Last time on Sword of the Brotherhood...


Balian's dad got murdured.


Balian got Gaius and Perd to investigate it with him. The answers they got only gave them more questions. From the Way that Balien's father was killed to the symble on his dad's old armor could not be explained away, so they sought out Old Gavin, a friend of Balien's dad and hermit that lived on the otherside of Woodshire near the lake.

After discribing in detail what they had witnessed and investigated, Gavin revealed that he was more than just an old hermit. He was a Wizard... Grand Headmaster of the Wizard's Coven.


Through him, they learned of Cyrus' rise to power, the great barriers failing, and the Xantonian threat to the east.


Gavindor explained that the only way to defeat a man like Cyrus Bahadur was to unite the Kingom's of Daksina like they did in the olden days and find the Sword of the Brotherhood.

Gavin asked the PC's to get ready for an adventure and meet him back at his cottage in 2 days time.


With no one to mind the sheep, Balien sold the sheep to make a small fortune and make ready some adventuring gear for the party.


When the elapsed time had passed, Gavin had returned injured and cursed.


He urged the PC's to go on with out him to the Barren Lowlands to find the Sword of the Brotherhood. So he gave them a stone of the underworld to help protect the PC's from the Umbral beings in the Barren Lowlands, where the Sword was located.


Using a port key, the PC's were transported to Westhaven, where they bought a small cart to drag one person in because of the dangers of the Lowlands.

As the PC's traveled, night seemed to be eternal. The Nature of the Barrier kept the sunlight from reaching the ground. Midway through, the passage trough the Barrier narrowed to barely one person could go through at a time without actually entering the barrier.


The PC's noticed that the Umbral Stone kept the wierd shadow creatures from strait up to walking towards the PC's but they did follow them a ways.


By the time the reached the Sword of the Brotherhood, the Shadow creatures closed within twenty five feet.


The Area Around the sword was protected from the underworld barrier. It was a perfect sphere of protected space around the Sword.


THe PC's tried pulling the Sword out of the pedistal, one by one they failed. Until Perd, the one wielding the Umbral Stone, tried.


The Sword reacted to the stone, and both it and the sword shattered.


The Umbral Stone was dust, but the pieces of the Sword reformed into their own weapons.


Upon picking these weapons up, the PC's gained the knowllege of the Sword's previous wielder.


The Pc's were no longer commoners... but where now Adventurers.


Perd became a Wizard, Gaius became a rogue, and Balien was a fighter.


The only question remainds... What are the Shadow People doing now?

And now... the continuation...


As the Shadow creatures start closing in, more people apeared around you. They seemed to be as suprised as you with what is going on. They each too have a piece of the Sword of the Brotherhood. 


After an encounter with the Shadow People...


more Shadow people will emerge...


Forcing the PC's to make a run for it the rest of the way. If they do, they will be exausted by the time they come out of the Barren Lowlands.

As they enter the land of Darsina, they will note strange poles sticking out of the ground on either end of the paths with skulls on them.


Those that pass a knowllege local check will realize that this is not meant as a warning, but a greeting and show of respect of the people whom those skulls belong to.


The PC's with a perception check will spot a White Stag in the distance. It will be hard to spot because of all the fog around, but it will be a good omen.


Upon meeting the first patrol, the PC's may note that none are smiling and are quite stern, while not openly hostile.


The Nersians greet each other by hitting each other as a show of strength and respect. Again, a knowllege of Local check will determin that these people are not being hostile.


Once proper greetings are achieved, then the hunters will greet everyone warmly in their own language.

After some minor rollplaying, the patrol/hunters take the PC's to Claymire.


Head hunter is Sidin.


Should the PC's inquiring to reforming the Daksinian Alliance, they will be informed that only the Elder Druids are able to make such a descision.


Should they be brought forth to the Druid's dwelling, the Druid will explain that they have no interest in the outside world affairs.


When pressed with the issue, the Druid tells them that he alone cannot make the descision, but would have to confer with the other Druids in Darsina in a communion with the spirits.


However, only a member of Nerisian society can ask the Druids to enter communion with the spirits.

In order to become a member of Claymire or Nersia, the PC's must perform a good deed toward the "Clay People" without any promice of aid from the Nerians.


Mroe than likely anything the PC's do will not get them to become a member of the Nersian People, because whatever they did was so they could gain favor and therefore violates one of the rules to becoming a Nersian.


However, the PC's will have a chance to prove themselves. A Kid will sneak away...


Assasin vine or hell hound will attack...


Should the PC's be victorious, they will finally be made members of the Nersians.