The PC's make it to
Naradyle. Astera Qel-amon addresses the council and stuff. they sentance Queen Rachael III to life in the tower.
The Oracle explains that the economy in not only Naradyle but all of Daksina is broken. So much infact that it couldnt have happened by neglegence, but something is forcing it to be this way.
She explains that even if trade was restored, they have issues with the passes in Estrada. Those passes connect the two halves of Daksina together as it were.
However, before the PC's head out, Astera asks that the PC's rest up for a bit, since they have been on the road for most of their journey.
But something happens that night.
The Xantonians have a contingent within Naradyle. The more obvious ones are still in uniform.
A Xantonian Quad makes their way into Astera's Garden. Last time, the Xantonians payed people off to not be there or be distracted for when they attmpted to assasinate Astera, however even then it took to much time and effort to reach her and she was able to escape through her own secret passageways. That was months ago, and the Xantonians had time to prepare for her return.
The Xantonians made their own secret way into Astera's chamber through the Officer Barraks. They were able to construct a new secret entrance and make it look like the old wall and shelves that were there before.
They sneak in when the Forerunner is most vulnerable. They wait till she is bathing in her garden. The water from the fountain and the thick walls of the palace would help drown out the sound should she scream. And the proximity to the secret exit was good for escape should help arrive.
The PC's will hear the scream. There will be an encounter in the Oracle Garden.
4 Xantonian Infiltraitors, carrying a naked Oracle.
Possible Sewer battle. I picture an impressive drain that first goes under the city, then to the cliff of the canyon that the City is next to. The Path makes its own walkway on the side of the wall of the canyon still hundreds of feet to the river bellow.
The way i figure it, two members of the quad will stay behind and fight the PC's, giving the other two members taking the Oracle through the sewer enough time to gain some distance.
When the PC's catch up to them, they would then need to fight off another member of the Quad.
When he drops, the last member, the leader and the muscle threatens to drop Astera over the face of the cliff. He actually holds her by her throat with one hand, leaning her over the cliff. Astera doing everything she can to keep her feet on the cliff and holding onto the wrist of the final quad member.
This man is Colonel O'Ne Illjack.
He will explain that His Regent, Lord Bahadur would like the Oracle alive and captured, but is willing to settle for just "out of the way" otherwise.
After the PC's resolve this encounter (How? IDK), Gavin will recomend taking the Oracle to the Wizards Coven for protection. Only people who can get in there are Wizards of the Coven. However it has been almost thirty years since the last time gavin walked through the Tower of the Coven. So they still have to be careful going into it.
They get to the Wizards coven and through the outer gates no porblem. This is where Gavin explains that the first rule of the Wizards Coven is never use the main entrance into the tower. Instead they must use the side entrance.
There are a few supprises in here that Razlon had set up incase Gavin came back. Razlon read from some ancient spell books to conjure these guardians in the tower.
Shadow Mastiffs and an unfettered Eidolon.
PC's dealt with the council.
Now to deal with the Naradyle honor Guard Keep.