Sword of the Brotherhood
= D a w n o f W a r =
Story Ideas
Orcs haven't been seen in over a hundred years. The PC's are sent to investigate the mysterious destruction of an abandoned guard tower at the far edge of the Camlan Dominion.
Camlan Dominion: Home to mostly humans. A Theocracy ran by Religious officials, with a deity appointed King. Their religion is based around the deity-fied Dominion's first King, Arcturus Pendragon and his Knights Twelve, who slew an ancient evil Dragon, Tiamat and freed the populous from her tyrannical rule a thousand years ago. Now led by King U'tur Pendragon and his council of 4 Arch Bishops, each representing one of the four noble house of the Camlan Dominion while the King's family representing the fifth. The Camlan Dominion's Flag and Banner contains the Dominion shield, which has the crests of all five houses upon its face (A Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen's crown (All chess pieces resemblance), and finally a Dragon). The Camlan Dominion is strict about its religious laws. If any Heretics are found within its borders, steps are taken to eliminate or pacify the heresy.
The Camlan Dominion used to be part of and the seat of power of a much bigger alliance of Elven and Dwarven Kingdoms, united against the Orcish Horde. The Horde was utterly defeated by the Alliance, most of their kin wiped out, routed and driven back to the northern Orac Wastes. All evidence suggested that the Orcs had all died out due to harsh condition of the Wastes and depleted population from the war. Scouts were sent into the Orac Wastes over the years and their findings supported this claim. Abandoned and ran down camps, with only corpses or remains left in them.
As such, the borders of the Camlan Dominion that stretched into the Orac Wastes started to be guarded less and less due to lack of funding or interest. Because of this, massive guard towers constructed during the war had become abandoned and fallen into disuse. Some, like the one the PC's are sent to investigate near the village of Quimper.
Quimper: A hundred years ago, Quimper was a military outpost used as the frontier staging area for the final campaign into the Orac Waste during the last great war. Now, most of it has fallen into disuse, with only a small portion of it still populated. Religious law is not ever present in Quimper, as it is now a frontier village, and enforcements of its tenets are left to appointed "rag tag" Martials.
At the Tipsy Gypsy, a Tavern Located at the edge of town. Martial Eugene Daniels is the NPC that recruits the PC's to investigate the fallen tower to the north west. He informs the PC's that it might be natural causes do to disuse, but it could also be from meddling from Kobolds, Goblins or Bandits. The Tower was the last remaining standing structure of Camp Cadbury. The Tower was large enough to be seen from many miles away, and served as a monument to the last Great War to the Locals. In the off chance it is something bigger and sinister, Daniels wants someone to investigate.
Eugene Daniels- Former Officer of the Dominion's Holy Infantry and Appointed Lord Martial to Quimper and surrounding territories to enforce law and the Holy Tenets of the Camlan Dominion. While he does technically enforce religious law in these parts, he usually does so in a way that he benefits the most from it, whether it be wealth or power. Still, part of him has a sense of duty and that of self preservation, so if a situation could potentially be troublesome for the Dominion, he acts on it.
The tower has indeed fallen, though the cause is initially unclear. Thorough search through the wreckage may reveal that there is a large stone ball buried under the rubble, which may indicate some type of siege weapon. Though obvious signs indicate Kobolds, since they have taken residence inside the ruble, and it may be assumed that their meddling caused the Tower to collapse on itself. But an intelligent mind will know that the Kobolds couldn't have caused the destruction of the tower, if the siege round is discovered. it is too big and advanced for the Kobolds.
Camp Cadbury: Once a beacon of hope to the Southern Races in a time of war, now reduced to ruins by unknown means hundreds of years after the fact. The Tower, until recently was the last remaining standing structure of this once last line of defense to the civilized world. Now overrun by a small group of Kobolds, who took an interest in the tower only after it collapsed.
