DnD Easter Special 2011


Hopeful Transcript.


Time: 5 years after The Two Century War, and 6 1/2 years after Voidfire and the Scrolls of andloft.



Location: Tower of Time and Space, Kried, Tiernas. In the Grove.


It was the fifth Easter that the West could celebrate in peace since the end of the war. Many lives were lost in the war. There were many scars. But now there was peace, and hope for a better future. People almost forgot how to celebrate Holidays. Easter Especially...


In this world, Easter is a symbolism that represents something that had happened over a thousand years before. It was the day the four Trinities united against Lukimea and ultimately banished him from the world, saving it from utter anilhilation. The Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs were to symbolize fertility and life, so that life itself could go on.



Life did go on... and when Lukimea came back to try to bring the apochalypse again with Voidfire and the Scrolls of Andloft, it went on again, after Tordek Brewmaster, Dragon Paladin, sacraficed himself to save the Universe.


"That makes Easter all the more important for us... for he was my best friend... and your Father, Kilren." Aiden spoke to the little Half Dwarf/ Half Gold Dragon standing in front of him, standing next to a small girl. Kiri was the same age as Kilren, but daughter of Aiden and his wife, Phacia.


"Uncle Aiden?" Kilren spoke.


"Yes Kilren?" Aiden responded.


"What is Fertility?" He asked.


"Um..." Aiden responded, "That, is for a discussion for when you two are older."


"You mean when we turn 7, Daddy?" Kiri asked.


"Uh, no." Aiden responded laughing to himself, "Old enough for when Kilren here is taller than me... (Which I hope never happens so i dont have to be the one that has to have that discussion)"

"How about it's time we start the Easter Egg hunt?" Phacia recomended.


"Yay!" Kilen and Kiri cheered.


"Okay guys, but there are rules to the Easter Egg hunt." Aiden informed.


Both Kiri and Kilren listened intently.


"No going outside the grove, there are no eggs for you out there."


"Awww..." They moaned.


"I mean it." Aiden reinforced, "Your mother's would kill me if anything happened to either of you two."


"Also, all the Egg's are outside in the grove, so no hunting inside the Tower. There are alot of valuable things in there, that I don't want you two touching. Understand?"




"Understand?" Aiden repeated.


"Yes Uncle"


"Yes Daddy"

"Okay Kids, go have fun now." Aiden commanded.


"Yay!" The Children cheered as they started their hunt in the forrested Grove surounding the Tower of Time and Space.


"You think it was the wisest thing to have the egg hunt in the grove?" Phacia asked Aiden.


"Yeah it's fine, I deactivated the defenses so right now this grove is nothing more than that. Besides, this isn't the first time they played in the grove."


"I know that, but this place is usually filled with the dead when they are not... you think it was the most appropriate place to hide "Life" here?" Phacia said, remarking on the eggs.


"I think it makes it the most apropriate place because of that. If anything it is irony." Aiden remarked


"If you say so, " Phacia retorted before changing the subject, "While they look for life, how about we look for Fertility back up in the Master?"


Aiden smiled evily, "And what about the Children? Aura would roast me if something happened to Kilren."


"hmmmm." Phacia placed a kiss onto Aiden's Lips, "Maybe tonight then."


"We could always get Aura to come and Watch them." Aiden Sugested.


"She's busy with the whole temple thing." Phacia reminded him.


"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Aiden remarked.


In honor of her late husband Tordek, Aura was leading the construction to a Temple in honor of Tordek's Sacrafice and to Oreah. Very few people even knew who Oreah was. This was a way to honor them and their sacrafices to humanity.


"Where are the Children?" Phacia asked in slight concern.


"Relax," Aiden said, "I'm sure they are just fine in searching for the eggs."


"Yeah but maybe we should keep a closer eye on them for now?"


"Sure," Aiden answered, "I'm sure they are getting into trouble somewhere around here.


Meanwhile... Inside the Tower...


"What are we doing in here?" Kilren asked Kiri "Unc'e Aiden said we shouldn't go hunting in here."


