Estrada - 9000 men (4000 elite 4000 infantry 1000 Berserkers)

Chelton - 5000 men (3000 Calvary, 2000 infantry)

Azzemour - 5000 men (Elite Infantry)

Penchura - 8000 men (women actually haha. All Infantry)

Talea - 3200 (Light Calvary)

Simya - 1500 (Alchemists)

Tanamura - 3000 (2000 Infantry, 1000 Calvary)

Nersia - 300 (Druids)



The Battle of Tsarya Polya.

A Force of 50,000 Xantonians march upon Korona Gorad. The Azzemour Forces had been scattered to the fringes with seemingly no way of gathering them in time to defend the city.

The City of Korona Gorad has always been a well defended one. But against 50,000 men, all seemed hopeless.

Gavin shares that it is not hopeless, and that they should defend the City at all cost. Gavin shares that he needs to cast a spell at the highest point in Korona Gorad.

"Volání do Zbraně" (Call to Arms) which shoots a great pillar of energy high into the sky.

Soon the Xantonian army arrives and surround the city.

Azzemour's siege engines keep the Xantonian's at bay, however this will prove to be a distraction. The real threat was... Purple Worm? No... the Purple Gong. It is a massive gong like a sideways bell on wheels. When the Gong is struck, it sends waves of sonic energies that tear apart all in its path. They use this magical siege weapon to blow a hole in Korona Gorod's defenses.

The Xantonian forces breach the walls of Korona Gorod. Things start looking bad for the city.

That is when the Estra and Tanamura Forces show up from the west led by Haldis Helger-Child. This is when the Battle of Tsarya Polya begins proper. They brought 14,500 men to bear. (9000 Estra, 3000 Tanamuran, and 2500 Azzemour that they picked up along the way.)

Before the Xantonian Forces can surround the Estra and Tanamuran forces, another army shows up from the north. It is the Chelton Forces.

Lilias was able to rally together the Royal Chelt Blues and bring them at more or less full force. She brought to bear 5000 Chelts and another 2500 Azzemour Soldiers.

Both Armies showed up with a number of Azzemour Soldiers. Together, the armies brought to bear 22,000 men.

This certainly helped turn the tide of battle, however Daksina forces were still greatly outnumbered.

This became apparent after the Xantonians feigned defeat for a moment before bringing to bear all 50,000 men upon the allied forces.

Things were not looking up.

It was then another force came from the south east. But it was not Xantonian... It was a combined Army of Simyan, Talean and Penchuran forces, led by Callista Caliopa. She brought another 12,700 men. (8000 Penchuran, 3200 Talean and 1500 Simyan)

The three major forces pinned the Xantonians into one place.

The Xantonians were persistent and skilled. They held their ground. They were using magic to strengthen their resolve.

The Battle was at a tipping point, favoring the Xantonians.

That was when the Druids showed up. The 300 Nersians, led by Astera herself, with Flint by her side.

It finally came to pass... first time in a great while, that Daksina came together under a common ground.

The Druids repelled the magics used by the Xantonian mages. The Combined might of the 35,000 men strong army of Daksina crushed the 50,000 men strong Xantonians.

The Battle was won.


The PC's will not have the opportunity to be a part of this exact battle, at least in the mass combat part of it. They will have had their own issues to contend with all battle.