This all started with the Seven Handles.


People from all over the southern alliance came together to form the most powerful team ever made.


They set an example.


This spurred support for more teams like them.


So the Alliance Exchange Program was iniciated.


Exceptional people, that were drafted into the armies of the southern alliance, went through basic training, then depending on their skills, went into more advanced training. Now they are all assigned to a newly formed special operation's squad, code named, the Night Hawks.


Thier First mission, escort a special chest created by non other than Seven Handle's Wizard Mirdan to some ruins in Tiernas, where a mythical Artifact is suppose to be located. These ruins are located off of the beaten path south of a Tiernas Village called Ghundle Hall. After the Artifact is retrieved, place it into the chest and take it back to Ghundle Hall and make contact with a handler named Geoffrey. There, the Black Hawks will recieve updated orders.


That was the plan, anyways.

Things Change However...


The Night Hawks make thier way to said ruins. However, when they get there they find that the ruins are crawling with Kobolts of a Northern Legion enemy, ChaeLoeMae. (There will be a NPC specialist there with the Night Hawks that knows this information). After some scouting, it will be evident that the Kobolts have the artifact.


Updated Mission: Retrieve the Artifact at all cost.


The Night Hawks will have to fight or sneak their way through the Kobolt Encampent and retrieve the Artifact.


Afterwards, they place it in the chest, and take it north to Ghundle Hall.


The Plan was to then escort it to Mirdan's tower, but something has come up.

A much more dangerous army of ChaeLoeMae has somehow snuck into Tiernas and has pretty much caught everyone un prepared. While the Southern Alliance is fighting on multiple fronts up north, there is very little to stand in the way on this army here.


Geoffrey will worry about the artifact.


The Black Hawks mission now is to maybe somehow delay that force long enough for a southern alliance army to come and meet them?


The Specialist will take them to the southern coast of Tiernas, where a Navy of the Northern Legion has set up base camp and off loading supplies from their ships onto land.


Here, the specialist will guide the PC's on what they should do.


A frontal assault will only end in death.


Objective 1:

Take out one of the outskirt camps before they can warn their allys that you are here.


Now that thier early warning system is out...


Objective 2:

Sneak on board their ships and take out thier crows nest occupants to avoid further spot.


Objective 3:

Sabotoge their goods and supplies still on board the ship with out being spotted.


Objective 4:

Go to the second ship, take out thier crows nest personnel, and sabotoge those goods and supplies.


Objective 5:

Take out the low level mages(one at a time) so that they cant heal their allys(in the case of clerics and druids) or supply support (in the case of Wizards and Sorcerers)

(Note: while the specialist says low level, these guys are actually 3rd to 5th level, which is 1 to 3 levels higher than the PC's. If they are not careful, the mages could and will kill the PC's.)


Objective 6:

Escape the enemy camp. There is a higher level strike team on the look out for the PC's. A confrontation with them will be certain death on the PC's part. They must evade capture (or worse) and escape the camp by sneaking out, before the Alliance Army gets there.

The Alliance Army gets there on time and engages the enemy before it could do any real harm.


The Night Hawks are pulled back to base.


The PC's are promoted. Depending on their role and how well they did in the last two missions determinds their new rank.

from PFC to Corporal (for the one that shows the highest leadership skill)

(for any questions on the modernacy of the ranks, Tiernas has been at war for two centuries so it only makes sense that thier military structure has developed significantly over those two hundred years.)


The Night Hawks will be assigned back to Ghundlehall. There Geoffrey will want you to scout out Mt. B'nell 2 days walk over hills to the west of the town. It is rumored that the other half of the artifact is located there. Thier only mission is to go their via horseback (quickly) to determin the status of the mountain; if there are any hostiles and come back to report it.


They will see that there is a large number of goblins located at the mouth of the mountain ruin entrance. There doesn't seem to be any other way in there.


This mission and the previous one should be switched, so that the timelines between this campaign and the one with Tordek can allign.


So when the PC's go back to tell Geoffrey, he will have the news about the previously mentioned army that came through. (the specialist is the one that scouted it.)


Okay... back to the promotion... then a short rest. Aparently another team went and got the other half of the artifact so the Night Hawks don't have to worry about it.


Besides... the Night Hawks have bigger fish to fry.