Fjellhvittopp Hold. Also a really tall mountain, however this one lies on the far western edge of Estrada.
Isenhula is the City, which is actually a city made from the glacier.
Haldis will comment that one of her Jarls recommended that the PC’s make the journey to Isenhula to negotiate with the Skynarls and bring them into the fold with the rest of Estrada.
There will be another Frost Giant encounter on the way there.
Long Story Short, The Jarl of the Skynarls is also the Jarl of the Order of Berung. Now few have ever seen the Jarl of Berung or the Skynarls. That is because the Jarl is actually Berung. Berung was always thought to be another Estra, however he is actually a Frost Dragon, and can live for thousands of years. Berung is quite old now, well into his twilight years.
Now there is also a reason for why there are two different clans. The Skynarls are actually descendants of a forbidden union between Botun and Estra, thousands of years ago. These Estra were cast out shortly after, however Berung took them under his wing and protected them. Since they were children of Botuns, they were more easily acclimated to the harsh environments of higher altitudes on a cold mountain.
Over the Centuries, their resemblance to Botuns lessened, but they retained some of their resolve and strength. As such, these Estra are taller than other Estra, and can easily live in the high altitudes of the tallest and coldest mountains, away from most other Estra.
Since then, Berung has acted as a Jarl to both the Skynarls and the Oder of Berung. Especially with the latter, Berung has become a recluse, allowing his housecarl to be his eyes and ears and mouth.
Berung himself told his housecarl to make the suggestion to Haldis to send the Brethren of the Sword to the Skyknarls so he could talk with them in private.
When the PC’s do make it to Isenhula, they will take note of the extraordinary size of these Estra compared to others. Estra are normally bigger than most people simply for their barbaric nature, however these are even larger.
The PC’s will also take note that the city is actually inside a hollowed out glacier on top of the mountain, with tunnels and passageways going in all directions.
Frey is the housecarl. He takes you deep within the city, near the top of the glacier.
This Jarl’s chamber is made entirely out of ice, like every piece of furniture and decoration was carved out of the glacier. On the far wall, there is a platform with a bench in front of it, also made of ice. You could see a large mass behind the far wall, a beast, that seemed to be encased in the ice and was perfectly preserved. You thought to yourself how something like this could happen.
Frey walked up to beside the bench and turned back towards you, “The Master will see you now.”
“Jarl, Ledkrildo.”
In a low booming voice, echoing through the chamber speaks,
“Vítejte, Bratří Meče Bratrstva“
Frey translates, „The Master, Jarl Ledkrildo says, ‚Welcome, brethren of the Sword of the Brotherhood“
„Vytvořili jste namáhavou cestu, ale bylo to nutné.“
You still could not figure out where the voice was coming from.
“You made a tiring journey, however it was necessary.” Frey continues to translate.
„Něco málo lidí ví, je, že jsem také Jarl řádu Berung“
“Something few people know, is that I am also the Jarl of the Order of Berung”
„To je, jak jste tady. Byl to můj housecarl, který dal návrh na Haldis pro vás být těmi, vyjednávat s Skyknarls.“
“That's how you are here. It was my housecarl that gave the suggestion to Haldis for you to be the ones to negotiate with the Skyknarls.”
Přivedl jsem tě sem vás informovat některých věcí, které musíte vědět, jak Bratří meče.
I brought you here to inform you of some things that you need to know, as Brethren of the Sword.
Mor v Talea, je způsobeno jedním z mých příbuznosti
The plague in Talea, is being caused by one of my kindred
Nemocnýjeden žije v džungli Darsana. něco řídil ho a on se teď terorizuje Talea jeho samotné přítomnosti.
Nemocnýjeden lives in the Darsana Jungle. something has driven him out and he now terrorizes Talea by his very presence.
The Beast which you previously thought was incased and trapped in the ice, began to move, raising its head and moving closer to the other side of the wall.
Mé jméno je Estra Berung. Jsem to, co říkáte mráz drak. Jednou jsem bojoval s Helgar Azdin-Son v bitvě u Goro, několika tisíci lety.
