Sword of the Brotherhood

Part II


            Darsana. A dense jungle and rain forest so wild that it is devoid of sentient life... Or so the world thought. Z'Mi'ya, the capital city of the Darsanians, is home to 13 temples, controlled by a cast of zealots and the 13 Grand priest. Each of the Grand Priests and respective temples, represent one of the heads of their thirteen headed snake god, Tattuvam.

            Before now, the Darsanians were quiet to the rest of the world. Tattuvam used to be a Primordial in the Great War, over seven thousand years ago. But after The Nine destroyed the Veil, Tattuvam was able to return to the realm of mortals, and was the first to do so. Now, he has a whole nation of religious Zealots that worship him, and to do his bidding.

            Tattuvam granted his followers with Divine Magic; a concept relatively new to the world. His ultimate goal is to take over the world before the other deities have a chance to. So he wants to cleans the world of non believers, and restore the might of the Primordials.

            To that end, he sends his zealots to find an ancient Primordial weapon. A spell called Armageddon. It is said to have been created by the leader of the Primordials, Velkýničitelablížícísebouře, or Velkyn for short, before he left the mortal plane. The spell was suppose to have been stored in the Sky Sanctuary.



            Ghate has survived his ordeal with the PC's. He has used his knowledge gained from Cyrus Bahadur to unlock the secrets of unlife and undeath. He made his own transformation complete moments before engaging the PC's in their last encounter with King Kongia.

            While the body of Ghate had died, his soul remained intact in a Phylactery. Long after the Estra and the PC's vacated the scene, Ghate was reanimated. Now he has discovered a way to not only reanimate dead tissue, but to take control of it.

            Ghate is now raising an army of undead to use against his enemies, hell bent on revenge and conquest. His base of operations is at the site of the last great battle in the war between Daksina and Xantonia.



Emshalef Felmashe, Honte d'elfe

            The Gyaraha (Gee'ara'ha) Samrajya (Sam'Rahj'yah) is a nation far to the south. South of the Umbralands infact. They have become aware of the fall of the umbral influence on the Umbralands and have decided to send an expedition to the north to see if there was anyone left alive after seven thousand years. They crossed the wasteland of the Umbralands using their magitech mobile armors.

            The Gyaraha are built different than humans. Their most distinct feature is their pointed ears, and they tend to be more slender than other humans.  They  will eventually become known as Elves.

            The Samrajya use magical technology, also known as Magitech. Magitech uses artificially made Veil shards to power armors and other technology to use in their day to day lives. Up until recently, flight was impossible, but with the emergence of the Astral Plane, the Samrajya has obtained the ability to make ships that can defy gravity. When the expedition comes from the south to Natuna, the Gyaraha Samrajya is already in development on an airship, a potential war machine to be used against their enemies.


            The Expedition is composed of the Sahasi. The Sahasi are a group of adventurers much like the PC's. To that effect, they are quite capable. Each of them have been implanted with a veil shard early in training, so they are capable of magical abilities, much like the PC's.

            Leon: He is a Dark Knight. While he gives off an evil aura, it is due to the type of Veil shard implanted into him that gives him his powers. He wields a buster sword and is built to wield it.

            Bhai: An Engineer. He uses an Automation to do his bidding. It acts much like a summoner... only its Magitech.

            Viera: A Red Mage. She is sort of the jack of all trades in the party. She can cast arcane and healing magic as well know her way around a sword.

            Rydia: A Black Mage. Rivals Invokers of Naturna.

            Nila: The Leader of the group. She is a Blue Mage, which means she uses monster magic.

Leon will test the PC's himself to measure their strength.




Giles will also receive a cryptic premonition from Diablos. To be ready for the oncoming storm, he must face the Nine's Avatar Aspects and obtain their power. 

The Sahasi


Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +2


AC 26, touch 13, flat-footed 23 (+10 armor, +2 Dex, +3 natura, +1 Dodgel)

hp 150 (15d10+63)

Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +10; +2 vs. enchantments, +4 vs. fear

Defensive Abilities 25% chance to negate critical hits and sneak attacks, bravery +4, no need to breathe; Immune harmful gases and vapors, sleep


Speed 30 ft.

Melee +2 Buster Sword +27/+17/+12 (2d8+15/18–20/X2)

Ranged dagger +21/+16/+11 (1d4+5/19–20)

Special Attacks weapon training (heavy blades +3, axes +2, light blades +1)


Before Combat The fighter drinks his potions of barkskin and bear’s endurance.

During Combat The fighter cows his foes with Dazzling Display. He goes after shaken enemies first, especially humans. He uses his first attack each round for a trip attempt. If hard pressed, the fighter uses Combat Expertise to improve his Armor Class and positions himself for a leaping escape into the nearest body of water. He likes to take out healers and support first.

Base Statistics Without barkskin and bear’s endurance, the fighter’s statistics are AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 17; hp 120; Fort +13; Con 12.


Str  24, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8

Base Atk +15; CMB +19 (+23 trip); CMD 34 (36 vs. trip)

Feats Combat Expertise,  Critical Focus (Buster Sword), Dazzling Display, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Buster Sword), Greater Trip, Improved Trip,  Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Penetrating Strike, Quick Draw, Shatter Defenses, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Staggering Critical, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Buster Sword), Weapon Specialization (Buster Sword)

Skills Acrobatics +20, Climb +11, Intimidate +23, Perception +2, Profession (sailor) +6, Stealth +12, Survival +8, Swim +15

Languages Common, Elven, Halfling

SQ armor training 4, elf blood

Combat Gear feather token (anchor) (3), feather token (bird), feather token (fan) (2), feather token (swan boat), potion of barkskin (CL 9th), potion of bear’s endurance, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of shield of faith (CL 12th); Other Gear +1 light fortification Dragon Plate, , daggers (8), , belt of physical might +2 (Str, Dex), cloak of resistance +3, necklace of adaptation, gold earring worth 50 gp, 413 gp