They Kobolds were attracted to the siege round lodged into the ruins of the Tower. It gave off a strange aura of enchantment, which the Kobolds mistakenly found as a Divine Artifact sent by their fallen dead god, Tiamat. Though they can't reach it, they still try and unsuccessfully dig for it and prostrate before it, being lead by their Shaman.
The Kobolds speak in Draconic when prostrating, but anyone that can understand will hear them speak of the stone that came from the sky that struck down the tower of the man-folk heretics. Upon being confronted, the Shaman may summon their tribe's guardian spirit, in the form of a Black Dragon Wyrmling.
Upon returning to Quimper, the PC's may find that a citizen has been chained to the religious alter or pillory in town square. The woman was accused of being a heretic and by order of the Lord Martial Daniels, no one is speak or look upon her.
Tal'ildia Doran: Or "Tal" Doran. Half-Elf, Half Human. Her Elven Father disappeared before she was old enough to know him. Left with her human mother, who was soon put to death for consorting with a heretic or "non-human", by an Arch Bishop. Left orphan, Tal did everything she could to survive. Most of her life she was looked down upon, but tolerated. Most recently, she has been making a living being a waitress at the Typsy Gypsy. However, she was caught speaking a slight about the current administration within earshot of the Lord Martial Daniels.
After being interrogated by Daniels on if she of any other Heretics and admitting nothing, she was left at the Pillory in Town Square for all to see.
The PC's may wish to free Tal, or not. If they do, they may try to negotiate with Daniels to release her. If successful, he will allow the PC's to unlock her manticles themselves while turning a blind eye. If not, they may try and do it stealthily. If they do it successfully, the PC's may unknowingly gain "Rebel" faction.
Also doing so, allows the PC's to gain access to Tal Doran's personal quest. The argument that put her into the Pillory was the same one where she found out that a friend went missing recently. Her friend was a Dwarf, and very few were sympathetic to her well being, which sparked the argument. Tal wishes for the PC's to search for her friend, last seen traveling north to the Kragspine Mountains, after she claimed to have a dark vision of evil taking root under the Dwarven outpost there.
So the PC's must decide if they should go searching for Tal Doran's friend, or venture forth with Lord Martial Daniel's next quest.
If they decide to help Tal Doran, she will share with them more details about their quest. The Dwarf friend in question is Myara Forow, A Paladin of Dwarven Smith God, Sindri Forge-father.
Myara Forow: A Dwarven Paladin who befriended Tal'ildia Doran years ago in the somewhat hostile social environment of Quimper. As they were both considered outsiders, they grew close. Myara is from [insert Dwarven location here], but left after receiving a vision from her god Sindri Forge-father, to pursue her divine calling at the detest of her family, who were not religious. She traveled the countryside, helping those in need, with varying forms of acceptance. Eventually leading her to Quimper where she finally met Tal Doran.
Myara received a Dark vision of Evil brewing under the Dwarven outpost at Kragspine Mountains. So she decided to travel there.
Harborforge: Dwarven Outpost in the Kragspine Mountains. Surrounded by a underground hot springs lake, high up and in the mountains, heated by the magma flows deep beneath the surface.
After some investigation, the PC's are lead to the old forge in the lower levels. After Conquering the dungeons there, they meet Bruthwol Horgar. He's the one that captured Myrara Forow for finding out about his operation.
Bruthwol Horgar: He's been trying to enchant a mysterious stone that the dwarves have recently dug up. A giant Veil Shard. His intentions are still veiled in mystery. When Myrara found out about the operation, he imprisoned her until he could figure out what to do with her without bringing down more scrutiny from the outside world.
When Confronted, he'll raise dead with his cleric powers, except that they aren't skeletons but Gruul Beasts (tentacle monster). If the PC's remain vigilant, they will rescue Myrara and she can be reunited with her friend, Tal Doran.
If the PC's return from camp Cadbury without figuring out that the Tower didn't fall from Kobolds hands, they will still be rewarded and Daniels will give them another quest to deal with the larger Kobold Encampment in the mountains.
