
Undead that they raise will have glowing eyes and mouths... like jackolanterns.
The Temple of Oreah. Built near the ruins of Ghundlehall. Probably the first temple of Oreah in thousands of years. Built by Aura as a memorial to her late(?) husband, who ascended to a higher plane of existance to fight a greater battle.
In the main Auditorium, there was a massive statue scene. In the back, yet most prominent, was a statue of Oreah, as he was seen briefly over eleven years ago at the battle of Kried when Xeik summoned him forth from his sword. In front of and off center from Oreah, was a statue of Titanius. And in front of him werethe statues of The First Breeds. Gold, Silver, Copper, Adamantine and Iron.
While the temple was of Oreah, it was also a temple of those who followed Oreah.
With the help of Mirdan and Aiden, Aura was able to create a record of all the Dragon Paladins known stretching back for well over three thousand years. Xeik was never very comfortable having a statue made in his likeness... especially since he was still alive.
However out of all the Dragon Paladin's, there was one who was honored above all others.
The Hall of Tordek. Acting sort of like a temple within a temple. At the end it contained a rather large Statue of Tordek as he was before he left for the higher planes. Wielding Brimstone in his right hand and standing proud like a godly figure.
Aura leads you towards the great Statues of Tordek.
Before your eyes, the statue begins to move like it was real. The Marble spontaniously gains color, and within a few seconds, the statue became as real as Tordek was... except that he was more than twenty feet tall. He also gained a glowing gold aura around him as well.
"Me Friends. Thank you for comming on such short notice."
"It is good to see you all again with me own two eyes..."
"I am not suppose to be contacting you all directly in this matter, but i feel I have no choice. The fate of the world is at stake... if not, the universe."
"The Day of Wodahs is upon us."
"Ever since I was commissioned to fight the greater fight in a higher plane, I've noticed something was wrong with the world. Me piers did not seem to notice like I did. Perhaps they were fooled just like the mortals of this world were."
"After exploring the higher planes, and gethering information in ways i could not previously imagine, I discovered what was going on."
"Wodahs, Shadow incarnate, has been posing as the creator for over a thousand years."
"Worse... he IS The Creator." "What I mean is that there wasn't some religion that he fell into and impersonated their diety. He himself created the religion. He is the religion."
"Over the course of millenia, he has had people worshiping him like a god. And because of that, he gains power."
"However, up until now, he hasn't had a physical form, thanks to Xeik here. He should have been killed, but he was somehow able to hide in the Shadow Beyond Time... beyond the rules of time, and wait. That was over a thousand years ago."
"Since then, he's been hoarding the souls that have been worshiping him, and saving the energy. To get more power, he spreads his religion, which he used the past few wars in the West to do so. I'm afraid his religion is the promenant one in the Western culture."
"But even with the power of all these souls, it wouldn't matter if he didn't have a body to manifest in the realm of Time."
"He needed a body. A way for him to live in the realm of time. That's what Aiden's watch was for."
"That watch, as you know Aiden, stores the essence of a Time Wizard inside. Your essence. Now, I know from your point of view, you never put your essence in that watch. However, the timeline the watch was in when it was thrusted into the Shadow Beyond time DID have your essence in it. Because it went into the Shadow beyond time and therefore out of time's reach, it was not affected by the changes in the timeline when you went back in time to visit yourself."
"Now, for those of you who don't know the significance of that, one of the abilities of a Time Wizard is the Ability to Rebirth. Essencially, roll back the clock and start over with your body."
"Now that he has this power, he is going to Rebirth his body, and when he re-enters the realm of Time, he will have acsess to all the power that he has saved up from all of his worshipers. As you know he is already draining all the divine power in the world, and he isn't even here yet."
someone may ask, how do we beat him?
Tordek: The only way to stop him that I can see is face him as soon as he reenters time... And that will be at the Citadel of Eternity, at the edge of Time. We've been there before. Go to the portal to the Shadow Beyond time... As far as I know... that is ther only place that we might have a chance to stop him."
"But I am afraid until he does enter the realm of Time, I wont be able to assist you. You see, on a cosmic level, I have no proof to give to my piers, and Wodahs is not in the realm of Time... so they will prevent me from interfiering, even though even now their powers are being drained."
