7073 - Year that the Brethren of the Sword Started their first quest

7076 - Year that the Brethren of the Sword Started their Second Quest

7091 - Year that the Brethren of the Sword Ended their second quest and saved the world

7098 - Year that the Day of Krampus happened. The Night before MehrFreden

Ex-Chrono Wizard Saint Nicholas Meyer travels from one day in the future to warn the Brethren of the Sword that if something is not done, tomorrow's MehrFreden will be the end of the world as they know it.

Our Hero's would be Celebrating Mehrfreden in Fort Brotherhood with all of their friends and family. Out near the town square, some kind of magical rift opens up. From it comes crashing a sleigh being pulled by 9 large elk/mooselike creatures.

In the wreckage, was what looked like an Obru, only it wasn't like any Obru anyone had seen before. This one was dressed in all red. He was severely injured. Before slipping unconscious he gives an ill omen that if something isn't done, the end of the world is tomorrow.

After healing the Obru, "Santa" shares with them the myth of Krampus Meyer, his literal evil clone. He was sealed away over 7 thousand years ago, but now has broken free from his sky sanctuary prison. He now intends to punish the world for 7100 years of sin that he wasn't able to do all this time. Families that received Coal were marked for death. Unfortunately, Everyone had already received coal and everyone dismissed it as a joke.

Santa explains that Krampus stole an ancient weapon from before the end of the Primordial War. The weapon was an Ocarina made from the trachea of the original Avatar of Xell. the Weapon proved useless upon its destruction, because Xell was no longer part of this world. However, now that he is, the weapon could be used.

Krampus, a goat man looking thing, decided to end the world, starting with the destruction of the ancient city of Hibor, the capital of Xantonia.

If the PC's don't find a way to stop Krampus, the world will end.

Santa's powers have been diminished so he can only be of limited help. He uses a Mehrfreden Tree as a staff/weapon.

The PC's travel to the Black Palace in Hibor just in time to hear a distant melody played from atop the bell tower of the Black Palace.

Without explanation, from the Hibor lake, rises the Avatar of Xell. He starts trashing the City.

Santa explains that there is little we can do against the Avatar of Xell, we must somehow take the fight to Krampus.

The top of the Bell Tower has been transformed by the magic of Krampus. He claims that with the secrets of the Sky sanctuary, he has become a god.

Behind him is some sort of Magical gateway leading so some other plane of existence.

Gavin, Alexander, Tessa, Boniface and Santa are the combatants.

The Key is to disarm or destroy the Xell Ocarina. This will stop Xell's rampage, and he will return to the lake.

Otherwise the body of Krampus can be destroyed. However, he will be survived by a disembodied voice. He will say something to the effect of, "So you don't want to be destroyed by Xell? Then I will leave the means of your destruction to you. You need only think of the vessel of your demise. The Destruction of the world will be by your doing."

Gavin will tell everyone to clear their minds and think of nothing.

Whoever rolls lowest on their will save will conjure a Giant Snowman; Kaiju in Size.

This Kaiju will proceed to continue to destroy the city, making its way to the Black Palace. The PC's will be unable to do much to the giant snowman. However, their fears won't last long, as Xell shows back up to challenge the new Kaiju.

It will be up to the PC's to destroy the portal.

When it is all over, Santa will give everyone a present.

To Boniface, a replica of the Shield of the Brotherhood, it has its energy absorption abilities but not the world saving ones.

To Tessa, he upgrades her bow. She can now choose to shoot energy arrows at will. But now, she expend her mythic points to have the bow fire an arrow that deals 20d10 of the chosen energy type. This ability requires 1d4 rounds to recharge.

To Alexander he gives him a mysterious golden circular amulet. It is explained that its value will supersede all in time when its need is greatest.

To Gavin, he gives him a huge book titled, "Grimore of Planar Knowledge." The Magic inside would be extremely difficult to understand and master. But if anyone can do it, it would be Gavin.