"He said there were some valuable thing's in here." Kiri commented, "There must be more eggs."


Kilren and Kiri had already finished finding all the eggs in the Grove. Kilren's basket was much fuller than Kiri's thanks to his dragon senses. Kiri was not happy with that so she was determined to find more eggs.






"Where are they?" Phacia asked, slightly worried.


"I'm sure they are around here somewhere..." Aiden said, trying to hide his worry.






"Hey, What's in here?" Kiri asked.


"Wasn't that door locked?" Kilren asked, known he had tried the doora couple of times before and failed.


"No, it seemed to let me in." Kiri responded. "See, that means Daddy did hide an egg in here."


Kilren was distracted by the cup on a mantle on the wall. It was giving off golden light, brighter than any of the candles or torches in the tower.


"Wow," Kilren said in awe.


"Oh that thing?" Kiri spoke, "Uncle Jaymus gave it to mommy and daddy as a gift a while ago. I wondered where it went."


"Hey there is water in it." Kilren spoke. He had used his wings to help him get up to the mantle to look at it.


"It's a cup." Kiri spoke, clearly not interested in that type of tressure.


"It has a coin in it." He added.


"Someone must have hid it in there," Kiri's eyes found sometihng of interest.


Kiri saw a small trassure box on the dest that seemed to attract her. It was about the right size to hold a small egg. It looked locked. It must not have been since it opened with ease. 'there MUST be an egg in here' She thought, 'Daddy unlocked it.'


Her eyes lit up at the sight of what was inside.


It was an green egg shaped gem.


"I found it!" She said with glee.










"You sure they didn't go inside?" Phacia asked.


"There's no way, I locked the door." Aiden responded.








"That's not an egg." Kilren said.


"You are just jellous i found it and not you." Kiri retorted.


"That's not it..." Kilren tried to reafirm his last statement, "We're going to get in trouble."


"No we are not..." Kiri said off handedly... but there was something about this egg that was different than the others, and not the fact that it was made of crystal.


It was almost if something was calling out to her. It was like there was some light coming from it... but not the physical light you would see from a candle or anytihng. This light shown through to the soul.


Whatever it was, Kiri for the first time that this thing might be a bad thing to have.


She backed into the desk without realizing it and the tresure box that held the egg fell off and smashed into pieces upon hitting the ground.


Panic skyrocketed in the room.


"Oh no!" The Children said simultaniously.


"We're going to get in Trouble!" Kilren repeated.


Kiri finally began to agree.


"Someone must have heard that." Kiri spoke.


"Someone is going to catch us!" Kilren panicked.


"Lets Hide it!" Kiri suggested.


"Where!?" Kilren feverishly asked.


"What about that cup?" Kiri asked, "No one found that coin yet so maybe no one thinks to look in there."


"Okay! give me the egg, I'll do it!" Kilren suggested.



Kilren made his way back up to the mantle with the glowing cup full of water on it.


"Hurry! Someone is coming! I know they are!" Kiri urged Kilren.


Kilren dropped the Egg shaped gem into the Cup.






Outside, the explosion could be heard.


Phacia and Aiden looked at each other for a moment before running back to the Tower.







As soon as the egg touched the water in the cup, the crystal shattered, realeasing a plethera of magical energy out of it. It was like a gieser of energy shooting out of the cup, like a constant explosion.


The Cup vibrated until it fell off of the mantle and onto the floor. The water only barely made it out of the cup before being sucked up into the gieser of energy, now in the middle of the room.


Slowly, the constant high pitch his was joined by what sounded like a man's scream.

Soon the man's yell was as loud as the energy from the broken gem.


Then inside the gieser of energy a form started taking shape. It was a man.


"Never Dieing! Never Dieing! Never Dieing! Never Dieing!" The voice kept saying as the body took shape.


"Chronus! Reborn!" he finally said as the last of the energy collected into him.


"Who are you?" Kiri asked.


