Azrael, Ariel and Grimace were transported to the Isle of A'Mazo. There, the Elzati were strangly accomidating (to Azrael and Grimace). Grimace left on his own the next day. It was obvious he couldn't stand being around so many evil people. He had an oath to protect his Nephew. He summoned Glacier Sapphire once he reached the mainland and road away.
Azrael was soon sent on missions of his own, while Ariel stayed behind on A'Mazo.
Lodevec had taken Killren, Xain, Ulric, Kaz, and Ezren into Amon Gost and to the Great Seal. The seal had the Brewmaster Familly Crest embossed on it. It was otherwise a great wall. When Killren places his hand or whatever on the seal, the wall before them opened in brilliant light.
Just then, all magic went dark. The massive wall slid to either side, revealing a collosal collosus. It was like a Golem... only the size of a Cathedral. It looked like a Massive Dwarf with Twin Hammers but made of Adamantine.
Ledovec mentions that this is the guardian to the great seal, a Collossus that puts out an antimagic field far more powerful than your average version. This field would would impare magic users of all kinds and then utterly destroy everyone in its path. The combination of Antimagic field and massive strength that the guardian had could repell even the most powerful Dragons, supressing the magical nature of their breathweapons...
The Dwarven Collossus approched with weapons ready.
...Luckely... Ledovec was not most Dragons. Ledovec Breathes another blizzard into the guardian, freezing it outright.
Behind the guardian was a massive city, surrounded by the great wall that you had just opened. The City was lit by the palace in the middle. The source of light could not be established, but the entire city was made from some sort of shiny blue metal, that reflected the light all around. The city was perfectly preserved and completely round and inside a cilindrical chamber made from the Great Seal. The Palace formed sort of a mountain in the middle. The actual structures were made from dwarven architecture of the most ancient kind... however unlike all the ruins all around Amon Gost and the various dwarve ruins any of you have seen, these are perfectly preserved.
As you clear the threashhold to the city, the seal behind you closes. Once the two ends meet, the seam completly disapears.
As beautiful as the city is, it is eirily silent. The sounds that you produce are probably the first sounds to ever vibrate through this city in thousands of years.
The main road led strait to the palace in the middle of the City. As you walk the main street, you notice that the main street served as a bazaar of sorts. It was wide enough to hold booths and a royal escort if need be. There were many shop like buildings facing the street. On street corners, there were small stone pillars that inscribed the name of the street on it depending on what side of the pilar it was. Everything was in Dwarven. However, besides the stonework and the metal working structures, there was very little else material wise. Everything seemed like it was empty. Not even dust.
Lodevec explains that the last time this city saw any use was before the world split. Again, you don't recall anywhere in history about the world being split. Regardless, it seemed like it must have been a very long time ago.
There must have been thousands of steps leading up to the palace. Lodevec says there are exactly seven thousand from the bottom of the city, to the gates to the palace. No more, no less.
At the top of the steps, are the gates to the palace. On either side, there are two large dwarven statues made from the same blue material that almost everything else is made from. One Wielding a pick in one hand, and an Axe in the other. The other Dwarf holds a Great Axe. When you approch, they come to life.
(Interesting note, if Killren attempts to skip the seven thousand steps by flying, the guardians at the gate will not let anyone enter. If Killren climbs the seven thousand steps, they will.)
In Dwarven, they speak.
If Killren Climbs the Steps: "While you are Brewmaster, you are not yet worthy. Only a Brewmaster who has climbed to sucsess may enter."
If Killren Climbs the Steps: "You have Climbed the Seven Thousand Steps to Sucsess. You are worthy and may enter."
The Sapphire Gates open.
The Path before you takes you to the Palace entrance... there are no more steps ahead of you.
Through the double doors is the Palace.
Like in so many Dwarven traditions, there isn't some hallway or some lobby. This is a Great Hall, Down the middle of this Great Hall is a royal firepit, still lit after who knows how many thousands of years. On either side of the fire pit are long tables made to sit invited guests. On either side of the Great hall where Giant Stone Keg Barrels. There were Seven of these Gargantuan Barrels on either side. On the Far end of the Great Hall was the Throne. Behind the Throne was another one of these Ale Barrels, but larger than the rest. On the face of the Barrel, there was the crest of the Brewmaster Crest Embossed.
The Halls in the Palace where typical dwarven arcitecture... typical as in everything was much larger than it needed to be. Large enough for even Lodevec to walk through without any difficulty. Even he was impressed.
Lodevec continued to point everyone in a certain direction. He kept leading you deeper and deeper into the Palace. Finally, you came to a section of the palace, labeled, Tomb of the Kings.
This crypt was large as well. On either side, where tombs labled for various Kings that had ruled here. There were less than you thought there were going to be. There were about 5 Sub-tombs in along the wall. Various names in Dwarven were written here. The one nearest to the entrance to the Crypt was labled the Sixth King. and in numberical order going down it went down to the second.
The Crypt ended sometime after the Second King's tomb. It opened wide into a grand Tomb, with a large sarcophagus in the middle. It was Labled, Thokul Brewmaster, First King of Amon Gost.
