Sword of the Brotherhood
The Beginning:
This is a tale of how the PC's, unlikely heroes get caught up in the middle of the greatest War in history. One between Gods, Monsters and Men.
The story begins with the PC's being exposed to special pollen from Yggdrasil. Among other things wich will become apparent later on, this allows the PC's to see the world tree when no one else can.
[Yggdrasil pollinating is not uncommon, however most of the time the pollen has no effect on mortals. However due to Ragnarok, a select few of the pollen grains have become magically enchanted from the death of Eluf Azdin-son at the hands of Ivar who was tricked by Ghate/Cethling, the Litch King. After Eluf's death which was foretold in Ragnarok, his blood soaked the trunk of Yggdrasil signaling the start of the Three Years Winter. The blood of Eluf Azdin-son caused some of the Pollen to become enriched with his blood, however it only being one in a million grains enriched so. This is enough for the PC's to see Yggdrasil in the horizon.]
The PC's will be drawn to the world tree, even though no one else can see it. This will undoubtedly draw the PC's together as they are the only ones capable of seeing it. They will be led to Estrada and the City of Goro. The trunk of the tree sprouts from the mountain tops behind Goro.
The PC's may witness what appear to be elves... but there skin is extremely dark and blue and grey.
[They are the Dark Fey. ]
These strange elves have in their possession a necklace with a magenta amber as the amulet. The Magenta Sapphire was glowing with a magenta flame upon it. It looked extremely valuable. The strange elves were speaking like they just stole it from "someone" in "someplace." They spoke of resting after a long climb and indicated they were about to set out to their homeland to be out of reach of the Æsir.
Before too much can happen between the PC's and the Dark fey, a blinding multicolored beam shoots down from the heavens. When the beam disperses, A Large Boar escorted by Several Valkyries [golden breastplates with winged helmets] appear. The Valkyries and the Dark Fey engage in battle.
At some point, as the Dark Fey are slain, the PC's get caught in another beam of multicolored lights and are pulled to the heavens by what will be revealed to them as the Bifrost.
This will come as a surprise to the inhabitants of Asgard as Mortals should not even be able to see them much less be able to use the Bifrost without Havardr's permission.
Instead of being sent back to Midgard however, they are eventually tasked with a mission. It starts with the fact that as soon as the Bifrost brought the Valkyries and the giant boar back along with the PC's from Midgard, Havardr was already under orders from Azdin to close the Bifrost down and lock down Asgard due to the rising threat of War from the other planes.
The PC's may or may not be privy to a conversation concerning them. Some of the Æsir believe that the PC's are not only mortal but unproven in battle. The only reason they are having this conversation about the PC's is that Brisingamen reacted to them... which apparently is an oddity. Finally, one of the Æsir suggested that the PC's be proven.
They send Sindri, a Dwarf of Nidavellir to look after the PC's and make sure they don't get into trouble etc.
The PCs are sent to Nidavellir. The realm of Dwarves. There Kobolds were rumored to have been fooling around and living. The PC's were sent there to see if they could root them out. A task normally beneath the Æsir as the Kobolds don't pose a threat to them.
[Kobold stronghold]
However, when the PC's do clear out the cavern, among other treasures, they find a large, scaled egg, about the size of a football.