If the PC's return from camp Cadbury and deduce that the destruction of the Tower didn't have anything to do with the Kobolds, Daniels will reward the PC's, them gaining even more faction. Daniels will come back to them later Sending them on a different Quest to find out more about the siege weapon round. He would have collected it and have it ready on a wagon for the PC's to take to the Mages Sanctum down South.
Bonbog: A large marsh that sits south of Quimper. At night, Pyreflies litter the pools of water, making them sparkle and ethereal. While beautiful, the Bonbog is a dangerous place to be. There are few safe passages through Bonbog, and people usually only travel through it in the day time, save for those that want to risk seeing its nocturnal beauty. Still, it usually takes 2 days to travel through it in anything but the best of weather, so a Temple/tavern has been set up at the midway point, deep in the marsh called Safehaven.
Safehaven: Hundreds of years ago, the immediate area surrounding what is now known as Safehaven has been warded by holy magics, to fend off undead and other unwanted entities. Originally served as a monastery for traveling priests, it has now become a rest stop for wayward travelers and merchants, resting through their long trek through the Marsh.
Anthar Sa'adia: Current Proprietor of Safe haven. His family's relation to Safe Haven is almost as old as Safe Haven itself. Has taken pride in providing a safe haven for those that wish to travel the deadly marshes of Bonbog. He makes sure his home is home to all and has no qualms in putting a stop to violence and keeping the peace in this sacred ground. Anthar is a worshiper of Erec, God of the Hearth, domesticity and Family; and it is his wards keeping Safe Haven safe from undead and other evil. It is he, is family and a small band of friends that actually reside, and work in Safe Haven.
During their travels, the PC's may get attacked by a band of Goblins, trying to retrieve the siege round for their masters, as well as kill any that stand in their way.
Interrogation of these goblins may prove uncharacteristically difficult. They have been motivated to keep their tongues or lose them. If the PC's somehow do get them to talk, the Goblin in question's life force gets sucked out of him from an unknown source.
If the PC's are astute, they can follow the source of the magic to deeper into the Bonbog to Glenmoril.
Glenmoril: A cave home to a Coven of Hags that are controlling the Goblins.
Glenmoril Hags: Have lived in the Bonbog for some time, but only recently decided to risk making their presence known to prevent or at least delay the knowledge of their master's return known. As a Coven, these hags are more powerful than each of them on their own, and can command powerful magic. If shown a superior force, say if one or more of them dies, the remaining surviving hags will retreat to plague the PC's in the future, or not at all.
Another attempt at retrieving the Trebuje round will be made with an assault of one or more Bugbears.
Bugbears: A murder band sent by a local encroaching encampment of Hob Goblins sent to retrieve the Trebuje round recovered by the PC's or at the very least, silence them. They care little for the political ramifications of such a mission, and are simply interested in eating the PC's and taking their stuff.
After a long and grueling treck through the Bonbog, the PC's finally make it out of the Swamp and into the northern edge of the Simyalands, grasslands.
Simyalands: Lacking the ever present fog of the Bonbog, the clear skies of the Simyalands is a welcome sight to behold. Rolling hills of mostly grass stretch across as far as the eye can see. The only break the PC's see in front of them, is smoke rising from over a hill.
Hobgoblins: Proper Term for them is High Goblins, as more than likely they are the original breed of Goblinoid, that all other Goblins share a common ancestry. If the PC's are careful enough, they can spot their encampment without getting spotted, as this whole area is hilly. The Encampment is set up on top of a hill for maximum protection.
The PC's may choose to try and go around them, as a full on assault would surely result in death, or worse.
Regardless, a contingent of Dominion soldiers have come to respond to the Hobgoblin threat in the north. Led by Archbishop Sigma Ruul of house Knight.