From behind you, 5 spirits enter the chamber. They were all Dwarven Kings and wearing dwarven crowns. The Second through Sixth. One wielded a Hammer, one Wielded a Pick, one Wielded a Great Axe, one wielded a mace, and one with a sword.
They all walk around the Sarcophagus and are spaced equally around it on the oposite end. They all draw their weapons. Instead of attacking, they raise them high into the air and the one in the middle announces, "All hail to the First King of Amon Gost!"
They all take a knee.
From the Sarcophacus, raises the spirit of Thokul Brewmaster First King of Amon Gost.
He is not what you expect. What raises is a dwarf... but not just a dwarf. This dwarf had horns, a tail, and Wings. This was a Half-Dragon Half-Dwarf. He wielded a Dwarven War Axe.
Even Ledovec kneeled.
"Rise, my children" Thokul commanded.
"Ah, Ledovec me dear friend. My have ye grown since I last saw ye." he speaks
"And ye must be me decendant." Thokul says to Killren.
"Me name is Thokul Brewmaster, or Thokul Sladek in High Draconic."
"What is your name, me child?" he asks.
"Ye are no doubt wondering about me apearance. Like you, I am half Dragon and Half dwarf. My Father was a Dragon, and my mother was a Dwarf. They fell in love, and later begotten me.
Let me tell ye a story, me child.
Eons ago, the Dwarves were created by the Primal Dragons as a Slave Race to mine their treasures of rare jewels and metals. Me mother was one such slave Dwarf. However, she did not want to mine, nor did she want to sow crops for the other slaves. She instead found a taste for Brewing Ales. She was named Sladek by the Primal Dragon warlords. Sladek Translates to Brewmaster.
You could say that she gained favor over a benevolent Flame Dragon named SpokaPlamen, my father. They fell in love. However, their unioin was not favored upon, and the Primal Dragons ordered me mother's execution. If it wasn't for me father, she would have died.
Me father sacraficed himself to save me mother. I was later born to me mother in hiding. I soon learned of my lineage and I took up arms against the Primal Dragons, and led the Dwarves to Freedom. we traveled here, to Amon Gost, where we errected the first city of the Dwarves, Ammirdor. The dwarves made me their first King, and together me and me people defended Ammirdor from the Primal Dragons. Other Dragons, friends of me father had supported us, and with out them, we could not have claimed independance.
From then on, Dwarves mined not for others, but for ourselves.
Me and me ancestry lived much longer than normal dwarves, and each of us ruled for over a thousand years.
Over the eons, we have had our influence on the world around us in one way or another, and over that time, we have gathered powerful artifacts in this city. Some with terrible power. That temptation had split our race and we began to fight amongst ourselves as did the Dragons who lived with us. That's why in his benevolent wisdom, the Sixth King of Amon Gost sealed the City of Ammirdor. With the help of Ledovec here we evacuated the city and sealed everything else inside.
Because of the circumstances around that event, the line of Brewmasters and the power of the breath was lost and forgotten. That is until now. You, Killren are the direct dicendant of me and me line. You have a great destiny ahead of you.
Ledovec here can help you harness your hidden power. You will need it to face the challenge before you. As tempting this city is for you... It is too late now to unite the dwarven race... there is too few in the world today. And there is too much going on in the outside world for you to make a difference today... but there is a way for you to make a difference eight hundred years ago.
Behind me is one of the such artifacts that were sealed for its power. It can transport you to the time you are needed. It cannot be used anytime though.
The time to use it is coming, but it has not passed yet.
From the birth of creation, there have been words of power that bind the universe together. specifically, the nine elements. Země, požár, vítr, voda, život, síla, světlo, tmavý and neplatný. Two of these words were locked in a long time ago. Sivetlo and Timavy. Light and Dark. This leaves seven words. This is why the number 7 is prominent in the city and to dwarves. It has been apart of the culture for a very long time.
Profecy says that at the summer solstice of this year, the other seven words can be used. That will be the time to act... that will be the time that you need to be ready.
The Spirits fade away.
You follow the cavern behind the first kings tomb.
Another crest of Brewmaster is on the wall.
After you open it...
The doors open to reveal the next chamber.
There is but 1 thing of note in this room. Like a coin on its side, a massive ring sits on the ground, with a stone ramp going up to the opening in the middle. There are about a hundred different symbols on the ring. Two of them near the bottom are lit up along with two lights that are strateling the ramp to the ring. There are seven that are not lit. the nine bulbs on the rings are evenly spaced out.
There is another artifact off center at the bottom of the ramp. It also has 2 symbols lit up.
Ledovec turns to you. There is one phrase that you need to learn before you go through with this that you must learn.
Konečný světlo svítí jasně, aby se Boží moc
Konečný bouře wisks všechny trápí duše
ze hry.
Konečným temnoty bude bezmocný, aby se zabránilo
Konečný klidu usadit se v současnosti.
The ultimate light shines brightly to take the power of god away.
The ultimate storm wisks all the tormented souls out of play.
The ultimate darkness will be powerless to prevent,
The ultimate calm from settling in the present.