Ideas that have yet to take shape. Once they do, they will be transfered to a new page.
Based off of sword of truth?
Long ago, about two decades, give or take a year or two...
The Xantonians of the east started a war with the Terran's of the west. Things looked bad for the East... So a great Wizard was able to harnes the magic of the old religion and create a great barrier between the east and the west. For some it wasn't enough. Some people still feared magic, so the Wizard made a second barrier between the south and the north. The people of the north would live in a world without magic, while the people of the south would live in a world with magic, and the Xantonians would live in the east.
That happened long ago...
Today, the PC's originate from Northland... a mostly peacful society. Most people, especially younger people, are ignorant of the world to the south, beyond the great barrier.
Southland is a very different world. There is no one nation, but several. They are loosly tied together by a council or united nations so to speak... however, there is still fueds going on and the like.
There are several kingdoms of note in Southland, which are by no means all the kingdoms.
The Largest city in Southland is Naradyl... home to both the United Soverence Council and the Wizard's Citadel. From here, All of Southland is maintained and this is where the peace is attempted to be kept. In times of war, this serves as the Capital of Southland. Thier symbolic animal was the Lion.
Chelton, the horselands. Like the nickname suggests, this land is home to a large number of Horses. The Chelts who live here make a life of living with the horse. As such, the most honorable and notable soldiers here are Cavaliers or other form of horsemen.
Talea, the Mountain Country. Here, most of the kingdom lies in a region of great hills and mountains. The People learned to survive here and their symbolic animal is the Wolf. They are a hunter gatherer race. A Race of Rangers.
Nersia, the land of the Druids. This "Kingdom" is home to a people who care for the land as a whole and all that is natural. Their symbolic animal is the White Stag. The people of these lands often have a deer as an animal companion.
In Northland, the only "magic" that most anyone knows is the great barrier to the south. Everyone knows to stay away from it. People have been known to dissapear when they get too close. Fortunatly, the Barrier exists primarily in the Theron Mountain Range so it is hard to get to. Just in case anyone DOES try to get too close to the barrier, there are Barrier Wardens that patrol the entire length of the Barrier on the Northland side, to keep accidents from happening.
The PC's live near Woodshire, the unofficial Capitol of Northland. While the PC's know very little of magic, there are those that are old enough to remember the times before the great barrier was errected. Some tell tales of magic, however few people who were born after or have few memories of before the great barrier was errected believe such stories... except as children. Most of the children "grew out of it" eventually.
This campaign setting is/will be my greatest attempt at a perfect blend of story telling and sandbox role playing.
There are events that are going on all around the PC's that they may not discover. How they choose to progress the Campaign is entirely up to them.
However, there are certain things that have to happen. The Pc's will need to find a way past the great barrier to the south. Once they do so, the entirety of Southland will be an open book to them.
The Xantonian Empire is the largest organized force in the known world. They seek to conquor such world. As is, they have the means to do it. However, if all of southland were to unite under one banner, they may have issues. So the leader of the Xantonian Empire has been taking steps to ensusure that doesn't happen.
Even so, the Xantonians want to make sure that they do sucsessfully take over the known world, so the leaders of the empire have been making secret deals with the leaders of Northland... a fact that the PC's should not be made aware of until much later.
While the Xantonian envasion is something all of Southland oppose, most seprate kingdoms in Southland want to work together with neighboring kindoms that they have had unfavorable dealings with in the past. because of this, they have yet to even come close to forming under one banner to oppsose the invasion of the Xantonian Empire.
Something else I have been thinking about. This new campain setting... I don't want the cliche races to be prominent here. (IE gnome, dwarf, elf, orc, etc.)
Here are some ideas of possible alternate races.
Aasimar (beastiary)
... might change some up. might just have humans as the only playable race.
Now... the leader of the Xantonian Empire. The Regent... His name is Lord Cyrus Bahadur. He is a master Sorcerer who made a deal with The One Who Dwells in the Underworld to gain infernal powers beyond what he would have normally been able to achieve on his own.
Because of his (and his father's) trouble with Wizards and Clerics in the past, Cyrus has made it his mission to hunt down all magic users. When the Great Barrier between Southland and Xantonia fell, he wasted no time in starting the hunt, sending out assasins to take them out.