Archbishop Sigma Ruul: Archbishop of House Knight and the worshipers of Lancelot; Commander and Chief of the King's Holy Army. Has come to quell the uprising of Goblinoid forces in the north, even though such a task seems beneath him, he does so to maintain moral in the Kingdom. While he recognizes that the recent organization and mobilization of the Hob Goblins is unusual, it does not signify a larger threat abound. At least not yet.
Sigma is the PC's first taste of seeing an Archbishop, face to face. They should get a feeling of how ruthless he can be, and overall how Hardcore he is. His first act upon meeting the PC's (plus or minus) is to wipe out the goblinoid threat that has been rising in the north.
If the PC's were to accidentally commit some kind of heresy in his presence, his first reaction would be to eliminate the threat or imprison it. His hand may be swayed with the letter of mark they have in their possession and their mission to the Mages Sanctum. If the Heresy is Arcane related in nature, he will tell them they may want to get certification at the Mages Sanctum if they want to legally use arcane Magic in the Kingdom.
About a total of a day and a half past the Bonbog going south, the PC's may encounter Duan Town. A Town filled with the stubborn, suspicious but peaceful Short-Folk.
Duan Town: A Hole-in-the-wall town in the middle of nowhere. As the PC's enter town, the Townsfolk turn their nose up at them, but otherwise don't discourage their arrival. In fact, once the PC's get them drinking at the local Tavern, The Moon Dragon, they warm right up. Once they do that, they gain the attention of one Oaka.
O'aka Lons: Owner of the Moon Dragon Inn, and retired Bard and trader of Adventurer's goods. He sees something in the PCs which makes him want to tell a story over drinks. He will tell an incredible tale of a time before the Dominion when his ancestor lived.
"Over a thousand years ago... almost five hundred years before the Dominion and the Great Fabled War of the Ancients... these lands were much different. For one, the Velkyn Forrest to the East didn't exist yet. It was instead a barren desert valley.
It is said, that the Forest was the result of a great slaughter of two warring sides. Supposedly, the Moon itself split open releasing the Primordial King, who proceeded to devastate the world with his might. The corpses of the two Warring sides and falling ash, made the ground fertile enough for the forest you now see today.
Now it is said, would be worthy adventurers who enter the Velkyn Forest get challenged by a mysterious wandering Swordsman in exotic black armor mounting a six legged horse.
That is the tale at least..."
(The PC's get an inspiration Boon. 1d12 added to any one d20 roll. This bonus lasts for a week or until the character uses it.)
Nothing eventful happens in Duan Town, unless the PC's instigate something. It should leave a pleasant taste in the PC's memory.
Should the PC's enter the Velkyn Forest to Challenge the Wondering Swordsman. They will wonder for a short time, before it magically turns night time. Full moon shining. They are met face to face with the Wondering Swordsman.
Wondering Swordsman: Either An Aspect of the dead god, Azdin, or that of the Azdin blessed human, Odin. Regardless, he warns the PC's that if they decide to challenge him, they may die. He is not sure if they are yet ready. But when they are, he will be here to face them. If they challenge him, he will tell them that they have 30 seconds to defeat them or he will kill them. He will show his resolve by using Vreden, his sword to cut down several trees with a single swipe.
If the PC's do challenge him, and defeat him, he will award them with Troskap; his Spear, with a T on it.
The PC's may return to Duan town.
Another day and a half travel later, barring any delays, the PC's encounter the umbraland wall.
Umbraland Wall Ruins: Ruins of a giant wall that once stood over a thousand years ago. Now little more than hollowed out ruins, with whole swaths of sections of said wall, have fallen or eroded away with time.
The PC's may come face to face with their opposition half a day before getting to the Mage's Sanctum, forcing them to push their advance till they reach it at the risk of exhaustion.
Onag the Destroyer: Orag who's tusks have been pulled out many years before in battle. A very intelligent and very experienced leader among the Orcish Horde. He has personally led his scouts to find and retrieve the trebuje round before it can be recovered by the mages.
