Tanamura Castle. When the PC's make it out of the dungeon, their deception starts to wear thin. As soon as the PC's went through the shimmering wall in the dungeon, The Stewart was immediatly aware of the PC's presence.


The Stewart is infact the Master Wizard, Razlon Kernapia, who sold his services to the Queen of Tanamura as a double agent for Cyrus Bahadur.


While the Guards in the Dungeon were not aware of the PC incersion, Razlon informed those in the castle to wait in ambush, wither in the throne room or the main lobby.


When they cross said rooms, Rozlin will cast mass hold person. (using a scroll). This may not affect everyone, but enough.


Guards surround the room.

Razlon speaks, "Not... so fast."


"Sir Balian, I see you have returned." He regards him, "Last time I extended a curtosy to you and your companions. And this is how I am repayed. I am not sure weather i should be concerned or amussed that you all got this far wearing those outfits. I suppose you should be commended. Unfortunatly for you, not everyone around here is so dense."


"And the Sword of the Brotherhood. My my... looks like Master Gavindor sent peons in his place... wait... four weapons of the brotherhood? What did you do to that beautiful artifact!?"


"No matter... Let us discuss the transgressions you are committing. Tresspassing, Dispatching her Highnesses Maze Pet. Two counts of impersonating Tanamuran nobles as well as Castle Guards. Assault on said Castle Guards. Oh, and impersonating the Crown. Tisk Tisk. I show curtasy and this is what I get."


"Xantonian, not Naradyle society is the stronger one. Tanamura will be stronger within the Xantonian Empire than it ever was in these pathetic Common Kingdoms."


"Ah, but enough of my monologuing. Time to get down to business. Let's start with the most severe crime. Impersonating the Crown. Sadly, for you miss sweety, that means death."


"Zot Zur Sanc!" Razlon speaks as he thrusts his left hand forward towards Tessa.


For a split second, electricity arcs between the fingers of his opened hand, before a bolt of lightning shoots out towards Tessa.


You don't know how, but in a heroic act of Bravery, Gaius somehow jumped infront of Tessa, taking on the bolt of lightning full on. The staff in his hand was glowing brightly as it seemed to share in the punishment. For a few breif split seconds, you saw Gaius' skeleton through his skin and clothing.


There was a moment of Silence, as the thunder and light subsided. There was still some crackling arcs here and there on the Staff of the Brotherhood. Where Gaius once stood, was now nothing but a charred cadaver. He let go of the staff as he fell face first to the floor, the Staff still staing put where it was.


Electricity continued to Arc around the Staff. The staff started glowing. It whited out before changing shape. When the light subsided, it was no longer a staff, but in the shape of a large Headed Hammer, still crackling with Electricity, with the words, Brotherhood inscribed along the edges.


The look on Razlons face was that of supprise. "What in-" was all that he could say, before the Hammer spontaniously flew up and through the stone cealing, like it was made of brittle twigs, leaving a small streek behind.

"That was... different." Razlon muttered to himself. "It can wait."


"Now for the rest of you."


As Razlon was talking, another figure emerged from the background. You were not sure when or how he entered the room, as you didn't think he was there before. It was as if he popped in without a sound. You did seem to feel a small shockwave in the air as he apeared. He was wearing brown robes.


"Oh, Gaius... If only I was here a moment sooner." spoken by a familiar voice


"Who-?" Razlon started to ask before stopping yourself.


"You!? How are you still alive?" Razlon barked.


The man in Brown slammed his previously concealed staff into the ground, making a loud impact upon the floor. With it, came your ability to move again. The Shockwave was enough to jarr loose the hood in the man in brown robes, revealing his head. It was Gavin!


"Zot Zur Sanc!" Razlon yelled producing another lighting bolt.


"Joh Hah!" Gavin exerted as he thrusted his staff forward. The lighting Bolt reflected off of Gavin's staff into and through the window. (behind the throne or by the main door... which ever room they are in)


"I am not so defeated this time, Razlon." Gavin speaks


"Guards! Kill them!" The Stewart commanded.


Gavin turns to you, "Defend me from the guards so that I may defend you from the Wizard!"

Encounter Time!


Gavin vs Razlon.


PC's vs Guards!


In addition to the guards here in the room, there is an iminant threat of more guards coming in, each wave is 1d4 rounds after the last.


The PC's can bar the doors to prevent more guards from coming in, atleast delaying them. the doors to the Throne room and the lobby are reinforced so it will be difficult to knock them down.

Throughout the encounter, Gavin will be nullifying Razlons spells, buy canceling thme out or deflecting them. both wizards are being really careful to concentrate on their spells and avoid breaching the veil. Though mistakes do happen, and maybe once or twice through the encounter, hell hounds will emerge from seemingly nowhere. (or maybe rifts here and there.)






On a side note, Upon further investigation, there will be witnesses outside the castle that saw the hammer of the brotherhood fly off to the south east at incredible speed. The lightning bolt was absorbed by the staff so that it wouldnt go any further than Gaius. With this act of heroism and raw power of the lightning, it unlocked something within itself. Since Gaius died, it transformed into another weapon to go seek out a worthy hero... in Estrada.


There is a reason behind this.


Over seven thousand years ago, the world was ruled by meta-mortals called Titans. One such Titan, Heldar Azdinson, a old Estra Hero said to have ridden the Great Fenrir a mystical wolf, was one of those responsible for the Sword of the Brotherhoods creation.


Heldar wielded a Hammer, and use one not only as a weapon, but a tool to build and forge.


Like the other Titans that built the Sword of the Brotherhood, part of him was transfered to the Sword. He instilled within the blade the ability to choose its wielder. However since he was not the only person to create the sword, that ability was not the forefront.


Had the PC's not been carrying the Umbralstone, they may not have been able to pull out the sword. But since they did, they shattered it and weakened the overall sword by splitting it into several peices.


For a brief moment, Gaius acted with such heroism that it unlocked the memory of Helgar within it. That combined with the powerful lightning spell, brought forth Helgar's will within that shard of the Brotherhood, transforming it into the Hammer that Helgar would wield.


However, now that Helgar's essence has been awakened, the Hammer of the Brotherhood is alot more picky about who wields it. It looks for qualities that Gaius showed, when he sacraficed his life to spare Tessa.


Now Helgar was one of the first Estra, and the Hammer would travel back to Helgars old home, Goro. There it will land and act as sort of a sword in the stone thing. No one being able to move it.


Only a true Hero can budge the Hammer.