The PC's follow Brill into the lost catacombs of the Wizards coven. There they will encounter magical traps of all sorts.

- Magical Spider Swarm.

- A spear door trap, activated by a mysterious light. Black lotus poison on the spears(don't step into the light)

- Bottomless pit surrounded by an Antimagic field. (There are 3 golden eyes with Green Veil shards behind them emitting this field)

- Alternating Green and white Tiles that activate Empowered Disintegrate beams depending on which one you step on with which foot.

On a pedestal on the far end of the green and white tiles, there is an amulet with strange symbols on it. The pedestal in itself is a trap. -Meteor swarm that will destroy the whole chamber to keep the amulet from being procured by the wrong hands. Brill will be there at the pedestal studying the amulet without removing it. He is indifferent to the Pc's at first because he doesn't know them.

                Once the PC's have acquired the amulet, and convinced Brill that they are the Bretheren of the Sword, he helps them. He reveals that the Amulet is actually the headpiece to the staff of Horeusa. Horeusa is the chief goddess of an ancient civilization called the Qeteshrhea Empire that existed deep within the Umbralands... before the land became known as such. The fact that they found a Qeteshrhean artifact this far north is extremely significant. It ties into the fact that Qeteshrhea is somehow linked to the Ancient Estra Empire long ago and to that of the Shield of the Brotherhood.

                Brill entered the catacombs looking for a clue to the location of the Shield of the Brotherhood. All he had to go on is that those set of catacombs held such a clue that would lead to the Artifact Shield.

                After some research, Brill discovers that the headpiece to the staff of Horeusa is used to find a certain chamber in an ancient City called Djanet (the D is silent). It is also revealed through Oswin that the Gyaraha Samrajya are also looking for said City. There have been multiple attempts from Elven spies to infiltrate Naradyle, magical means of interrogation have informed the Kingdom of the North of such a thing. They were looking for the City to find a lost artifact that will help them deal with the Primordial Threat.

                The Headpiece must be taken into the City to a certain room, where the sunlight will be used to refract off the jewel in the center, producing a map with the exact location of the artifact chamber. It needed to be the sunlight from a local source. Up until recently, there hasnt been any sunlight in the Umbralands. The release of the Nine over 16 years prior has allowed for this magic to work.

                The PC's must travel to the Umbralands, where they will encounter the Estra Shadowrack Clan, whom have taken upon themselves to go south of the wall again and fight the oppression of the Elves. They have information regarding an Elven excavation of an ancient city in what has become known as the Scar. It is there that the Elves have set up some sort of fort or base of operations.

                The Pc's must infiltrate the Base to find the Sun Room for the headpiece of Horeusa. Once inside they will find out that Astera is in the fort and has lost her memory. She was the one writing in the journal. The PC's use the Sun room to find the location of the Artifact chamber.

                Inside is a whole bunch of snakes. This chamber is the chamber of Hanuris, the goddess of the dead. Her symbol is that of a snake. Inside this chamber is a golden chest. This chest is trapped with a magical barrier that can disintegrate any who touch it.

                The Elves will close in on the PC's and take the "Ark Chest." Should the Pc's try, they find that they cannot teleport the Chest by any means and must travel the old fashioned way of transporting the chest.

                They take the PC's captive as they are the Sword of the Brotherhood and wield the weapons capable of defeating the Primordials.

                A raiders of the lost ark like scene will happen. When the elves figure out how to open the chest without being disintegrated, they find a scroll of Andloft... already opened. The chest held back its power of death upon the world and in opening the chest unleashed it. All the elves died, but the PC's were saved by the brotherhood. The scroll is resealed and the chest closes around it again. Only now leaving another clue for the PC's. A tablet with an incomplete inscription in Old Estra in what appears to be a riddle.

                Brill takes the inscription to study it back in Naradyle.


                This event signifies the destruction of the Elven base and significant presence in the Umbralands.

The Shadowwrack Clan.


Magni Skjoldur-Son - Jarl of the Shadowrack Clan, currently the only Estra clan not abiding by the Neutrality agreement imposed by High King Hjalmar. In fact, he and the Shadowrack clan are in their "home" territory in the Umbralands behind enemy lines. They have been attacking all Samrajya convoys moving through the Umbralands in guerilla warfare combat style. They have taken the mantle of the Umbraland Bull to show their anger upon the Elves.


Alexander - Member of the Shadowwrack clan, however not present in the Umbralands at the moment.             He is currently keeping tabs on the Kingdom of the North.

Idonea Berg-child - wife of Magni


Randolf Torkel-son - Thane of Magni. Alexander is his Hoursecarl.