Id4 flavor start.

A Simyan traveler wants to accompany the PC's on their journey through Estrada, so he can get back home to Simya. Theordor Bernhard.


*Seodor* has made some alchemical firevorks for Zehnteny Fest, and he doesnt vant to miss it. It is an important time for Simyans. Hovever, the roads leading to Simya has become perrilous. Seodor (Theordor), has heard about what the PC's can do and is willing to help them along their travels.

Into Estrada

After crossing the great bridge of Alamohst, the PC's traveled south towards Estrada. The Weather gets gradually chillier going south, as the elevation rose, and the hills slowly turned to mountains.


The main road continued upwards towards the mountain, until there was the Northern Estra Fork. The road split into 5 routes that all traveled in a general southward direction. The middle on seem to take the most direct path through the mountain passes. A couple of the paths looked like they led high into the mountains while the other two looked to be somewhere in the middle.


Each path in turn splits a couple of more times, creating a total of atleast 25 different routes through Estrada.

Regardless on which road the PC's take, they soon encounter a large force of burley, blond barbarians.


They demand toll to cross Estrada on the road, in exchange for their clans protection.


If no Toll is given, the Estra do not let the PC's pass and tell them to turn around.


If the PC's choose a different road, they will more than likely run into a different clan of Estra.


Unless the PC's choose to take the highest path through the mountains or the lowest and most developed road through the pass, the DM will roll a 1d10 to determin which clan control the road. Leaving out the Shadowrak, Mantle of the Ansestors, or the Protectors of Ardengard.


The highest roads will almost exclusivly be controled by either the Skynarls or the Order of Berung.


The Lowest roads will almost exclusivly be controled by either the Sons of Azdin or Brothers of Pulung.


The Lower and safer roads are more expensive.


At some point the PC's need to pay someone a toll.

Once they do, things get interesting.


The Clan in Question first greets them and says that they will defend the PC's as long as they control the road or die trying.


The PC's dont have long to wait to test out that oath, as another clan almost imediatly ambushes the first clan and slays everyone of the other clan that was in the area.


The New clan take control over the raod and demand a toll to use the road.


If the PC's argue that they already payed a toll, the new clan will say that they have not recieved any toll from the PC's since they have taken control over the roads, they say that hoever they would be willing to protect the PC's if they pay the toll from any other clan or intruder. And they say they can do a better job of it than the previous clan could... since... you know... they just died defending the PC's.


They demand a similar toll to what it was before since the quality of road has not changed.


If the PC's refuse, the new clan will not allow them to pass and ask that the PC's turn around.

Not taking the roads is perilous. the Terrain gets extremely rocky and varies in elevation. They have to deal with cliffs cassems and stuff. Plus, if they are caught off the roads by the clans, they will treat the PC's as intruders and trespassers to their lands.


The Pc's journey through Estrada will be a dangerous one, on expensive one.


Goro, the capital city of the Estra lies in the southern parts of Estrada. So if the PC's want to go there, they will have to travel through the bulk of Estrada.

Possible Storylines for Estrada.


The Ridders's of Celthling- This clan is known for its smarts and cunning to outsmart their advisaries, but recently they have taken their trickery to a whole new level. Influenced by the Xantonians, the Ridders of Celthling have helped caused this state of unrest between the Estra clans. They have caused different clans to pit themselves against each other, to cause the roads to change hands frequently. This combined with the new polocy that clans have been instituting for charging travelrs to use their roads even if they have already payed a different clan for the same road has caused travel through Estrada all but impossible.


The honor degregation is not entirely the Ridders' fault.


The Code of Azdin All-father - for the lngest time, the Estra have stuck by a strict code of honor and integrety. Among other things, this allowed for the protection of roads through Estrada. If one clan makes a legitamate oath to an outsiders, all other clans must uphold it, regardless of their attitude to one another.

      With the lack of a High King, the Council of Hirdmen have been unable to keep the peace outside of Goro. In fact, the Code of Azdin All-father has been slipping from the minds of many Estra. It's word has had a lessening affect. This is due to the Murial of the Code of Azdin All-father in Goro being destroyed by a freak lightning bolt.

      Many Estra took it as a sign that Azdin himself does not want his people to follow the Code. They felt that they no longer had to uphold promices made from other clans.


     There will be those that are still loyal to the old ways. Someone from the order of Berung, or maybe the Sons of Azdin will make a deal with the PC's, to find Azdin's Canon Edict, in exchange for free safe passage through Estrada.

Fjellgard, the tallest mountain inEstrada, possibly the world, supposedly contains Azdin's Canon Edict.

High up in the mountains, higher than the Skynarls, there are some ruins that were supposedly Azdin's great Mead Hall. This is where he revealed the Canon Edict. Suposedly it has not moved ever since.

However, it is higher than most men have ever dared to climb. They have never knew even the Skynarls to climb so high.

Haldis Helger-child. Thane to the Sons of Azdin. She is the one that comes to the PC's for this help (At the detest of her followers).

