With the PC's sucked into the Shadow Beyond Time, everyone in the universe forgets about them. More accurately, It's as if they never existed.
However, there is one individual that belongs to that timeline. She has memories of them.
It is up to Kiri to restore the Timeline and save everyone form the Shadow Beyond time.
During her journey, she will discover her latent Time Wizard heritage and become the second Time Monk in history. She will need to use these powers to cross alternate realities to accomplish her goal.
Depending on how the Corsairs of the Dragon see is going by this point, this may start off being a New Year's Special.
Also another cool idea I just had. The Silvard Wings, having it's bubble up, were not affected either. And What's more, Anui's Latent Summoner Powers have resurfaced in this Temporal Crisis.
Perhaps Kiri has to figure out a way to use her mysterious ability to unlock things without trying to save the origional PC's.
More on this idea to come.