Xeik: "I've fought Wodahs before, and won. With me by your side, we can win."
Mirdan: "Xeik, remember the Prophecy..."
Xeik: "Screw Prophecy! I make my own destiny!"
Someone may ask, "What Prophecy?"
Mirdan: "During the Intercontinental war, Xeik was told a Prophecy. It said that should Xeik confront Wodahs again, he would be lost. And the future would be threatened."
By whom?
Xeik: That's... a good question... we never really got a name... or face... It's kind of complicated. Point is, because of the circumstances surrounding that whole ordeal, I choose not to believe it. I can't let the end happen because there is a chance that I might die.
After a minute of discussion, you hear footsteps behind you.
Three individuals, all wearing ornate fullplate step into the room. They all bore the Holy symbol of the creator. What was most disturbing, was that gold light was shining through their eyes and mouths, like a jackolantern.
"In the name of the creator, you will stop what you are doing this instant!" the one in the middle speaks in an unearthly low voice.
"Ow!" Xeik randomly blurts out.
Mirdan asks Xeik, "What's the matter?"
Xeik responds "I just tried to detect evil on these guys, but all I got was a headache."
"Your only hope of redemption is to bow down onto your knees and convert to the ways of the Creator!" another one of them proclaims.
"Otherwise you will be smote. What say you?" The third one speaks.
Xeik smirks, "Let me think about that for a moment. Okay I thought about it. My answer to you is..."
Xeik charges toward the one in the middle, the Oreah Blade glowing white. "Smite Evil!!!!!"
Xeik plants his foot, and starts the pivit as he puts his entire body weight behind this two handed swing. A whistle could be heard from the tip of the Oreah Blade as it cuts through the air. Upon impact, however, the blade stopped in its tracks unnaturally. The Blade was thrusted backwards like it was repelled by a magnet. Xeik had only minor trouble keeping ahold of it, as the holy smite energy in his blade exploded back upon himself.
Iniciative time!!!!
These clerics will be immune to Positive and Negative energies, as well as any sort of elemental damage. Only Raw Magical Energies will be effective on them.
What's more is that they are able to use their turn and rebuke undead abilities on the undead to non believers. PC's will have to make checks like they themselves where undead.
Xeik will stop using smite abilities and start using the blade's xell abilities.
Mirdan will Assist Aiden in charging up his Xell fire. Mirdan asks that they both use it.
Once spell fire is used on the clerics of the creator, they will be destroyed.
Xeik speaks, "We must hurry to the Temple of Eternity! Now... how do we get there?"
Mirdan turns to you, "I would assume we need one of your time traveling contraptions?"
The Silvard Wings is still MIA, as there is little way to track them through time. However, Aiden knows the address to the Temple of Eternity (and to the Silvard Wings if he decides he wants to go there and use it to fly to the Citadel of Eternity).
Regardless on how they get there...
The Solar Angels that patrol the Citadel of eternity are ill. Many of them have collapsed from exaustion from whatever is ailing them.
Upon being asked what is wrong, they point your further down the hall that goes behind the gate and towards the Shadow Beyond Time.
There used to be quite a distance between the back of the gate and the portal to the Shadow Beyond time. Now instead of a solid black wall off in the distance, the shadow has actually spread like tendrils through out the Citadel. The wall was now a void that acted like a virus on the temple of Eternity, and was a much larger void. It was like you were looking into nothingness. A Hallway of Shadowy tendrils.
As you aproch, something emerges from it. The Angels are shocked that anything has emerged from the Shadow Beyond time, as anything that goes in there is beyond the reach of time and therefore never return.
This creature was both familiar and yet unfamilliar in its design. It had the lower body of a wierd Dragon-like creature, and the upper body of a cross between a grotesk angel and a construct.
Both you and Xeik call out who it is at the same time... but you say different things. Xeik said, "Master Poltergiest." You call out, "Crimson Fist."
Encounter time. Crimson Poltergiest.
Xeik will again act as the tank.
Perhaps he knows every spell in the book. both Divine, Druidic and Arcane. Plus his front feet can make additional attacks... every one of his limbs can act separately.
