Voziera Lake, home of the Blue Rose Dragoons. This order was the pride and joy of Chelton's military during the last Xantonian War. They have been charged with the protection of Daksina and the Forerunner.


Balian was one such Blue Rose Dragoon.


News got to the Blue Rose Dragoons that the Forerunner was almost assasinated in Naradyle and now she is on the run.


The Leader, Captain Cuvak wanted to rally the Blue Dragoons and ride out to find Astera at first light.


However at first light, the Dragoons were ordered to stand down. The Dragoons have been told that they are no longer responsible for the protection of all of Daksina and are now just responsible for Chelton. Even though they have a reliable lead that Astera was heading North West from Naradyle.


Balian rides off, against orders.

along the way they will get attacked by Silversmith riders.