This is VERY important. Your lives and all of Daksina's depend on it.

                You are currently trapped in some sort of Chronoloop. Time is repeating itself for you and many in Penchura. Those in the affected area in Penchura are not aware of what is going on. That includes you. I do not know what is causing this exactly, though your previous incarnations have been helpful in narrowing it down.


It appears there is no way to enter or exit the affected area while the Loop is ongoing, so I have not been able to help directly.


There are a few things that you need to know that may help. Some may be more relevant than others.


1. The Time loops are not consistent. It appears that the amount of time between loops seems   to vary depending on what happens in a given loop. Your actions may have something to do with it.


2. Sultanas Caliista Caliopa does not appear to be directly involved.


3. Guild Master Augusto Marcello does not appear to know what is going on either.


4. I have my suspicions that someone is keeping the tensions high between the Government and the Thieves guild. It may be subordinates of both sides.


5. In the Cave, turn left 3 times before turning right once. Then turn left one more time. Whatever is causing these loops seems to be at the end of these directions. And whatever you do, do not turn right on the third intersection. Whenever you go down that intersection, I stop hearing from you. Since going down there has never seemed to have helped things, it seems like that going that way is a death wish.