Vananthia leaves only Dust Devils behind as the PC's are left in this unknown Desert. Their only clue was to head north to the River of Septence, and to look for the Jewel of the Septence.


Should the PC's head north by Air. They will get attacked by Sphinx Riders. This will be their introduction of the Qeteshrhean Empire. Let the Balance Check encounter Ensue.


The Sphinx Riders will want to force the PC's down.


Reguardless of the Outcome, the PC's will have to face the First Hanuris. A man with the Head of a Serpent. This "Man" should Prove to be too much for the PC's. And if they don't give up, will surely be knocked unconscious (Non Lethal Damage) (maybe will have the ability to shoot a poisonous Venom that can do the same).


When they wake up, they find that they are in some sort of Stone Throne Room. If they try to get to their feet, they will be overcame with Pain, and forced to their knees. That's when they realize that they are drugged (or still drugged. whichever the case may be.) They still have all of their equipment, nothing was taken.


"You will stay kneeling while you are in the Pharaoh Goddess presence." The First Hanuris commands.


A door will open before them. At first all they will see is the Harem. Woman that are scantly clad and of such beauty. However, what they are escorting comes into view, which dwarfs their beauty. In a Head Dress with some sort of Wolf or Jackal on it, and hair of silky black that seemed almost like beads. Wearing nothing but a sheer white gown with a gold inlaid sash around the Plexus of her rib cage. Gold decorative bands around her arms as well as her ankles. Sandals of the utmost Quality. This was Pharaoh Goddess Alectoris Barbara Aegypticus.


The Harem escorted her to the Throne, where she sat on her side, resting her arms on the scrolling arms of the throne.


In a strange Language, She speaks, "You have come to destroy me, Magnus?" It is then do they realize that Aiden doesn't have the staff of Magnus. But it is laying on the floor in front of Alectoris. She idly glances at the staff and answers her own question, "No..."


She gets up and walks slowly to Aiden.


"You look so much younger than when we last met." She says as she gently grasps Aidens Jaw, "In your current state, you cannot even begin to hope to accomplish this. Even with your friends." She gestures to everyone else in the room with her other hand.


"So... my Question is... what HAVE you come here for?"



Power of Oreah? The Tomb of the First Breeds?


"I cannot help you with this."


The Jewel of the Septense?


"Ah... So you seek the Jewel of the Septense..." Alectoris smiles to herself. She turns back around to her throne. She takes a few steps back to it before pausing. She turns her head.


"And what do you possibly have that I want, that I'd be willing to give it to you?"


After Some talk.


"Hmmmm..." She smiles "Perhaps some entertainment?"


"Entertainment for my People." She says.


"Ra'Sek." She announces.


"Play Ra'Sek," She explains, "And if you win, I'll give you the Jewel of the Septense."


"Other wise, I'll have to fulfill a promise that I made to you oh so long ago..." She says.


Which is?


She turns to face Aiden. Her eyes glow Red and for an instant her face seemed to look like a Jackal, "I'll have to Kill you. It will be a Death where you DONT come back from."


The Darkness from her eyes fade away as they came.


"And after that, I'll put your friends in the Ra'Sek games anyways."


She takes a few steps closer to Aiden and leans in. She grasps his jaw again, and kisses him. He tries to break away, but her power seemed too much for him.


"So what say you?" She asks.


"Jewel of the Septense... or Death?" She asks.

Ra'Sek, The Game of Life and Death.


The PC's Will be faced with 2 or 3 fights.


One will be against a Master of the Hunt (MMV)


One will be against a Summoner(pathfinder).



Afterwards, the PC's will rewarded with the Jewel of the Septense. Which is actually a place. A place where Alex reveals to the PC's. After which she warns that if Magnus ever shows his face to her's again, she will fulfill her promise of killing him.


The Jewel of the Septense is a magically protected Giant Topaz which marks the entrance to the Tomb of the First Breeds. Only those who know the exact location can located it as it is protected by a barrier of concealment.


When someone with a Dragon aura approaches, the topaz reacts and opens.


