One of the PC's father dies, Obadias Shedrik. He was murdered in a very brutal and pagan way.
Upon further investigation, it was in such a way to complete an ancient pagan divination spell. This is done by Cyrus Bahadur, Regent of the Xantonian Empire, who had obtained eldrich powers long ago from a mysterious source and waged way against Daksina. He murdered Obadias to gleam some pertinent information that Cyrus needed.
The fact that he made it to Uttara leads to the fact that the Great Barriers are failing, and Cyrus has started invading Daksina again. In order to repell such a force, the broken Daksina must be reunited under one banner.
Also, Astera Kohinoor, High Oracle of Naradyle and Forerunner of the United Soverence Council in Daksina, has been looking for Gavindor Qel-Amon to gain his help in the fight against the Xantonian Empire. Gavin was the one who errected the supposedly impeniatrable barriers to begin with and Grand Master of the Wizards Coven in Naradyle. Xantonian Forces drove her out of Naradyle and She got as far as Tanimura before she was captured by the Queen of Tanimura, who is in the middle of negotiation process right now with Cyrus.
Chapter 1 Murder:
Tessa and Gaius' father was brutally murdered. With the help of their friends, they figured out that whoever came left evidence suggesting that they road in on a dragon and flew away.
After investigating Obadias' possesions, they came across a chest in his closet containing items from south of the supposedly impenitrable Great Barrier. One symbol stuck out, the Symbol of Naradyle.
Tessa had seen that symbol elsewhere before. Crazy-man Gavin had a book or something with the same symbol on it.
So the PC's set off to go find Gavin and ask him about the significance of all of this.
Chapter 2 Gavin:
When the PC's get to Gavin's house, they catch him notoriously stark naked.
Upon being robed, Gavin sheds some more light on the happenings of late.
Gavin and Obadias used to work together around 3 decades ago, durring the War.
Gavin is actually Gavindor Qel-Amon, Grand Headmaster of the Wizards Coven in Naradyle.
Gavin surmises that Obadias was killed by Cyrus Bahadur, from the way he was killed to how he got to Uttara.
Cyrus Bahadur was a man that had somehow obtained great magical power long ago, and used it to wage war. He was seemingly unstoppable.
Gavin goes on to explain what happened three decades ago. The Xantonians were winning the war due to their overwhelming size against the partially broken forces of the Daksina Aliance. Gavin had no choice but to use an ancient spell to create a Barrier between Daksina and Xantonia.
There were many people that did not care for the dangerous use of magic that had been caused by the war, so a second barrier was set up to seal Uttara to the north, sepparating the world of Magic, Daksina from the World of Magic, Uttara.
Everyone that didn't want anything to do with magic moved to uttara and everyone that did moved down to Daksina. After that the Barrier was rose.
Afterwards, Gavin and Obadias moved to Uttara from Daksina to protect Obadias' children as well as The Sword of the Brotherhood.
The Sword of the Brotherhood was a powerful weapon crafted millenea ago durring the great War over seven thousand years before.
The Great Barriers were impenetrable from land or sky, so the fact that Cyrus flew over them told Gavin that the Barriers are failing.
If that was the case, then there would be nothing stopping the Xantonian Empire from invading Daksina like it did before, since the lands are even more broken then they were three decades ago.
The Key to stopping a force like the Xantonian Empire would be to unite the forces of Daksina against the Xantonian Empire, and the only way to stop Cyrus Bahadur is to find and use the Sword of the Brotherhood.
Gavin urged the PC's for help. He wanted them to get ready for an adventure. However Gavin needed to see what the sate of things were in Naradyle before anything should be done. He wanted the PC's to meet back at his cottage in two days.
When the elapsed time had passed, Gavin had returned injured and cursed.
He urged the PC's to go on with out him to the Barren Lowlands to find the Sword of the Brotherhood. So he gave them a stone of the underworld to help protect the PC's from the Umbral beings in the Barren Lowlands, where the Sword was located.
The Barren Lowlands was south of a town called Westhaven, 3 days ride from Woodshire.
Chapter 3: The Sword of the Brotherhood
As the PC's traveled, night seemed to be eternal. The Nature of the Barrier kept the sunlight from reaching the ground. Midway through, the passage trough the Barrier narrowed to barely one person could go through at a time without actually entering the barrier.
The PC's noticed that the Umbral Stone kept the wierd shadow creatures from strait up to walking towards the PC's but they did follow them a ways.
By the time the reached the Sword of the Brotherhood, the Shadow creatures closed within twenty five feet.
The Area Around the sword was protected from the underworld barrier. It was a perfect sphere of protected space around the Sword.
THe PC's tried pulling the Sword out of the pedistal, one by one they failed. Until the one wielding the Umbral Stone, tried.
The Sword reacted to the stone, and both it and the sword shattered.
