Durring an easter egg hunt misshap, Chronus is released from the Soul Gem and kidnaps Kiri and the Tower of Time and Space. (as Explained in the transcript)


Now for the actual special.


It begins with all the PC's back together to help with the situation.


However, none of them can use any spells that involve interdimentional magic. And no one can cast any Divine Spells as they have lost conection to their Dieties.


Basically, there is no connection to the outside of the Prime Material Plane. (not sure how i am going to explain Kaveroth there since last we saw him he was searching throughout the cosmos for champions to fight Wodahs)


Even Aiden can't use his time travel that he has been working on for the past 6 1/2 years. However, his knowllege of Chronology allows him to make the connection that somehow, the Material Plane itself has dislodged from the rest of the universe.


Upon further investigation, Elementals and ghost as well as a whole slew of outsiders are nolonger present since they reside in other planes.


Mirdan was in his tower when this happened so they are cut off from his help.


And even if they think to go find Alectoris, they will realize that now she is crazy far away now that they cant use the astral plane or the temporal energy plane.


However, there should be some kind of clue towards a crack in the Universe, caused by whatever did this to the material plane.


In omage to my brothers campaign i which this is based on, some sort of rust dragon with a natural portal inside its belly to the Temporal Energy Plane.

Not sure how they are going to come across this information.


Perhaps There was a Time Dragon, and it happened to be in the Prime Material plane, when this event occured. This caused it to stop being a Time Dragon and degrade into a Rust Dragon. Now where this happpened is in the catacombs underneath the City in a sealed up section.


Now how the PC's know this is that this rust dragon is making alot of ruckus underground, as it doesn't like being there. The magical seals in place prevent it from simply digging its way out, but he can hit hard causing earthquakes and vibrations.


So basically people start complaining about pounding underground and earthquakes caused by it. Soldiers sent down there dont come back.

The Seven Handles are sort of scattered about the continent so getting them will take a while. So it is up to the PC's to figure out what is going on.


More so is the timing of these strange sounds and tremmors.

So they explore the catacombs once again, and find a previously undiscovered section with the symbol of Magnus on the wall with a recess to put the Staff of Magnus in.


This opens up to a completely new chamber.


Everything inside has been completely worn out like the sands of time itself were in here. Metal is completely rusted through, and everything is dust up until the barriers surrounding this place.


That's where the encounter begins with the rust dragon.

After its defeat, the rust dragon collapses onto the ground. Light can be seen leaking from its gaping maw. Upon further investigation, the PC's will find a natural portal to the Temporal Energy Plane in there. (since that's how the rust dragon rusts everything it breaths on)


They can use that portal to travel to the Temple of Eternity.


Once they get there however, not all as it once was.


A powerful litch has turned this place into his own personal palace. Instead of Angels, there are undead Angels walking around, animated by Time itself. (maybe things like daleks lol)[i came up with that last comment after the dalek theme started on the play list]


It needs to be clear that whoever is doing this is beyond the PC's at this point, as this is the endgame for Chronus.


After wondering around the Palace, The PC's come to a room that sees through Time. The Temporal Scyring Lens. There, Magus can see througout Time and Space upon things.


There it can follow a person throughout Time and Space.


There he can follow Chronus' journey back to where be became a Chrono Litch. Perhaps this room is stuck on Chronus and at this time cannot change directions. Or maybe, more accuratly and more realisticly it can point to Kiri. Maybe due to the whole Chrono Scism that Chronus imployed, it cant lock onto anything in the PC's Material Plane. But there is a moment that Kiri does apear.


Sky Sancuary, Present day.


'Sky Sancuary?' Magus will probably think.


Yes, indeed it did disapear from everything a while ago. And now through the lens it seems that they have found the Tower of Time and Space.


The information gleaned through the looking lens is enough to know where the portal to there is... or they can simply use the Dimensions Gate to get there.


A Note for the DM: Chronus in this time is so powerful that dealing with Magnus personally is beneith him. He has gained god-like powers over the time of Eternity and now cares not of Magnus. He leaves it to his 'new' minions that take care of the latest Temple of Eternity.

Now that I am writing about this in detail, this might be a good time to talk about these minions.


Temporal Constructs? TemCons!


Maybe not undead exactly, but Temporal Elementals bound into Voidstone, a material that can only be found in a place where the Negative energy plane and the Positive Energy plane collides (this is a minor reference to Corsairs of the Dragon Sea).


Being a Chrono Litch, Cronus has mastered the art of harnessing Voidstone as a weapon, by implanting Temporal Elementals inside it.


The Result is devistating. TemCons. No living creature can even touch them or risk being utterly destroyed. These guys are pretty much like Umbral Blots in the Epic level Handbook, and Chronus has a whole army of them.

Anyways, they have to get past one or two in order to get to the gate.