Just Like the Legend said, the walls of this place are made of Bones from the Dragons that made it. The Corridor downwards were made up of the tail bones spiraling down on all sides. As you got deeper, it opened up into a large interior. Evenly spaced around the outer walls were the Heads of the Dragons, which stuck out like stuffed animal heads hanging on the wall.


5 Dragons, and five races. Iron, Copper, Silver, Adamantine, and Gold. Their bones have now focilized into the metals that they represented. The Cavern was a rainbow of metal colors. The Ribcages and bones of the wings made up the cavern walls.


Out of the Magnificent Skulls, like breathweapons, came out a beam of light that shown to the center of the room where a claw that acted like an alter or pedestal stood. It was obvious that something should have rested in its palm. But alas there was nothing.


It was then that you noticed that a good portion of the cavern was melted... like something really hot was in the room. Within the melted portion of the ground, there was a footprint... a footprint made from what you recognize to be a Collosal Red Dragon.


It looks as though it was made very recently.


As you exit the tomb, the Topaz shuts again.


Tordek takes a swig from his flask. For the sake of it, he takes another. That's when the Gutbuster in the everfilling flask runs out.




Tordek shakes the flask, trying to see what is wrong with it.


(here there might be some other things that the PC's try magically, and they too wont work.)


Spot check: Brimstone is above the cliff where the Topaz was. He pokes his head over the Cliff to take a look at the PC (Tordek specifically). He then attacks.


This fight will end up with only one outcome. Brimstone will start off by attempting to crush Tordek. The Anti-magic field keeps anyone from using magic against him. After attempting to pin Tordek, he will keep him within full attack range, but far enough away to keep tordek or anyone else be within range.


Vananthia will show up and fight Brimstone early on. Brimstone will end it though and pin Vananthia to the ground. Vananthia is still struggling.


He looks up to Tordek and tells him, "Run or Die!"


It will end with Brimstone killing Tordek. He will then fly around, gloating over his victory.


Meanwhile... in Dragon heaven...


You seem to be having a out of body experiance. You see your corpse, there bellow you. You see Aura, Aiden, Crimson and Phacia rush up to you.You see your friends to everything they can to try and heal you, without sucess.


You notice that you are drifting away from your body. it gets furthur and further. Finally, you zoom up high into the sky. Your visions fades, and eventually you find yourself in some sort of celestial meadow. You find yourself... in Dragon Heaven.


"Tordek Brewmaster!" a powerful, otherworldly voice overcomes you.


You glance up. You see 5 massive glowing figures standing over you in the distance. Each representing a different shade and color of metal. Iron, Copper, Silver, Adamantine, and Gold. Somehow, you know these to be the same ones back in the Tomb. These... are the First Breeds. The Gold one was speaking.


"You have acted richeously, Against an Evil Dragon in defense of a Good Dragon. You have shown, true bravery, currage, and loyalty. You have made us proud, Tordek Brewmaster. May your name be forever remembered here...

"The Power of Oreah cannot be found... It can only be earned!"


The scene before you shrinks away. You feel like falling.


Suddenly, you take in a deap breah. You startle everyone around you. In the distancce, High in the Sky, you see brimstone circling around, laughing... until he saw you.


You Grip your fathers Axe. It starts glowing. The Axe glows brightly, first its normal red, then it glows extremely bright. It changes forms before your eyes, and the glowing turns blue. When the Glowing fades, you notice it no longer takes the form of a Gold Dragon. It now looks like a Platinum Dragon, with the blade now blue.


As you get up you also notice your armor is making a transformation of its own. It totally changes shape. After the glowing transformation ends, you can see that it now looks extremely similar to the armor you have seen Xeik wear.


Dispite the Antimagic field, you feel the power of the Dragon Paladin strongly flows through you.


Brimstone Attacks.


After the Death of Brimstone.


You find yourself back in Dragon Heaven.


You see a vision of Oscar in front of you.


"Me Son. You have done Yer Father proud. You have avenged me and have done what I could nae. May me gift to you serve you well in the future. Allway's Keep tha' Axe close at hand. Farewell... Me Son."