The Monster Hunter's Guild was founded a thousand years ago in the City of Shadowrack before shortly thereafter moving to the abandoned ruins of Fort Brotherhood. Since then, it has grown into a thriving society of various adventurers and hunters alike.
The Monster Hunter's Guild at Fort Brotherhood has organized its members and its marks to easily keep track of the day to day operation of the Guild. Threat Levels were made to determine how potent a particular Monster or mark was to determine which of its hunters to send.
Threat Levels are divided as so
Threat Levels
Wolf: Threat which can result in serious injury, and possible loss of life.
Chimera: Threat which likely results in loss of life in more than one civilian.
Demon: Threat which endangers a community of varying sizes.
Dragon: Threat which endangers several communities, or possibly whole kingdoms.
God: Threat that endangers the World.
They also rank their Monter Hunters not only to keep track of them but to reward them for hard work and to determine who is the best at what they do.
Class S
Rank 1: The Mountain Cutter (Trek)
Rank 2: Lady Death (Felinara)
Rank 3: Mid-Knight (Black Guard Paladin)
Rank 4: Archangel (Shinara)
Rank 5:
Class A
Rank 1: Mantra (Tiefling female Sorceress)
Rank 2:
Class B
Rank 1: Bombardier (Maxwell III)
Rank 2: Sean Remington
Rank 3: Dam Remington
Class C