The PC's may encounter them while they prepare for camp, or just before, depending on their choices. At this point in the PC's progression, he should be more than a match for the PC's forcing them to run. His tactics will be to remain mounted with his other scouts and fire poison arrows from afar using compound bows.
Regardless, every attempt at encouraging the PC's to run would be advised. Maybe a visit from Walker and/or Su Nguyen to assist the PC's escape. The Orcs will give chase all the way to the Mage's sanctum before giving up the pursuit. If done so, Merdo will be there to lay down cover fire (not intentionally because he does not mean to miss).
Soon after, the PC's finally find the Mage's Sanctum.
Mage's Sanctum: A Well constructed tower, located between two massive sections of the Umbraland Wall upon a hill. Home to the finest and most respected mages in the land.
Upon walking up to the Tower, the PC's see several statues of famous Mage's of the Past arranged around a central fountain which the PC's can walk around. The Likes of Gavindor Qel Amon, Oswin Mon Gor'ra, Balka Andor Mel and Sir Galahad (The Avalon God of Knowllege and Arcana).
The PC's will quickly gain the attention of the Mage's Sanctum Council of Masters.
Mirdan: A Master in the Mage's Sanctum Council. One of the youngest and newest members of the Council Masters. Is not fond of the current state of the modern world, and chooses to distract himself into his studies as he continues to learn the frontier's of magic.
Morgause: Long standing member of the Mage's Sanctum Council. While she looks young, it is implied that this is either not her true face, or her youth has been artificially preserved by magic. It is heavily implied to be a very powerful Mage. Is secretly the Sister of King U'tur Pendragon but has long been estranged.
Broyce: Senior Master and second in command of the Mage's Sanctum Council. Personal instructor to Mirdan as he saw potential in the young mage. Is keeping a strenuous relationship with the current King as Arcane Magic in any sense is growing more and more unfavorable in the eyes of the Dominion.
Ulrich Manu: One of the few Druids in the Mage's Sanctum, and even rarer to be on the council. He's lived for centuries, rumored to be even before the age of Aljanun. He seems to have an open distaste for Arcane Magic and Wizards, but understands that it needs to be controlled in today's world.
Dalfgan: One of the few Wizards of the Council from the Far North. His ancestry dates back to Chelton in the now Orac Wastes. He has a fondness for history, and collects antiques; particularly relics from Ancient Chelton. His status as a Wildling has caused some controversy among others in the magic community and the Dominion itself. However, even though he can be a bit scatter brained he is a very capable Master in the Mage's Sanctum.
Mistress Nicci: Grand Mistress of the Mage's Sanctum. Keeps to herself most of the time, but guides Broyce and the other Masters when need be. She is apparently the eldest member of the Mage's Sanctum, but looks to be the youngest. She is in actuality the Primordial King, who has managed to survive her encounter with Xell fifteen hundred years before. Nowhere near as powerful as her former stature, she is still one of the most powerful mage's in the land and leads the Sanctum.
Ganos Lal: Journeywoman under the tutelage of Morgause. Similar to her mistress, Ganos had escaped persecution earlier in her life. Her real name is Morgan La Fay, daughter of Lady Igraine, before she married U'Tur. While she doesn't look it, she is actually half fey. Her father was an Eladrin Sorceror.
Merdo: Apprentice of Mirdan. Aspiring Wizard and Adventurer. Due to his poor eyesight, his spells aren't as acute as they should be. He has spectacles which he is usually embarrassed to wear, but when he does, his power is much more potent.
When the PC's first enter the Mage's Sanctum, they are greeted by Merdo; an apprentice mage. Probably an awkward first meeting, as Merdo drops the books and scrolls he was carrying when he bumps into the PC's. He asks the PC's what he can do for them.
Merdo will initially try and help the PC's himself at first, taking them into his master's study. He will try and light the candles himself, but will "miss" at first, lighting a nearby scroll on fire or something. He will panic a bit, putting out the fire, before getting real close to the candle to light it, successfully this time.
