What is Cyrus Bahadur's motive besides conquoring Daksina?
What is the end game? what is the motivating factor that makes the PC's want to confront Cyrus?
Old Idea, Scrolls of Andloft. This has the advantage of being somewhat nastalgiac... but at the same time, could be considered a parody of Wizards First Rule as incidentally there are alot of similarities between the Scrolls of Andloft and the Boxes of Orden.
Another idea, An ancient spell that was made to seal the veil... but since it was made using magic from the veil, the very act of casting the spell would breach it. This idea has irony behind it.
Perhaps Bahadur wants to make the world ready for the comming gods. Right now, his master is the only god in the world, and as such has an advantage. But if more true religions spred the Founder will loose his edge. So having that in mind, what is the Founder and Cyrus after that would help them?
The Sky Sanctuary.
There is a scroll, that contains magic to travel to the actual Veil that separates the Shadow Zone from the Prime Material Plane. Specifically to the Sky Sanctuary.
Long ago, the Sky Sactuary was sealed away in a particular matter. Not to the Shadow Zone, or the Prime Material Plane, as it could still be found. The KSysanctuary was sealed into the very Veil that separates the Two realms. Not in either, yet connected to both. That way no one could find it.
Yet they left clues to its location should the need arise.
The Sky Sanctuary contains many secrets of magic from the time before the Gods and Titans left the world. Magic that even they feared. However, if they were to obtain such power, it could mean the end as life as everyone knew it.
Cyrus Bahadur became a Titan from the first god, the Founder. The Founder was left in the Shadow Zone and only recently emerged. Fearing what would happen if the other gods were to return, which they would, he sent Cyrus out to find the Sky Sanctuary as well as gain enough followers to empower the Founder so that when the other gods returned, they would not be a threat.
The Xantonian Empire lead their war as a crusade across Daksina. This in itself threatened to tear the veil, as magic had to be used to thwart such a threat.
This is why Gavindor Qel-Amon rose the barriers, using ancient magic. It accomplished two things. One, it kept the Xantonians from Invading Daksina, and the very presence of the Barriers, made from the Underworld itself, stabalized the Veil while they were up, as they themselves were controled breaches, and allowed the rest of the world to stabalize.
While the Barriers were up, and the veil stabalized, it would be impossible to find the Sky Sanctuary, as getting to it required that the veil be breached in such a way that was impossible as long as the Barriers were up.
So Cyrus had to find a way to unmake the Barriers.
So he constructed the Founder's Citadel. A building 30 years in the making, made to amplify the Founder's magic through Cyrus, to bring down the Great Barriers. In theory, the building could be used for other goals, but doing so requires a great effort. And right now the only two efforts were to bring down the barrier, and to cast the spell that will lead them to the Sky Sanctuary.
In Tanamura, in Queen Rachael III's vault, there is a secret entrance to yet another vault, which is magically sealed. This vault contains a magic scroll that Cyrus needs.
It contains a spell that breaches the veil. It was made to be used as a doomsday weapon, but if used in the Founder's Citadel, it can be harnessed and contained to open a portal into the veil. The Founder's Citadel was made to repair breaches into the veil after all.
Now this scroll had been in Queen Rachel's vault for generations... Every monarch of Tanamura knew that such a magic item was extremely dangerous, and should never be used. Cyrus convinced the Queen of Tanamura that he did know what he was doing and promised her riches and land for when he took over the world.
Indeed the Queen didn't know what she had in her vault.
Once Cyrus obtains the scroll, he will take it back to the Founder Citadel. There he will decypher it and eventually use it. This breaches the veil to such an extreme that it releases all manner of dark creatures into the world. The Citadel focuses it and at its center instead forms a portal to the veil itself... To the Sky Sanctuary.
Among other things, the Sky sanctuary had the power to seal the veil. THe architechs of this situation knew that if someone where to find the Ksy sanctuary, it would mean the veil had been breached to an apocalyptic degree. So they placed in it a spell that would repair the damage done in getting there to begin with.
Cyrus is only marginally interested in that peice of magic. His main concern however is the potential that it holds. The power to create and shape magic in a multitude of ways. Weapons, armor, wonderous items, spells. An army launched from the Sky Sanctuary would be a true force to be rekoned with.
Okay... now to tie up some loose ends...
Why did Cyrus kill Obadias Shedrick using athropomacy? He needed information... perhapse the wearabouts to the scroll? Nah, if that were the case, he would probably have it sooner.
Obadias had information that only he knew... Something like the scroll, Gavin would know. Maybe he did know? hmmm... too many holes to patch up if that were the case. Square peg in round hole as it were.
Queen Rachel II was a benevolent Queen. Fair and just. Her daughter, Rachael III was spoiled and nothing like her mother. Up until Rachael II the royal family had long since been friend to Naradyle.
Obadias was part of the Royal Guard of Naradyle... and his position in the guard required him to know things. He was a liaison between Tanamura and Naradyle. As such, he was in frequent contact with the Queen of Tanamura and Naradyle. The two of them grew close. However their relationship could not flurish as Obadias was not royalty.
Rachael II had married the King of Brahms to combine their two kingdoms, into what Tanamura is today. King Johannes was not like Rachael at all. He allowed the Kingdom to continue to be named Tanamura in order to win over its people. However he rulled with an iron fist and was ruthless. If it wasn't for the marrage, Brahms would have wiped Tanamura from the map. Rachel II had no choice but to marry Johannes. together they begot a Child. Princess Rachel III, the next Queen. Like her father, Rachel III had quite an apitite.
While on paper, Rachel II was queen and had equal rule and right to the throne as her King, Johaness owned all the cards.
When the Xantonians started invading, a Quad was sent to either kill, subdue or otherwise eliminate as many monarchs throuout Daksina to upsurt their rule.
Rachael II was kidnapped by the Xantonians and Johannes did nothing to save her. Obadiahs took it upon himself to save her, even following them all the way back to Xantonia.
There, several other royalty's were being kept. Some were being executed, while others were used to further their own games, like rediculous randsoms or torture.
Obadiahs saved Rachel II as well as several infant royalties by the wishes of their parrents.
Their journey back west was a long one. It was during this time that Obadias and Rachael II decided to go past their nobilities and consumate their relationship. Being pregnate, Rachael II knew that she could not go back to Tanamura, as she would be hanged or worse for betraying her king, even though he had already betrayed her.
In Naradyle, Obadias encountered Gavin, who shared his plans for errecting the Great Barriers... not just the Xantia Barrier, but the Norden Barrier as well. Expressing theri desire to leave Daksina, Gavin helped the two migrate to Uttara were they could live their lives in peace.
When Rachel gave birth, Obadiahs and Rachel found that they were blessed with twins.
They named them Tessa and Gaius.
The other infants they brought with them, they gave to willing parrents that would take care of them.
None of them realizing their true herritage... All the PC's are legitimate Royalty to somewhere in Daksina. Tessa and Gaius are heirs to the Throne of Tanamura.
Other PC's may be heir to thrones to other places... wont reveal to much here as PC's maybe reading this... (-.-) (<.<) (>.>) (<.<)
Okay, will Rachel II Obadias knows the location and the importants of the scroll that Cyrus is looking for. After some digging... Cyrus finds this out. That's why he used Anthropomacy on him. To gain knowllege of the scrolls location. After he gleans this, he starts negotiations with Tanamura... because there is a Wizard working for Queen Rachael III and would rather avoid complications around the scroll.
Now for the climatic battle?
to be decided