"A Genie." Chronus responded, "I will grant you your gratest wish for releasing me." He said as he walked out of the room, and looked out the window, watching Phacia and Aiden rushing across the grove toward the front door of the tower.


"Why is a genie naked?" Kilren asked.


Indeed, Chronus' rebirth did not provide him with new cloths.


"Minor setback." Chronus responded back, "I have to do something real quick first."








Just as Aiden and Phacia made it to the outer gate, Aiden watched as Phacia got thrown into a Maze spell. Before he could figure out where the spell came from, he was thrusted into one as well.







"There, that should keep your parents busy for a few minutes." Chronus spoke.


He turned and started walking down the hall, as robes seemed to materialize out of nowhere onto Chronus.


He stopped and looked back at Kiri and Kilren.


"My dear, how did you get me out of that box?"


"I opened it?" Kiri answered as truthfuly as she could.


"Interesting," He said, "Come with me if you want to recieve your greatest wish."


They took a trip up the stair well. He led them to a room at the end of the hall.


"This room wont open, not even for Uncle Aiden," Kilren informed.


"Open it." Chronus ordered.


Kilren started for the door.


"Not you!" Chronus barked. "You!" pointing at Kiri.


"When do I get my wish?" Kiri asked.


"When you open this door." Chronus said, obviously agitated at the children.


Kiri walked over to the door, reaching her hand out to the doorway. Just before she touched it, she paused.


"Do it!" Chronus yelled.


Kiri frowned and then touched the door knob.


The double doors flew wide open, air blowing out of the room.


Chronus Smiled as he walked in.


On the table in the middle of the room there were several trinkets, most notably a long staff resting on its side on some sort of mount.


Chronus slowly picks up the staff, almost fondling it.


"When Do we get our wish!?" Kilren asked.


"Right... now." Chronus answered as he pointed his staff at Kilren.


A white energy sphere materialized around Kilren, and a moment later he was gone.


"What did you do to Kilren!?" Kiri yelled at him.


"Gave him his greatest wish. If you want your greatest wish too, come with me upstairs."








Phacia and Aiden emerged from the Maze Spell. "This can't be good." Aiden spoke.


THey made it to the front door. It would no open. Aiden tried the Key. It didn't work.


"What?" Aiden was shocked, "Why doesn't the key work?"


"Try Teleporting!" Phacia demanded.


"Right!" Aiden spoke, "Grab ahold of me!"







"They're not getting in now." Chronus said smiling after placing his staff into a recess in Aiden's study. The Ball at the head of the staff started glowing.








"!" Aiden exclaimed.


"What is it?" Phacia asked.


"Teleport wont work."


"In your own tower?" Phacia asked.


"I know..." Aiden remarked.


"This is starting to resemble..."


"I know." Aiden said with a horrified look in his face.


"Magus!" a loud voice broke out overhead.


A Shout spell. Comming from a voice all too familliar.


"You and your women, Magnus. How Amusing." Chronus continued.


"Because you stole my life for the past 6 1/2 years, I think i'll steal yours!"


"Arthur!" Aiden yelled, "Just listen! -"


"Use my Name!" Chronus demanded.


"Chronus!" Aiden spoke, "I'm Sorry -"


"Tough!" Chronus replied.


"Say goodbye to your Daddy, little girl!" He said presumably to Kiri.


"daddy!" could be faintly heard from the top floor of the tower.








Chronus walked back from the balcony into the study passing the frozen Kiri. He grabbed ahold of the staff again, and while it was still in its recess he started consentrating on it.








Outside, Aiden was trying to cast fly on himself as well as any transportation spell he could think of to try and get back into the tower to no availe.


Suddenly, the whether spontainiously picked up. Lightning, wind, the whole bit.


It was as if the entire tower started pulsing.


"Do something!" Phacia cried out.


All Aiden could do was stare horrified as he watched his own tower, which contained his own daughter as well has his own arch nemesis phasing away in slow pulses.



The Tower was gone. The only thing that remained was the Grove and outer wall.