Without the Wizards and Clerics to lead Naradyle and hold the kingdoms together, Southland fractured. This would make it easyer for Xantonia to conquor Southland. By either force or negotiation. Alas, some Kingdoms have already moved their banner under Cyrys' and other have already fell before the might of the Xantonian Empire.
Gavindor Qel-Amon was the Grandmaster Wizard of Southland's Wizard's Coven. In the last war, he lead the people of Southland to victory. Victory is not accurate. He helped construct the Great Barriers to first keep Bahadur and the Xantonians from invading Southland, and then to create a world without magic in Northland.
He went to Northland to hide the unknown heir to the Throne of Xantonia and the Sword of the Brotherhood.
The unknown heir to the throne of Xantonia will be an unknown fact to the PC's... and what's more... it will be a random PC... rather the PC's wont know which of them is the heir even after they do know what Gav did.
The Sword of the Brotherhood will be given to the party's "Fighter"
The Brotherhood is more than just a sword. It is an ancient artifact created by powerful wizards long ago who had the powers of gods.
It's true purpose is known to few, if not lost entirely. However, while it is a sword meant for good, it can be wielded by anyone. As such, its power is long sought after.
Unlike other swords, it does not have a fixed strength, rather its power is determined by the power of its wielder and grows in power as the wielder does.
This is an intelligent weapon... though it makes no effort to show that it is or takes control of the wielder.
The Brotherhood as the ability to change it's enchantment at the will of its wielder.
HD 1-4 (The weapon is considered a total enchantment bonus of +2 with a max individual bonus of +1)
3-4 ( T=+3 M = +1)
HD 5-8 (Total= +4, Max= +2)
7-8 5
HD 9-12 (Total= +6, Max= +3)
11-12 7
HD 13-16 (Total= +8, Max= +4)
15-16 9
HD 17-20 (Total = +10, Max= +5)
For example, at 9th level, total enchantment bonus is +6... but someone couldn't make the brotherhood +1 Vorpal, as the max individual enchantment is +3 and vorpal is a +5 enchantment.
What's more, the brotherhood was made with both silver, cold iron, adamantine for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
I just had an awesome Idea…
Gordo’s half brother… A full fledged Orc. Something about that…
Koteioku (Emperor Orc) Bushimaru (Perfect Warrior) is the man’s name…
He comes from a truly unique family of Orcs who rule in the Far East. Bushimaru is a samurai and an orc of great skill and nobility.
Gordo and Bushimaru’s mother left their empire in search for the ancestral homeland of their family. On her journey to the west, she encountered a powerful magic user who had used an enfeeblement spell on her to make her “dumber”.
By the Time she had made it to the west, she was dumb as bricks and was easily captured by human barbarians.
It was after and because of that Gordo was born.
Bushimaru had went in search for his mother for honor sake, and had discovered what had happened. Arriving too late to save his mother, he slaughtered the entire clan, leaving only Gordo alive to fend for himself. He didn’t kill Gordo immediately because there was a hint of noble blood in him, but since he was not a legitimate heir to the throne he would be exiled.
Gordo was then found by some slave traders and was sold into Slavery only to be later liberated by Captain Bonny Enilef.
Nowdays, Bushimaru has a different goal in mind. He is after the mage who had enfeebled his mother and caused her to die, in search for revenge in her honor.
His search has led him to Saventh Yhi, where much of his information has led him, as the mage user was a serpentfolk (perhaps the last boss).
Bushimaru would have strong connections will other extra human royal families including Azrael’s mother.
Bushimaru is/will be far from happy to meet his younger half-brother. Bushimaru views humans as a low cast compared to his noble heritage. Gordo doesn’t remember much from his childhood, but when he sees Bushimaru’s face, it will trigger a memory of their mother dieing at the hands of the barbarian tribe he came from, then Boshimaru taking revenge upon the tribe and slaughtering them.
Bushimaru and Gordo are polar opposites. Bushimaru is an intelligent and skillful fighter (samurai) will a personal code of conduct, while Gordo is a dumb and rage-full barbarian with no particular code of conduct.