The Umbral Stone was dust, but the pieces of the Sword reformed into their own weapons.
Upon picking these weapons up, the PC's gained the knowllege of the Sword's previous wielder.
The Pc's were no longer commoners... but where now Adventurers.
Chapter 4: The Nersians.
After the PC's exit the Barrier, they end up in Nersia. They come across their invitation posts indicating they have entered the territory.
One day, when it gets foggy, they will come across a white stag off in the distance. It is a good omen, whether the PC's realize it or not.
See nersian Culture in the Places page.
The Nersians surround the PC's on the path. And if their culture is not picked up by the PC's this could go really bad.
Good end of things, they make friends with the Nersians, and go through the whole thing about becomeing a member of their scociety and stuff.
Bad means they have to make it through Nersia while being hunted by the Nersians, which prove to be quite deadly. If this is the case, the next few days/weeks will be difficult, but progresses to the next area.
If good, then the PC's will have a chance to meet with a Druid of Nersia and attempt to gain favor with her.
In order for the NErsians to join the War effort, they must call a communion and the ancestors must agree to it. However only a member of Nersian scociety can ask for a communion with the Druids.
In order to become a member of Claymire or Nersia, the PC's must perform a good deed toward the "Clay People" without any promice of aid from the Nerians.
More than likely anything the PC's do will not get them to become a member of the Nersian People, because whatever they did was so they could gain favor and therefore violates one of the rules to becoming a Nersian.
However, the PC's will have a chance to prove themselves. A Kid will sneak away...
Assasin vine or hell hound will attack...
Should the PC's be victorious, they will finally be made members of the Nersians.
Chapter 5: Communion
There is a particular ritual to gathering the Druids of Nersia and calling upon a Communion. There is first a day long feast, where the PC that is a member of the Nersians must eat the meat of one of the Nersians enemies, another human.
Also the PC must take on a Nersian mate to become a full member.
Once these things are accomplished, the PC may enter the communion a day later.
The spirits inform them of the threat to the east, larger than just an army and a scorcerer, but an ancient evil power awoken by the scorcerer.
When asked about this power, the spirits cannot say dirrectly, but do point the PC's in the dirrection of Kira.
Chapter 6: Kira
With the spirits themselves warning the Druids of Nersian society about the threat to the east, they are now convinved that they must take a greater role in current events.
The Druids tell the PC's that it will take some time to gather the full force of their people. In the mean time, the PC's should probably go visit this Kira of Mount Ulymp. However they do say for them to take care. Mount Ulymp is the tallest mountain known in the lands, and is shares some of the coldest winters up there, even during spring and summer time. But it pales in comparison to the Witch living in the mountain.
Kira is a being who seldom leaves her mountain. Those that bother her tend to not live to tell the tale. She seems even more disconnected to the outside world than the Nersians.
The PC's set out towards mount Ulymp.
As they travel things get more verticle and colder.
They will encounter an Ice Troll. This is a slight deviation on the DM's part to keep encounters realistic base. But I figure this is a land of limited magic, and this is a place mortals seldom go. And to top it off, maybe this troll was brought here by Kira herself to make the mountain even more dangerous.
And a Winter Wolf.
The PC's will be led to a cave opening near the summit of Mount Ulymp. The cave will lead to someplace vvery warm.
It will open out into an oasis. It is here Kira lives. She will be sitting on a throne made from the skin of the Xantonians that tried to invade her sanctuary.
She gives one or more PC's visions of the future.
In the Founders Citadel, in a room in the very center. There is a pedistal with two jeweled golden scroll cases, however, there is a spot for a third.
The vision shifts to a castle in a city called Tanamura. The PC's rescue Astera, but it doesn't seem to bother the Queen that much. Later Queen Rachael gives a third scroll case to a man in Black and Blue, with Xantonian symbol on his tabbard.
The Vision shifts to the same man placing the Scroll case down into the empty slot next to the other two jeweled cases.
The Vision shifts to outside the Founders Citadel. A Great beam of light shoots from within the Citadel and into the sky, before sploting and spreading all around.
The Vision ends with everything going dark.
Kira ends with, this is what shall come to pass... if you fail...
The main objective becomes clear. Tanamura has more than the High Oracle within its dungeons.
Chapter 7 Tanamura:
The PC's now have to save not only the High Oracle, but the mysterious scroll from Queen Rachael's grasp.
There are several steps needed in order to accomplish everything in Tanamura.
Objective 1: Rescuing the High Oracle
Objective 2: Obtaining the Mysterious Scroll Case (Scroll of Andloft)
Objective 3: Organizing the Tanamura Rebellion
Objective 4: Dealing with the Xantonian Agents.
Objective 5: Ubsurting Queen Rachael III
Objective 6: Dealing with the Stewart, who is actually a Wizard of the Wizards coven, who sold out his services to Tanamura and the Xantonian Empire.