After trying to help them with whatever problem the PC's put forth first (perhaps curing someone from the poison arrow), as some time goes by, Merdo's Master enters the study. Mirdan is frustrated at the mess his study is in, commenting how he would never allow his study in such a state. As the topic of the Trebuje enters the conversation, it only takes Mirdan a moment to realize the scope of the issue.
His mood will become more earnest, and ask the PC's where they acquired the Trebuje round, and the circumstances around it.
Mirdan assembles the Sanctum Council of Masters to discuss and unlock the secrets of the trebuje round. All other questions and priorities (especially those of the PC's) are put on hold.
It is at this time that the PC's may get there first taste of Mentors. Should they have been assisted by Su and Walker, a couple of the PC's may find themselves being taught by them.
In the case of the current PC; Castiel, he may find a lesson from Walker about swordplay and about being a Paladin in General. [Perhaps using lay on hands as a bonus action when using on self]
Celia may find getting monk lessons from Su Nguyen about using Khi(Chi or Ki). [perhaps using a Hadoken or something]
Conversing with the lesser mages while the council is in session, the PC's will get information that may interest them.
Tieriana could learn that an elf that looked very much like her was in the Monster Hunter's guild at Fort Brotherhood. Second best ranking in fact. She went by the call sign, Lady Death. This may draw Tieriana to go meet her before seeking a way to return back to her home plane. There she will meet one of her kinsman, Felinara, who upon meeting Tieriana is interested in seeing her hunter skill, and offers to improve upon it. A lesson perhaps in looking within to unlock her latent potential; learning Hunters mark as a spell.
Meanwhile the number 1 ranked Monster Hunter, Trek, call sign the Mountain Cutter, takes an Interest in Lain's use of Two weapon fighting.
Lyric and Sigbrand have learned of possible ancestors or relatives living in Shadowwrack to the South.
Barrackus has listened in on the Mage's Sanctum council of Masters secret meeting, and got caught. But in doing so, found that the trebuchet round they had delivered was in fact an eye of Tiamat.
Eye of Tiamat: Concealed to be an enchanted Trebuchet round. It is said that this came from Tiamat's corpse herself after she was utterly defeated by King Arcturus and the Knight of the Round a thousand years ago. However, just because Tiamat was defeated, doesn't make this eye harmless. With it, she is able to see far and wide, which is why the orcs shot it into the Camp Cadbury Tower, so that those that found it would investigate it. Now that it is in the Mages Sanctum, it can look upon most of the Camlan Dominion.
About a day after the PC's arrive at the Mage's Sanctum with the Eye, and the Masters and other Mage's start researching the Trebuchet round; They eye will reveal itself in its true form and use its power to encase the entirety of the Mage's Sanctum within Ice, causing an unnatural winter that would spread for miles around. This will encase most of the Mages inside solid ice and thus neutralizing them.
The only one's spared from the Ice would probably be Mirdan, Merdo, and Ganos Lal. They will then spend the rest of their time trying to free the Masters and other mages.
Should the PC's wish to travel to Fort Brotherhood. There, they will find a few hunters which may be able to help them. Also they will see the Skyship Venditskat.
Venditskat: An Ancient Skyship said to have been made from the corpse of a Wyrmlord of the same name. It is now in use by the Monster Hunters' Guild for high Ranking members.
Mantra: Class A Rank 1; Tiefling Sorceress Hunter. The Monster Hunter's guild seems to be the only place she became accepted in this world, as everyone else treats her like an abomination. While a few other Monster Hunters treat her the same way, they respect her power and knowledge.
Bombardier: Class B Rank 1; Dwarven Hunter. Real name is Maxwell III. Decendant of one of the founders of the Monster Hunter's Guild. Is probably one of the most exterior casually racist Dwarves known to man. However that won't stop him from helping those in need. Hates abominations.
