This edition of Sword Bros. 2

The End: The PC's confront Lord Xedicus in the Temple of light as he summons Master Poltergeist. Dalcon is not there nor is Mirdan. This time it apears that the Sword of the Brotherhood is what is sealing the Master Poltergeist away.

The PC's can show up in time where they think they stop the summoning. PC's fight Xedicus and the Xantonian Guard.

Once defeated, there will be a brief reunion between Callie and Xeik. However, the room will turn dark and the Master Poltergeist will be freed. The PC's will have issue with this Foe. Master Poltergeist is stronger than when Xeik fought him at this time. He has a certain distortion about him like the boss in the Water dungeon.

The PC's will have issue hurting the Master Poltergeist. This is when Boniface shows up to Sacrafice his soul to the Light Temple. This activates the Rook Core in the room, and Rook bestows his power to Xeik in the form of a holy right Gauntlet.

Xeik is able to Pull Brotherhood from its resting place and use it against Master Poltergeist.

The Party is able to slay master poltergeist. With it destroyed, the Xell Crystal of Light activates. Rook bestows upon the party a Gate Key, before going dormant once more.

Xeik comforts Callie, but says that this time, he must take his journey without her. He tells her that she must make for Naradyle or go back home to Alda Woods. This time Callie is going to survive.


Okay... Story Time


Balka Desert.


The Hiboru

                A Secret Society: A Race of Desert Dwelling Ninja people. They are named after the progressive Xantonians who lived in the prosperous city of their namesake. They do not like the War Mongering ways of the current Xantonians. They follow the ancient ways of the Hiboru tribe back when Xantonia had a King to rule it.

Associated NPC's

                Ria: Uses Shuriken and a Wakisashi

                Jethro: Uses a Longspear/Lance

                Boniface: Uses a Xantonian Curve Blade

Boniface has been leading the Hiboru for most of his life. Ever since his father Cyrus was betrayed and murdered by then General Xedicus, Boniface has been part of the Hiboru people.

He has gained two pupils that help him lead the people of the Hiboru Tribe. Ria and Jethro.


Recently the Hiboru have been stopping caravans heading south through the Balka Desert to the Settlement. While they do this usually forcefully, they do it as a deterrent so that people won't meet a worse fate when trying to enter the Balka Settlement.

Apparently, Lord Xedicus has a way with powerful creatures. Most recently, to deter the Hiboru rebels, he has tasked the defense of his campaign in Balka Desert to that of the Sand Wyrm.

ProustniKraal, The Desert King, The Great Sand Wyrm, The Black Dragon; Guards the Balka Oasis. A Black Dragon is quite rare. The most common known dragons being the Poison, Frost and Flame Dragons, but Blacks are so rare that there is only one known to mankind. Even then he is a legend. The Legend that he is one of the direct line of Velkynicitel ancestry.




Adult Blue Dragon CR 13

XP 25,600

LE Huge dragon (earth)

Init +4; Senses dragon senses; Perception +22

Aura electricity (5 ft., 1d6 elect.), frightful presence (180 ft., DC 21)


AC 28, touch 8, flat-footed 28 (+20 natural, –2 size)

7hp 184 (16d12+80)

Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +13

DR 5/magic; Immune electricity, paralysis, sleep; SR 24


Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor)

Melee bite +23 (2d8+12), 2 claws +22 (2d6+8), 2 wings +20 (1d8+4), tail slap +20 (2d6+12)

Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite)

Special Attacks breath weapon (100-ft. line, DC 23, 12d8 electricity), crush, desert thirst (DC 21)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th)

At will—ghost sound (DC 13), minor image (DC 14), ventriloquism (DC 14)

Spells Known (CL 5th)

2nd (5/day)—invisibility, resist energy

1st (7/day)—alarm, mage armor, shield, true strike

0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect magic, mage hand, mending,read magic, resistance


Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16

Base Atk +16; CMB +26; CMD 36 (40 vs. trip)

Feats Combat Casting, Dazzling Display, Deadly Stroke, Hover, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Shatter Defenses, Weapon Focus (bite)

Skills Appraise +22, Fly +11, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (local) +22, Knowledge (geography) +22, Perception +22, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +11, Survival +22

Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Giant

SQ sound imitation


Spells in High Draconic:

Invisibility - Neviditelnost

Resist Energy - Odolat energii,

                Fire - Pozarni

                Ice- Led

                Acid- Kyselina

                Electricity- Blesk

Alarm- Poplach

Mage Armor- Mag brneni

Shield- Stit

True Strike- Pravda stavka

Arcane Mark- Znacka

Detect Magic- objevit kouzlo

Mage Hand- kouzelnik rucni

Mending- Oprava

Read Magic- Cist magie

Resistance odpor

Desert Thirst- Poustni zizen



Combat Casting, +4 concentraion

Dazzling Display, Intimidate

Deadly Stroke, stunned or flatfooted > single attack doubles+ con bleed 1


Improved Initiative, +4 init


Shatter Defenses, any shaken frightened panicked hit is flat footed till next round

Weapon Focus (bite)


Frightful presence: Shaken, frightened, panicked.