Gerolt IronHeart

A Relic Reborn Side Quest

                Dravadek Luk- The Dragon Breath Bow

Gerolt agrees to create a Mythic Weapon for Tessa. However, creating such an item is not simple. He needs several ingredients to make it.

                The Chronoring that Tessa has was originally part of Brotherhood. It has been twice changed and perverted beyond its original purpose. Gerolt does not like that. He can help restore the ring to its original path.

                For the first part, Gerolt needs:

                                - The ChronoRing (He needs the ring as hidden within it is the foundation for his work)

                                - A Supply of Green Veil Shards (not named specifically at first, but would be useful to                                   reverse the affects)

                                - Eye of the Beholder (To be used to suppress certain harmful magical effects during the                                             forging process.)

Fortunately, the PC's have all of these materials from their encounter with the Ultimate Eye Tyrant in the lost [Dwarven] city in Beyolder's Pass.

With the Ring, the Green Veil Shards, and the Eye of the Beholder, Gerolt uses his strange hammer and anvil to strike the ring and green veil shards and a bow is impossibly formed.

With that he says he has gotten rid of the taint that has been put upon it, however it has also removed much of what it once was. To restore it, he must work on it further... however he needs more supplies.

                For the Second Phase, Gerolt needs:

                                - A Bow of Draconic Make. Doesnt matter the element infused with it. It is going to get                                                 destroyed anyways and melded to the Bow of the Brotherhood to transfer its draconic                                                 qualities back into the Bow of the Brotherhood.

Again, the PC's have a bow that meets those requirements. After another day, Gerolt seems satisfied with the progress he has made. However, to go further he needs another rare ingredient. This time the PC's don't have it. He needs some Alumina salts to finish the smelting process. Problem is, he doesn't have any of the right kind. And to top things off it is almost impossible to get the right kind.

                For the Third Phase, Gerolt needs:

                                - Alumina Salts from the body of a Duo'er'mu; a mythological Chimera Beast. (It's to                                        finish the smelting process from the draconic bow into the Brotherhood Bow)

The PC's need to find the Duo'er'mu, fight it, kill it, and obtain Alumina salts from its body. The Duoermu can be found it east Xantonia, near the land of the giants at the foot of the Obru Mountains. It is a creature created long ago by evil fel magic. The Beast lives to terrorize the area and the area has long since been devoid of human life. The PC's find this information from the Library in Hiboria.

The Duoermu itself is a legendary beast and very hard to kill. It brings to the table every energy type minus sonic. The Ram head controls ice, the Lion head controls Fire, and the Dragon head controls lightning. It also has a snake head tail that controls acid/poison.

Should the PC's be able to defeat it, they can obtain the salts necessary with a survival check, or failing that, haul the beast back to Gerolt so he can do it.

Gerolt is astonished to find that the PC's actually got the salts. He then continues his efforts.

The Next day, Gerolt tells the PC's that he cannot go any further without a certain magical effect that he cannot reproduce. He does know what he needs, but not where to find it. He suggests asking King Lycan.

                For the Fourth Phase, Gerolt needs:

                                - Ardeal Gryph. (Needed as a Word of Power to finish the basic imbuing process)

The Ardeal Glyph can be obtained in Ardeal Keep, an abandoned castle between Azzemour and Simya. This keep has been recently occupied by Lithid Cultists. These Cultists by themselves have been stirring up trouble in Simya following the absence of Zerstorung.

The PC's must infiltrate the Keep and do battle with a Summoned aberration, the Mindflayer. Once they defeat it, they are free to obtain the Ardeal Glyph.

Gerolt is pleasantly surprised by the obtainment of the Ardeal Glyph, he immediately uses it to finalize his imbuing of the basic weapon...

It is a basic weapon. It is useful... but not the best magic item there is. Gerolt says that he has finished the basic shape of the weapon, but it is nothing more than a canvas at this point, but it is useable.

                For the Fifth phase, Gerolt needs:

                                - Tessa to slay 24 evil beasts, monsters or other like beings WITH the bow she has been                                                given. (To give it a taste of blood. A sample of what it will be doing. It is simbolic yet                                        necessary for the completion of the weapon)

                                - These monsters can be found in the umbralands, or high in the mountains... anywhere                                              devoid of normal life. They not need be powerful beasts he thinks... so they can try                                       slaying a bunch of small fry. He suggests the umbralands in the scorched planes.

The PC's must travel to the far corners of the known world and slay 24 men, beasts, monsters of evil nature.

Once they do so, Gerolt notices that it wasn't enough... Perhaps a more powerful evil creature IS required.

                For the Sixth Phase, Gerolt needs:

                                -Tessa needs to help slay the Ypotryll in Kjempenrane hall in Morksump Estrada. (This is                                               to make sure the christening process be completed)

The location of both the beast and hall that it resides in it immediately known by Haldis... as it is in the Hold that the PC's have yet to develop. In Ghate's old home.

After the beast is dealt with, Gerolt takes a look at the bow. He is pleased by its result, and is ready to begin the final phase to the forging of this mighty bow.

                For the Seventh Phase, Gerolt needs:

                                -A White hot Ember.

                                - A Howling Gale.

                                -A Hyperfused Ore.

                                - A Bottle of Ard-Leu-Dys Quenching Oil


3 of these items could be obtained from the same source... Privni Sopka. Not mentioned by name... but