Rook Core Battle.
The Light Shard reacts to the Core of Rook. It flies from your (hands) into the Core.
The core lights up, and energy strats spreading forth from it... but it soon retracts back into the core.
After a moment of silence, the Core comes to life. The humanoid statue part of the core grows massive white feathered wings. The stone of the core turns smooth and almost mitallic.
Fight Begins
The PC's no longer find themselves in a castle, but some sort of mystica courtyard garden with a gold fence around it; beyond it is nothing but a blue sky and silvery white clouds.
There will be a tree in the middle of this garden. The Fruit will heal the PC's to full and cure all status effects, but it also places a possitive energy debuff on them, that makes the holy attacks of Rook to affect them (even if they are good). IT does protect them from the Raw MAgical energy of the Heart of Light.
Rook has the following Attacks
Standard Lance/Sword attack. The Lancesword not only does physical damage, but Holy fire damage as well. This extra damage does more if affected by the Positive Debuff.
Beam Slash Combo - Rook can elect to make three physical attacks that are treated as 3 line attacks.
Heart of light - Rook reveals his heart, during so, a shockwave of Raw MAgical Energy errupts from it in a 100ft Cone.
Rain of Feathers - Rook unfurrows his wings and the feathers at the tips of his wings shoot out and rain down like Maximized/Empowered/Intensified magic missiles. 75 Points of unavoidable damage to 5 PCs. A Will Save must be made to avoid being slowed from the feathers.
Angel Guardians - At random points of the fight, Angels will apear in certain locations around the arena. They shoot arrows that are line attacks.
Stomp- Rook will use his Tower feat to cause an earthquake.