Midknight: Class S Rank 3; Black Guard Paladin: Despite being one of the most effective hunters in the Monster Hunters' Guild, his true motivations are held in mystery. He never shows his face to anyone, and his voice seems ominous.
Through questioning, if Tieriana so wishes, she can find Lady Death. Going into this meeting, the PC's will hear that Lady Death is second only to The Mountain Cutter. And that they appear to be a couple.
When they first see Lady Death, the PC's will have to overcome a fear check, as she literally looks like the grim reaper himself. But once spooks are out of the way, she will lower her hood to break the fear enchantment on her robes.
Lady Death: Class S Rank 2; Otan Elf Blade Dancer. Her real name is Felinara, she left her people a very long time ago to explore the greater world. To avoid scrutiny, she found and started using her Robe of Fear. When she dawns said robe, she becomes the face of death to anyone that fails to see through the guise. She met The Mountain Cutter along the way, and has come back to his company several times since.
The Mountain Cutter: Class S Rank 1: Human Fighter. Wielder of the Legendary Mountain Cutter, his given name is Trek. A Hiboru from a distant land across the Eastern Ocean. Has since made a name for himself for being able to slay a hundred monsters with a single stroke of his sword; a sword seemingly only he is able to wield to its full potential.
Realizing Tieriana is one of her own, Felinara will take her under her own wing. She will teach Tieriana to sense planar portals as well as use Misty step once per short or long rest.
During this time, Trek gets impatient waiting on his girlfriend, so he decides to pass the time in teaching one of her companions, Lain. 3 times per long rest, Lain can gain Fighting Spirit. As a bonus action he can gain 5 temporary hit points and gives himself advantage on attack roles till the end of the current turn.
Archangel: Class S Rank 4; Real name is Shinara, former Astral Deva from an alternate timeline. Traveled to the past to avert a War of the Ancients, only to cause the Age of Aljanun, delaying the War of the Ancients only by hundreds of years and failing to stop it. Now in self exile, she lives her life as a monster hunter, trying to right her wrongs, killing one evil beast at a time.
Shinara may see something in Geoffrey. Perhaps he was important in her original timeline. regardless, she won't say, but will decide to take him under her wing (no pun indended). She will teach him the spell like ability, Healing Touch 1/day unless he uses its secondary healing effect, then once every seven days days.
The Monster Hunter's Guild has the ability to send its high ranking hunters to most major hubs in the civilized world via teleportation circle. For their first visit, one of the Hunters allows them to use it to go to Shadowwrack.
Shadowrack: Established shortly before the War of the Ancients, Shadowwrack quickly got annexed by the Dominion after Daksina fell. It became a hub for refuges of all sorts from the north. While the City prospered from the traffic, the clashing of cultures and congestion of people caused an uproar in crime. The prevalent Deity in the city is Sir Dinadan, the Avalonian God of Celebration and Art; as well as Dame Marhaus, the Avalonian Goddess of Love and Beauty. Both have large temples in the city limits.
Shadowwrack is obviously a large center of trade between the three kingdoms. It houses a district for the Elves as well as the Dwarves. The Elven district is naturally well kept and high class, while the Dwarven district is on the other side of the spectrum, crowded and run down. Only the slums beat it out in grime and unsavory types.
Dirigibles and other types of Airships can be seen littering the sky's above, which is another indication of healthy trade; as well as the lakeside docks housing the plethora of all different types of ships.
Taking a closer look at the city quickly reveals that it also has a slew of problems. Down alleyways, you can see graffiti of all sorts and in all known languages. One depicting a one eyed tentacle monster or something of the like, boasting of the one true god is coming. Another one, which seems to be currently being cleaned off by some of the City guard, depicts what can be best described as a minotaur, with half washed and faded out words saying something to the effect of, "Beware the Horns of Justice!" And another that says, "You've been lied to! They aren't extinct!, with an image depicting the skeleton silhouette of a Dinosaur. "Finally, you eye catches a homeless man, wearing a sign that says, "Armageddon is coming"; the sign also depicts a simple painting of a dragon or hydra with 5 heads.
