The Dwarves of Amon Gost

Amon Gost

                A Kingdom bellow the Pribytek Tripasliku a Obru mountain range (or just the Obru Mountains), the largest and tallest mountain range in the known world. The name of the mountain range literally means, "Abode of the Dwarves and Giants". Most people assume a mispronunciation of the mountain range. As the Word Giant is in the name, they think it means "Home of the Giant among dwarves" thinking the dwarves refer to humans who seem like dwarves to this massive mountain range.

                In fact, Pribytek Tripasluku a Obru is home to both Gaints and Dwarves. Giants live on the mountains and live in cave shelters, while the Dwarves litterally live under the mountain hidden away. For the most part, the Giants have kept the dwarves from exploring beyond the mountains, though there are a few notable exceptions.

                Most of Amon Gosts cities reside deep underground under the Obru mountain range, though the dwarves have used a network of tunnels to explore beyond the mountain range and even colonize. Their constant confrontation with the giants has kept them weary of the outside world.

                Thindin "Fire Beard" Brewmaster, Fifth King of Ammirdor and Amon Gost resides here. He is from a royal line of dwarves that live a much longer life span even by dwarf standards. He has been ruling for the better part of a thousand years. K'Thurl Fire-Beard is the son of Thindin, however he tries to not make it known. Like Thindin, K'Thul shares his family trait for having red-brown hair which may come from their draconic lineage.


Dwarves to have been known to leave Dwarven society.

                K'Thul Fire-Beard - Son to Thindin Brewmaster and heir to the throne. Avoided his responsibility to the throne by leaving the kingdom in favor of adventuring beyond Amon Gost. He and his father had a bit of a falling out. He has found himself a new home in the Seletan mountains near Estrada.


                Gerolt Ironheart - World Renown Blacksmith. He is in actuality a Titan. Probably the eldest known Dwarf in the known world, older than Thindin. He passes himself off as a short stout human and takes on different names and lives far away from civilization to give the appearance that he is in fact several people from the same family line and just assumes his son every 25-30 years or so.


                Gerolt has in his possession the True Forge; an artifact responsible for making some of the most powerful legendary items in existence. He himself used it to help make the Sword of the Brotherhood over seven thousand years ago.