Once they make it through, They find themselves in the Gate Room of the Tower of Time and Space on the Sky Sanctuary.


Unfortunatly for the PC's present day is also too late for the PC's. By this point, Chronus has already completed the ritual to becoming a Chrono Litch and has placed his soul into Kiri as his Phylactery.


Having his soul inside hers, the now 16 year old Kiri is consumed by the will of Chronus. She will try and kill her own Father.


Once she is defeated, she will regain enough of her own will to tell Magnus of what Chronus did.


Chronus wanted power beyond everything else. That plan would have come to an end if Wodah's had shown up. So Chronus had gone back in time to when the former Magnus had killed himself to curse the Tower Origionally, and used the Time spell inside to live a great long time to gain the power he needed to harness the Chrono Scism in the Temple of Eternity, where he left Kiri to age for ten years.


Inside the Tower, Time moved crazy slow. He worked with Dukat Demmar to gain power, rebirthing whenever he grew too old. Demmar was never able to kill Chronus.


However, even with seemingly unlimited time, time ran out when the PC's were born. He had to leave before they first entered the Tower.


Durring that Eternity, Dukat had teased Chronus with Lichdom. However, Time Wizards could not become litches because of their rebirth ability.


As soon as a soul was placed into an inanimate object, the Time Wizard would rebirth. Chronus overcame this obstical.


Even a Time Wizard runs out of Rebirths eventually, so in his last life, he placed his soul into a living phylactery... Kiri. This is what caused Chronus to evolve into a Chrono-Litch.


The Genious behind Chrono Litches is that even if the Phylactery is destroyed, a Chrono Litch could simply revert back to a point in time when the Phylactery was alive and continue on. Since Kiri had been to the Temple of Eternity, there was no limit to when or where Chronus could respawn.


He had finally gain enough power to harness the Chrono Scism. The Chrono Scism was used to basically split the Material plane from the Realm of Time.


Chronus did this so that the Day of Wodahs would not come... and if it did, it would not affect the Prime Material Plane... and if it did, it would only be confined to the Prime Material Plane.


Anyway, Chronus is too powerful even now, and the only way to get to him is before he became a Chrono Litch. Going to him before he was released is not an option either, since the Chrono Scism prevents the time jump to that moment.

Luckely, Magnus has been studying on how to jump back a thousand years ago and can risk the jump.

on another side note. The sealed room in the Tower is unsealed because of Kiri. This explains why the room was opened at the end of the universe.


And there will be Magnus' watch in there, however if Aiden opens it then, it will do nothing. This will get explained in a bit.

Magus can use his new found time travel skills to take the PC's back to People Eve, Easter Day. The Day that the 4 Trinities defeated Lukimea... and the day that the former human slaves revolted against Magnus.


This is the day that Magnus would "Kill Himself and Curse the Tower"


At this point in time, the Tower was evacuating through the Slyph. Children were going first. followed by the older children.


In the Conclave, there were fourteen members left. 5 White Robe, 5 Red Robe, 4 Black Robe. The Head Black robe chair was empty from Magnus' decision to banish him, which at this point had been a while.

Hopeful transcript of this meeting.


"Magnus, will you explain your reasoning here? Surely you are not afraid of these humans that revolt against us." one of the Red Robe spoke.


Magnus, who looks to be in his fifties or sixties at this point turns to the Conclave and speaks.


"I am not afraid of the Humans, my fellow First Wizards. I am afraid FOR the humans." Magnus started, "If they get their hands on this tower at this time, it would be disastrous. They do not have the wisdom to use the knowledge stored within these walls."


One of the Black Robe spoke up, "We don't NEED to leave the tower. We have the power right now to fight anyone off from it. If we wanted to we could simply kill a few of them as an example and they would stay away."


Magnus turned to the black robe who spoke.


"That is exactly the situation I wish to avoid. I know we can hold the tower, but at what cost to the humans outside?"


"It was that Mirdan and his companions from Terra Ora who did this. He should be held responsible for interfering like he did. Where is he? Who made him a Wizard of the First Order."


"I made him a Wizard of the First Order." Magnus Responded, "But he was right to do what he did."


by this point, most of the Red Robes started joining the side of the Black Robes, "What do you mean, Magnus. You are not sounding like a member of the Red Robe or Grand First Wizard. Where is the objectivity of the Red Robe? Mirdan should be held responsible."


Magnus turned to his fellow Red Robes, "No, as of right now we are disbanding the Wizards of the First Order as you know it. Please leave through the Slyph. Tell everyone in your orders that they all must leave. I have possession of the Moment in Time, and I intend to use it on the Tower. Nothing Living can be inside the Tower or in the Grove when I am done. So if you don't want to die, then leave right now."


Magnus takes out an hourglass. The Sand was in mid fall but seemed to be Frozen in time.