His off hand can cast spells, his main hand can attack with its huge weapon, and his feet can attack, like they are all separate monsters, each with their own initiative.
After the encounter, Crimson Poltergiest is drawn back into the Shadow.
Then, in the middle of all the Shadow, a huge eye upens up, with the pupils chaped like a plus sign.
As soon as you see the eye, everyone falls to the ground in pain and lack of energy. The Shadow Pierces your very soul. You can't seem to move from your prone position.
No one except Xeik, his blade was glowing black. you could no longer see the metal in the blade as it was so overpowering. Xeik was fighting past all the pain somehow. He got up, and started slowly but surely marching towards the eye. He raises his blade in an effort to ready a swing.
Energy collects infront of the massive eye.
Then a Massive beam of light shoots from the eye into Xeik. The Oreah Blade seemed to stop most of the energy, but not all of it. When the beam of energy finally faded, there was no more Xeik. Only the Blade, lying on the ground was left.
The Darkness in the hallway started to spread even quicker now.
More energy starts to collect in the eye.
A Spirit of Tordek Apears inbetween you and the Eye. Tordek raises his hands, and a barrier of light is created. The great eye shoots again. Tordek's barrier did little in the way of stopping it. The Beam of light envelops Tordek, and everyone else afterwards.
Everything went black.
You weren't expecting to wake up. But you did. Mirdan, and you (The PC's) were all laying around each other in some kind of ruins centuries old. You were back on the Prime Material Plane... You notice someone else was with you. It was Tordek. He was here in the flesh. In the middle of all of you, there was the Oreah Blade, laying there haphazardly.
Upon further inspection, the ruins you were in was that of the Temple of Oreah. Where the statue of Oreah used to be was now an obelisk with a great Eye at the top of it. It was a monument to the Creator. But again, these ruins where centuries old. A knowllege of Temporal Mechanics will reveal that they are about 500 years in the future.
The more they investigate, the more they will find that the world has been taken over by the church. Every living being has glowing gold eyes. They seem to spend almost the entire day chanting and worshiping Wodahs. The PC's will need to figure out when the Day of Wodahs Occured. THey have a variety of ways of doing that. Regardless, when they discover when, they will be confronted by Angel Guards of the Creator.
After dispatching them, they will be overwhelmed. That is, until the Silvard Wings comes. Anui had tracked them from the Citadel of Eternity, after the whole thing was consumed in shadow. They knew something was up, and decided to track you through time.
The Silvard Wings was decked out to the brim.
Christmas Special 2011 Idea's!
This is the conclusion to the Wodah's Trillogy.
Christmas comes again for the West. After the Intercontinental War, the West is ravaged already. Christmas (eve's day) doesn't make things better. It is even worse.
Wodah's Commeth.
Idea for the Christmas Special...
It had been 500 years since the Day of Wodahs. 500 years since the world had ended. The World as we knew it...
The PC's wake up in a world of Wodah's making. The Church of the Creator is everywhere. Instead of People, there were demons and Devils everywhere... who all worshiped the creator, Wodahs. Very few humans remain. Even then, most were perverted into something other than human.
Here, the PC's have to figure out what happened and when. Once they Discover when the Day of Wodahs happened, they can go back and meet him on the day. However in this day in age, EVERYONE is loyal to the Creator and no one is not.
Tordek is here, without most of his former power. (Demi God status with 5 ranks in divine using rules). Xeik is not, however the Oreah Blade is.
In the Great Temple Library, there are books in the Restricted Section that tell of the Day of Wodahs, 500 years ago, on the last Eve's Day. The Records stop shortly after that date.
Before they can do much, "Clerics of the Creator" were sent by Lord Lukimea to irradicate the intruders of the Creator's Domain.
How the PC's escape is largly up to them. However, the end result should be the same.
They go back to the Day of Wodahs.
Now I have ideas concerning the final battle.
First part having to do with the Airship, using its main cannon to take out the main eye of Wodahs
Second Part having to do with the ground battle of Wodahs, taking out his outer shell
and the Third Part inside Wodahs. taking out his core.