The world of Pracina

A world untouched by Natuna or Puratana . It exists east beyond the Obru Mountains beyond Xantonia.

Imperium Democratia

Culture: Parliamentarian Democracy. First Archon and their 8 assistants are elected annually which serve as the Executive and the Judicial Branch. The Council 400 is the legislative branch of the country and their members are elected every 4 years, staggered so that only 100 of them are elected at any given time.

Places of Interest:

                Vade Mecum Bibliotheca: Largest Library in the World.

                In Potestatem Populi: The Council 400 Parliament



                Over Seven Thousand Years ago, there was a War between the Titans and the Primordials. Before the world or mortals was destroyed by the war, Oreah took them away from the Prime Material Plane, leaving the mortals to fend for themselves and grow on their own.

                Natuna and Puratana would go on and fight a war on their own, sing the magic of the veil that separates the underworld and the world of the living. the war escalated until there was a great tear in the veil, which created the Umbralands, separating Natuna from Puratana; or the New World from the Old World.

                However, what is not known is a world untouched by either. The Ancient World... or Pracina. Pracina was home to a group of portals who worshiped a group of Titans that took a more active role in the development of the mortals who worshiped them, both technologically and philosophically.

                As such their culture sought out knowledge of every kind. As each new leader would tend to have different interests to pursue, and their culture thrived and grew because of it.



                The bulk of the Pracina culture believes in the Pracian Pantheon. The Prak Pantheon is made up of two types of deities. The Primal Gods and the Himalic Gods.

                The Primal Gods are usually associated as beasts of old and/or evil. While the Himalic Gods watch over the people from Mount Himalia, the tallest mountain in recorded history.


Mana: The Mother of all. Is said she is personified by the world itself. Her primary symbol is that of the Mother Tree or the Tree of Eternity.

Lunus: The Father of all. Is said he is personified by the Heavens. His primary symbol is that of the Father Moon or the Moon of Infinity.

                                Together they birthed the Nine which in turn birthed the Primal Gods and the Himalic Gods; eternal rivals.


The Major Himalians:

Sthenios: King of the gods, ruler of Mount Himalia. God of sky, lightning/thunder, Law. Symbol is Eagle or Thunderbird.

Shiva:  Queen of the Gods and the Ruler of the Icy North; Goddess of Wind and Honor. Symbol: Cow or Yak or Minotaur

Nerise: Goddess of the seas. Symbol: Dolphin

Dematé: God of seasons. Symbol: Bear

Minervus: God of wisdom, reason, intelligent activity, literature, handicrafts and science, defense and strategic warfare. Symbol: Owl

Apolla: Goddess of light, prophecy, inspiration, poetry, music and arts, medicine and healing. Symbol: Dove

Tessa: Goddess of the hunt. Symbol: deer.

Kratos: God of war. Symbol: include the boar.

Venutes: Goddess of love, beauty, and desire. Symbol: Swan

Vulcan: Master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods; god of fire and the forge. Symbol: donkey. 

Sancus: Messenger of the gods; god of commerce and diplomacy. Symbol: tortoise.

Hestia: Goddess of domesticity and the family: Wolf

Bacchus: God of  celebrations. Patron god of the art of theatre. Symbol: goat

Orcus: God of the Underworld, dead and the riches under the Earth. Symbol: Hound.