My Estra name is Berung. I am what you call a frost dragon. I once fought with Helgar Azdin-Son at the battle of Goro, several thousand years ago.
Moje rodiště je to, co byste nazvali, jed drak.
My kindred is what you would call, a poison dragon.
On není jako druh hearted smrtelníkům, jako jsem já. On je velmi nebezpečné.
He is not as kind hearted to mortals as I am. He is very dangerous.
Já nejsem tak mladý, jak jsem býval. Můžete ovládat meč Bratrstva. Máte to ve vás, aby boj s tímto nepřítele. Musíte ho zastavit, nebo Talea padne. Talea je potřeba pro boj proti Xantonians.
I am not as young as I used to be. You wield the Sword of the Brotherhood. You have it within you to combat such a foe. You must stop him, or Talea will fall. Talea is needed for your fight against the Xantonians.
Pokud jde o Botuns se týká, nejlepší pomoc, kterou může poskytnout, je najít poslední dva klany Estrada. Ochránců Ardengard, a Shadowwrack clan.
As far as the Botuns are concerned, the best help that you can provide is finding the last two clans of Estrada. The Protectors of Ardengard, and the Shadowwrack clan
Oni jsou oba umístěny na zdi, jižně od Simya. ochránců Ardengard jsou umístěné na stěně, zatímco klan Shadowwrack je v rámci Umbralands.
They are both located at the Wall, south of Simya. the Protectors of Ardengard are stationed at the wall, while the Shadowwrack clan is within the Umbralands
Mějte na paměti, že zatímco sjednocení klany Estrada je vznešený cíl, to není nejdůležitější. 2 klany, zatímco silný, nejsou v porovnání s kombinovanou silou, aby Daksina je schopna přinášet nést proti Xantonians.
Keep in mind though that while unifying the clans of Estrada is a noble goal, it is not the most important. 2 clans, while strong, do not compare to the combined might that Daksina is capable of bringing to bear against the Xantonians.
Pro boj s Cyrus, musíte vše zvyšuje sílu vašich zbraní.
Když Meč bratrstva byl celý, to sám měl
schopnost, jak ho zničit, ale v tomto stavu byste nebyli schopni ovládat meč správně.
Bonafas již podnikla první krok v uvolnění potenciálu meče, tak má Haldis, pravděpodobně více tak.
Giles a Tessa, budete muset odemknout na
spaní schopnosti mečem. Teprve pak budete na cestě k
bytí schopné porazit Cyrus Bahadur.
To combat Cyrus, you must all increase the power of your Weapons. When the Sword of the Brotherhood was whole, it alone had the ability to destroy him, however, at that state you would not be able to wield the sword properly.
Bonafas has already took the first step in unlocking the potential of the sword, So has Haldis, probably more so. Giles and Tessa, you need to unlock the sleeping abilities of the sword. Only then will you be on the road to being able to defeat Cyrus Bahadur.
Chcete-li to, že musíte nejprve ukázat meč jste hoden jeho síly.
To do that, you must first show the sword you are worthy of its power.
Nemám schopnosti, které vám pomohou zjevně, Tessu. Jediné, co mohu říct je, že pohled do sebe a budete nakonec najít odpověď.
I do not have the abilities to help you overtly, Tessa. All I can say is that look within yourself and you will eventually find the answer.
Giles, však může být něco, co může udělat pro vás.
Giles, however, there may be something I can do for you.
You see the dragon behind the ice let out a breath, the mist seem to penetrate the wall like it wasn’t there. The mist coalesced in front of you on the ground, and formed a lantern, lit and burning inside.
Vem si to, a pak, když jste pryč z tohoto místa, a myslíte, že jste připraveni, Break tuto lampu. To, co následuje, bude otestovat.
Take this, then, when you are away from this place, and think you are ready, Break this lamp. What follows, will test you.
Být unavený. Vaše životy budou v nebezpečí.
Be weary. Your lives will be in danger.
You then hear a low moan emanate from behind the ice.
Teď ... Mě to unavuje. Můžete jít. V Skyknrals bude podporovat nový High královnu.
Now... I grow weary. You may go. The Skyknrals will support the new High Queen.