Okay, so the PC's are in the middle of a fight. a rather complicated fight... only because the Airships involved have so much HP.
They have taken out 3 of the 10 airships that are attacking their small fleet. Seven are left.
So far they have taken straiffing runs, using the enemies formation to their advantage. They have teleported onto two of the airships and collided them into other ones or on the sea.
However, these techniques will not work anymore.
There will be mages in these airships. These mages will cast Dimensions lock on the Airships themselves to keep anyone from teleporting onto them.
Also, their formations will change, to form a quasi circle to get a good broadside. Their combined damage would be able to penetrate the PC's defenses.
The PC's will have issues with continueing the fight, as the odds will gradually go towards the trading corperations favor.
As things start to look bad, help will come.
A flare will be shot in the distance. It is the same flare used by Bonny on the Flying Feline. Infact it did come from the Flying Feline, just not the Galleon.
Quite some time has happened since the Flying Feline sunk with her captain on it.
Bonny somehow made it to the mainland, on the run from a spec ops team from LTC.
She has been on her own adventure, been all over the mainland of the Outer Continent. While she was there, she stole the Corporations newest line of Airship, built using ancient Technology found in the ground of all places. As such, it is faster and more nimble than any other airship, and has more Firepower than the Dragon Class Battleships. For taking away the Flying Feline, Bonny has decided to take away the Corporations most prized ship, and call it her own.
Getting a new Airship was the least that Bonny has been up to. She has inadvertantly gained new allys from all around the Outer Continent.
In addition to a few Air Pirates that decided they would follow bonny's lead, there are a few notable NPC's following Bonny around.
A Native Outer Continentian, named Cisum whom is an Avatar Summoner. (On a side note, she has already obtained Vendit's Avatar.)
A half Celestial, named Renwo HcNar. (whom by this point, has obtained the loyalty of the Dark World- now Light World... So now has an army of Angels.)
A psuedo dwarf that for some reason goes by "Nathan's Evil Clone" or Nec for short.
A man with an absurdly large sword with symbols all over it.
A mysterious being that looked frightenly close to the grim reaper.
And a Cowboy named Cactus Wren.
A movement has been sturring in the north, partly because of the PC's efforts.
A freedom movement. Bonny is gathering all the allys she can find for a massive assault, because the Corporation is up to something.
Through Bonny's adventures, she came accross a startling plot. LTC had uncovered something in a cave in the far north. A woman incased in a strange green crystal. They uncovered something they did not understand, and accidentally unleashed it upon the world. From the Crystal, not the woman herself, but an ancient god was awakened Epor. A life sucking god. by a glance, she littereally consumed people lifeforce.
To protect a friend, Bonny stood in its way. Bonny had plenty of life force to spare, and fed the Epor to her limit. While it tempered Epor for the time being, Bonny seemingly died. When she awoken, she had lost all her memory, except for her name.
During the time of her amneisia, she continued her adventure and came across some friends and information.
There were these strange musical instruments that had the symbol of Epor on them. Origionally, another pirate was after them. But in doing so, LTC learned of its purpose.
Once all of the instruments of Epor were assembled together and played a certain piece, they could control Epor.
Bonny stole the airship, with LTC knowing what she knew and the support they were getting.
Because of that, Lyndhurst has reallocated its recources. They sent fleets out to take care of the rebels. However, the bulk of their navy had been assembled around Central City.
It looks as though that the Corporation had found these magical musical Instruments, and are now trying to decifer the score to unlock their power.
Point is, Bonny has seen the power of Epor. And if the Corporation gains the power of Epor, then Freedom will be reduced unto dust.
Bonny is trying to amass a sizable fleet/army to try and take Central City.
She asks the PC's if they have any more Ally's up their sleeves.
It being Bushimaru and Boku, as well as what's left of their empire.
The Total Military assets consists of...
The Flying Feline: Flag ship and commanded by Bonny.