If pressed, the homeless man will tell a tale of the resurrection of the Evil Winged Tirent, Tiamat and that she will cleans the world with her many breaths, before being taken away by the City guard, being placed under arrest for sedition and heresy.
As the PC's pass City Hall, they will see that this city has a booked Pillory. Many people, mostly homeless in varying stages of death or dying and decay, on display. It is quite a sight.
Soon you arrive at the Crossroads, a grand bazaar of sorts; with street merchants as well as accompanying storefronts, selling goods and services of all sorts. A very busy place, filled with a diverse group of people from all over the three Kingdoms. You know that this might be one of the last places that these three races cooperate and coexist to any significant degree.
Closer to the Lakefront but offset to the main foot traffic, lies Oldtown. Here you can see that the architecture here is distinct and very old. This is where the original Camp and City of Shadowwrack was established over twelve hundred years ago. This district seems to house mostly structures of historical value. Museums, graveyards and the old Shadowwrack Keep. All structures distinctly Estra in Design.
In the Shadowwrack Keep, is located an interesting Tavern called the Umbral-Keg Hall where the throne room used to be. a Tavern in the style of the old great halls of Estrada in ancient days. One common room, with a fire pit in the center of the room, tables surrounding it. On the far side of the hall houses a throne, used to represent the Jarl's and later King/Queen's throne, now represents the thrown of the Owner of the property; Ragnar Elib-son.
Ragnar Elib-son: Owner of the Umbral-keg Hall, Ragnar boasts about being one of the few pure Estra left in the world. He and is ancestors used their wealth and made sure to preserve Oldtown. He can trace his lineage back to the original Shadowwrack Clan of Estrada before it splintered off and got deluded. His lineage means little politically in today's world however, and is dependant solely on his family's wealth to keep autonomy and station.
If asked about Lyric's or Sigbrand's lineage, Sigbrand is intrigued. He will take them to the library in the keep, where he will attempt to trace their ancestry. An heirloom found with Lyric will give Ragnar the clue he needs to trace his ancestry. This leads him to believe that Lyric is a surviving member of the Sons of Azdin Clan.
He will mention that the First and Last High Queen of Shadowwrack, Haldis Aric-child, was the last known surviving member of the Sons of Azdin Clan. Her tomb is under Oldtown. Upon this revelation, Lyric will start to hear things and see things in his mind, tugging him at the Tomb of Haldis Aric-child.
Banion Steel: Wealthy Trader and business owner. Owns the largest Steel Mill and Iron Works in all of the Dominion, Steel Industries. Supplies most of the Dominion's Steel and other precious alloys. Live's a life of luxury because of it. He has a care free playboy philanthropist lifestyle. His promiscuity is overlooked by the church because of how much he and his company help out the Dominion. Lives in Steel Manor, a very large mansion south of Shadowrack; but he spends just as much time in Shadowrack at the Temple of Marhaus, in a special pent house suite.
Bishop Dahm Vegan: Bishop of Shadowrack, which makes her both the political and religious leader of the City and surrounding Territories. Her official affiliation is of Sir Percival, the Avalonian God of Diplomacy and Commerce. The town hall also serves as a Temple of Percival.
Priestess Kayva De'lion: High Priestess of the Temple of Dame Marhaus in Shadowrack. She not only runs the Temple, but is also the Madame of the House of Marhaus. She appreciates the aesthetic beauty as well as internal beauty. She cares for healing people, both mentally and physically. Cleansing the soul as it were.
Priest Ian Garrett: High Priest of the Temple of Sir Dinadan in Shadowrack. He not only runs the Temple, but the Trade Museum and Auction Hall in Shadowrack. He will be the first to celebrate a mutually beneficial transaction or just about anything. He collects an assortment and appreciates the fine arts.