Objective 7: Replacing the Queen with Rachael IV
Only after all of these objectives are met will the forces of Tanamura would join the PC's cause. Only objective 1 and 2 are required to advance the main plot.
As far as plot points go, there is an overarching timeline going on here. Queen Rachael III has stuck a bargain with the Xantonian Empire. The origonal point of the Nagotiations was for Cyrus to obtain the last scroll of Andloft. The Queen knew that it was an extremely valuable piece of magic from her Stewart. She gave otherwise outragious demands for the Scroll... stuff like massive amounts of Land after Xantonia takes over and what not. To Cyrus, next to having the last scroll of Andloft everything else is nothing. So he is willing to accept those demands for the Scroll. besides, if everything goes his way, he wont have to worry about Queen Rachael III.
Cyrus is also only minorly concerned about the Stewart in Queen Rachaels employment... might cause minor trouble if things get out of hand.
Astera was only a lucky last minute addition to the negotiations. Rachel thought that adding her as a barganing card might give her some more sway.
Anyways, Cyrus is sending people to claim the scroll for him. So the PC's dont have much time to act on objectives 1 and 2. Along the way they might complete some of the other ones, but only 1 and 2 have to be done quickly.
Chapter 8: Astera and the return of Gavin.
Once the PC's get ahold of Astera and/or the Scroll of Andloft and try to make their escape, Gavin will come and assist them.
If the PC's have to deal with the Stewart, they may find that he is too much and Gavin will come then and save the PC's. Gavin has been watching the PC's through the Potion Bottle that he gave them via Scrying. In his own way, he was watching over the PC's.
Now that Gavin is back, he asseses the Scroll case that the PC's found. He is quite worried about what it is that Cyrus was after. He reveals that the Scroll case contains one of the Scrolls of Andloft. Magical scrolls that are told to have the power of life itself, if properly wielded.
If Cyrus were to abtain the power, life as everyone would know it, would be lost forever.
In order for the magic to work, it is said that one must posses all three scrolls in addition to some other nitpickings. Point is, they must keep the scroll from falling into Xantonian hands or all would be lost.
Gavin knows the perfect place to hide it. In the Vault of the Wizards Coven Tower in Naradyle. There is ancient magic there that protects the Tower and even more so in the vault. Gavin is confident that once they put the scroll in the Vault, nothing will be able to get to it again.
And now that Gavin knows that the scrolls are in play, he must do a bit more research on it just in case something does come of it.
Also, the Wizards Coven is a good place for the Oracle too, especially with the Grand Headmaster there to looks after things.
The only thing they need to worry about is the Wizard that betrayed Gavin. (If the PC's have already taken care of the Steward objective, they do not need to worry and the Coven Tower is Ripe for the Taking)
Chapter 9 Naradyle:
Naradyle is both a region in itself and a culmination of all the accomplishments of the other regions in Daksina.
However, there are a few objectives here as well to take the City.
Objective 1: Take the Wizards Coven (This objective is tied to Objective 6 of Tanamura), however, even without him there he will have left a supprise for our heroes.
Objective 2: Take back the United Soverence Council Palace.
This objective is actually several objectives in one.
Objective 2a: Deal with the Xantonian military force that is stationed here.
Objective 2b: Find the Xantonian informants within the Council Staff.
Objective 2c: Gaining favor with the Councilmen/or replace the unwilling Councilmen.
Objective 3: Take back the Naradyle Honor Guard Keep
This objective is also several objectives in one.
Objective 3a: Rid the Keep of all Xantonians soldiers
Objective 3b: Rescue the Captain of the Guard from the Catacombs
Objective 3c: Find and expose the Traitors under the Captains command
Objective 4: Reopen trade routes throughout Naradyle and Daksina.
This objective is several objectives in one. This is also a culmutive objective that relies on going to said regions to gain support.
Objective 4a: gain trade support from Tanamura and neighboring kingdoms
Objective 4b: gain trade support from Chelton
Objective 4c: gain trade support from Estrada
Objective 4d: gain Trade support from Talea
Objcetive 4e: gain trade support from Penchura
Objective 4f: gain trade support from Simya
Objective 4g: gain trade support from Azemmour
Objective 5: Gain Political/Military Support for Naradyle/Daksina
This is also a culmutive objective.
Objective 5a: Gain Military Support from Nerisa
Objective 5b: Gain Military Support from Tanamura and Neigboring Kingdoms
Objective 5c: Gain Military Support from Chelton
Objective 5d: Gain Military Support from Estrada
Objective 5e: Gain Military Support from Talea
Objective 5f: Gain Military Support from Penchura
Objective 5g: Gain Military Support from Simya
Objective 5h: Gain Military Support from Azemmour