Normally there are two altitude regions in Estrada, Low pass and lowpeak/highpass. However, Fjellgard is a place over 15000 feet above sea level and is in the next region of altitude of high peak.

Refer to core rulebook rules for climbing mountains and such.


Possible encounter along the way is an ice Giant.

Fjellgard. Azdin's Great Mead Hall. At the very peak of Mount Fjellgard. It is but a shadow of its former self. Now in almost complete ruins.


After dispatching the Ice Giant or whatever, the PC's can gain access to the Canon Edict. It is a tablet in which the edict had been chizzled into. It is made of Darkstone, a bluish black metal-ore that is very rare. But even more important, it is probably the hardest ore in the world. In its pure state, it is almost impossible to break. The fact that the edict had been chizzled into it confirms its authentisity. Only Azdin could do such a thing.


New story idea. The Frost Giants will become a nusance. They are another power that Cyrus has influenced.


Bahadur is inciting hostilities between them and the Estra, while at the same time, influencing the Ridders of Cethling to incite hostilities between clans of the Estra so that they are ill prepared for an outside threat.


The Frost Giants live just to the west of Estrada, high in the mountains. For the last few thousand years, they have kept sort of a truce between them and the Estra. More like a 'dont bother me and i wont bother you' sort of attitude.


However, the Xantonians have convinced the Frost Giants to help them neutralize the Estra.


A Frost Giant guarding the Canon Edict was no coincidence. After the destruction of the Murial containing the edict in Goro, a Frost Giant was sent to Fjellgard to see if there was an original like legends suggest and destroy it.


However, to the Frost Giants dismay, the original was made of Darkstone and therby seemingly unbreakable. Not wanting to attract undue attention, the Frost Giant stayed up in Fjellgard to guard it and keep anyone from making it up the mountain, even as going so far as causing avalanches on anyone he sees climbing it.


Now that the Canon Edict is found, they will stop at nothing to keep it from reaching Goro.


Sigaten, the leader of the Frost Giants will send search parties to find and kill the PC's.


Also, the leader of the Ridders of Cethling, Ghaté, wants the Canon Edict for his own purposes to use it as a weapon to gain power through twisting its words.

Sons of Azdin, upon hearing the existance of the Canon Edict, gain in moral and support.


On the Way to Goro, the PC's would need to make apit stop in Gudson, the home fortress of the Sons of Azdin.


There, the PC's will meet Helger, Jarl to the Sons of Azdin, and father to Haldis. They will greet the PC's with open arms. They all swear that they will get the Tablet back to Goro on their lives.


Their oath is soon put to test. On the way to Goro, the whole enterage of Sons of Azdin and PC's get attacked by a band of Frost Giants. Really there isn't that many of them, but there are enough to cause trouble.


Haldis' family is made up of the following.

Helger Halvor-son, Jarl and father to Haldis.

Haakon Helger-son, first born to Helger.

Haldar Helger-son, second born to Helger.

Herluf Helger-son, third born to Helger

Hjalmar Helger-son, Fifth born to Helger and only little brother to Haldis.


All but Hjalmar are Thanes to Sons of Azdin. He is just now comming of age.


On their journey to Goro, Frost Giants attack. There are enough to cause trouble, so Haakon and Haldar stay behind with a band of Estra to fend them off. They are never heard from again.


The Party makes it to outside of Goro before the rest of the Frost Giants attack.


This time, Herluf stays behind with some clan mates so that the PC's can make it into Goro.


They will get as far as the bridge into Goro, when they get stopped by Ghaté and his men. There will be an encounter with Ghaté and a band of his men at the entrance to Goro.


Ghaté will use this opprotunity of defenclessness to finally rid himself of his rival, Helger. In a tramatic moment, Ghaté will cast a spell on Helger, that will ultimatly kill him.


Hjalmar will prove his meddle here by saving the PC's by stabbing Ghaté before he could conjur forth more magic.

 Ghaté is very skilled at running away.


Once the PC's return the Canon Edict to The Hall Ava'elstre (Hall of the Ancients). Warriors from all over goro come to see it. Its rightful place bellow the skull of a giant boar, behind and above the empty throne... the one with Brorskap in it.


Each of the PC's get a turn at trying to pull it loose. Whom each of which will fail. The Hammer does not budge.


Even though no one can move the hammer, the Hirdmen are still very greatful to the PC's to help bring back the Edict, a truly special service to the Estra People.

The Hall Ava'Elstre was the last great hall of Azdin and Helgar, and it has been the seat to the high throne of Estrada.


The giant boar skull above the throne was supposedly the mount and companion of Helgar himself, Fenrir. Named after the mythical God of Force, Fenrir had died in battle with the Frost Giants thousands of years ago. As tribute to Fenrir, they mounted his head on the wall behind the High Throne, there it has stayed for thousands of years, never decaying.

Anyways, after everything calmed down, it will be revealed that Haldis is now eldest in her family. She lost all of her older brothers and father, and her youngest brother is in some sort of coma. As Thane and Daughter to Helger, she is by Default, Jarl to the Sons of Azdin. Not the way she wanted to gain the post.