He then adds, "Out of all of us... Mirdan had the right Idea... It's time I own up and do what I can to help the world outside of these walls..."


by this time, the Conclave had emptied out save for one White Robed individual. She placed her hand on his shoulder and whispered some words of approval and encouragement before leaving.


This White First Wizard didn't exit through the Slyph, but went upstairs to the Gate Room, and left through the gate.

Magnus took a moment to look at the hourglass in his hands. He then looked up and saw you standing there.


"Spoilers..." He said to his younger self, "What Brings you here, Aiden?"


Probably stuff about Chronus and also coming back to see what Magnus was about before he died.


If there is any question as to why there is a tower in Hell back in the present, Magnus would say, "The Tower was here before the world split. Not only did it split into Terra Ora and Terra Nima, it also created the Heaven and hell versions of the World. Because of that there is a Tower in Hell, and there is one in Heaven as well. Everything was duplicated exactly, except that they are a little off depending on which world it is in."

The Two of them walked up to the study. Magnus placed his staff, into the recess. The Staff glowed and he concentrated on it.


"My Final message to you." Magnus said to Aiden as he placed the hour glass on the desk and walked towards the balcony, "the one that you will see when you free this tower of its curse."


Magnus may make some comment here about something else like another message or something.


"I have looked into your mind, Aiden. I have seen the turmoil you have gone through. What you are here to do. I know your troubles. Follow me to the roof."


High on the Tower of Time and Space, overlooking the city of Kried. a Beautiful sight to behold.


"I am comforted to know that all my warnings and messages found their way to you. You saved the Universe!"


"Twice." Aiden will probably correct.


"Indeed." Magnus comments.


The Two of them laugh.


"But I see that you don't have your memories back yet. Without all the training that I have gotten, you are being seduced by darker forces than you can control having the powers of a Time Wizard. Without it, I fear that Chronus will win in the attempt to turn you evil."


Aiden may say something to the fact that in the future the pocket watch was delivered into the hands of evil... and/or he may say something to the fact that he has the pocket watch from the present. But depending or not if he has tried to open it, he may or may not know there was nothing inside.


That's when Magnus turned to Aiden.


"Aiden... I have not put my essence into the Pocket watch yet. I once did when i was younger to escape my fate as Time Wizard when I was in a similar position emotionally as you. But I learned then, the power of responsibility. It can be a hard burden to have, but it is a rewarding burden. So no... I did not put my essence into the Watch."


Aiden is like, "Then where?"


Magnus walks over to the edge and turns around.

"Why would I put it into a Watch when I have you right here? This is my gift to you, Aiden. I put my Memories into you."


Magnus places a hand onto your shoulders.


Suddenly you feel a surge of Power go through you. It was incredible. Images flashed into your mind. It was a lot to process. You felt energy pouring into you.


Suddenly, like a broken gas pipe spewing out gas, You were spewing out Energy wherever your skin was exposed. The Powers and memories of a Time Wizard.


As you were overcome by this sensation. You saw Magnus smile upon you, before falling to his death. Just as he hit the ground, there was another explosion of Nytro Energy that engulfed the grove and the Tower.


The Surge of Energy stopped. You looked upon yourself, you were wearing White Robes. It all made sense now. Everything that you were trying to do, now came full circle. The Knowlledge of Aiden Auditore Magnus. So much information. It would take time to process it all... but now was not the time to do that. There was one pressing matter to attend to...


Stopping Chronus, and saving the Universe one last time.


You go downstairs, everything was black and white. You pass Dukat Demmar, who just turned into a Litch. Before he can do anything, You freeze him in place. You needed him in a thousand years to help you save the universe.


Shades start forming in the tower as well as a manner of shadow creatures. You freeze them too. Now you understand the power of the Staff. A tool in focusing your mind in complex equations of Chronology. It was all so simple with the staff.


You walk down to the gate room and stand on the magic circle of Magnus. You wait only for a moment, before Chronus walks up the spiral staircase.


He barely has enough Time to say, "What the-" before you freeze him...

You cannot bare to kill him. For he like you... is the last of the Time Wizards... and former best friend.


"I cannot kill you Chronus... but it is over..." You say.


"What I can do is give you your wish for immortality."


Magnus walks up to him and touches him with his staff. All he could do is watch horrified as he gets imprisoned into the Staff of Magnus.


"Happy Easter... Chronus..." The only thing that remained was the Staff of Chronus.


Back in the Temple of Eternity, there was Kiri crying, since she had just been kidnapped from her perspective. You went back to the Temporal Scyring Lense and looked for Kilren.


What you saw saddened you, but also made you happy. Kilren was in his own adventure now. The good he would do caused a fix point in time. It would not be wise to go get him.


You return to the present. The Tower of Time and Space is still in the Sky Santuary.