Zastavit - Stop


Privolat Tlimonchinka - Summon Translator


A Demon appears. It says, "Sigh... I am Privni Sopka's Mortal Translator. I will be translating for you at the behest of my Master."


Budu Multuvit. A Budete poslouchat. - I will speak. And you will listen


Yeste, Mech Bratstrava - You are, Sword of the Brotherhood.


Nechci Slouzit falesne titan volbou. - I do not serve the false Titan by choice.


Ysem Vazan Yineho. - I am bound by another.


Mui nenarozene dite - My unborn child.


Nemohu ulozit na vlastni pest. I cannot save it on my own.


Pokud byste mi pomoct, pomohu ti. - If you help me, I will help you.


Uložit mé nenarozené dítě, a vázán na to falešné já budu víc ne.. - Save my unborn

child, and bound to the false one i will be no more.