Pirate Fleet, led by Bonny as well.
The Dragon Class Battleships, commanded by the PC's
The Celestial Army: led by Renwo.
The Avatar of Vendit: controled by Cisum
The 4th, 5th,7th and 9th Calvery, led by Cactus Wren.
Trek, The Mountain Cutter (with Side Kick, Nathan's Evil clone)
Death Reaper, whom is actually Felinara.
The Napajian Empire Army.
The Plan is, to launch a frontal assault upon Central City, while a small team goes in and intercepts the Musical Instruments.
On thier way North, to Central City, the PC's will see the Mother Tree in all of its glory. It was a Tree the size of the largest mountain... if not larger. Its branches spanned the horizon.
Scouts will confirm a massive fleet hovering over and around Central City, with the LTC Command Ship in the middle, the L.T.S. Titanius.
Bonny informs the PC's that the plan is, during the battle, Trek, Death, Cactus and Renwo will make their way into the city and find the artifacts and stop LTC from using them.
Bushimaru says that he is willing to give his support... but not in so many words. He says something more along the lines of, not if he gets there first and nobody better get in his way, kind of thing.
As the armada is assembling, final upgrades to the airships are made. Better cannons are installed on all the ships.
The Napajese army arrive on ships and deboard onto land to get into formation.
Cactus gathered the Calvery units.
The Air Pirate Fleet arrived, sporting all sorts of different colors.
The Celestial Army arrive with Renwo.
At the Dawn of the new day, outside Central City. Bonny gives a speach.
"Gentlemen... Ladies... and... other invited transgendered individuals. I... am not much for speeches... but this is as good of a time as any i guess so...
"Long ago... Before many of you were born, I was free. This was before the time of the Corporation.... Before Lyndhurst. I was alive to remember a time of individual freedom. Though I admitidly took it for granted. I was young then. THe World was also in a depressed state back then. Lyndhurst at the time, seemed like the only way the world would make it out of the struggles it was facing. We as a people allowed them to grow and allowed them to take away our Freedom... all so we could live comfortably. By the time we knew what we had done to ourselves, it was too late."
"Lyndhurst represents Corporate Owned Imperialism. We may have allowed them to flurish and deny our freedom, but it is WE who will claim back that Freedom! It is We who will fight them, and let them know they no longer own us like property. It is we who will let them know that they don't own the world."
"Now I know most of us don't see eye to eye with each other on some if not most aspects on how we live our lives. But I do know that we all agree that dispite our differences, we have the same goal in mind. To live our lives as we see fit, and not the way some faceless entity of a corporation tells us to."
"Today, we will show these bastards that it is not resources or a enterprise that rules the land... It is the People! Today, We fight!
Cisum walks to the edge of the deck. Her left arm glows purple, as energy seeps out of it. She thrusts it forward toward the ground. A huge glyph apears on the the ground in a clearing. The Glyph glows brightly. From it slowly rises and emerges a colossal Dragon-esk creature with scales, the color and texture of stone.
Renwo raises his golden sword and his Celestial army takes flight, like a swarm.
Down bellow, you see Bushimaru give out a load roar as the Napajese army starts advancing towards Central City.
Moments later, The Calvery units also start advancing towards the City.
When the units get ito position, Bonny finally shoots the signal flare into the sky. The Battle Begins.
The Pirate Ships fly ahead to get into position.
The Dragon Class Battleships, and the Flying Feline come about for an opening broad side volley.
All Hell Breaks Loose.
The Battle gradually pushed its way deep over Central City. The Relativly stationary Airships surounded by swarms of Celestials and other flying units. Vendit, Cisum's summon was wreaking havok against the LTC Ships, all but the L.T.S. Titanius, which was holding its own agaist whatever was thrown at it.
Gun fire, cannon fire, Spells, where all rumbling throughout the scene. An occasional Fireball lit up the sky, as well as a lighting bolt or two.
Bushimaru was likewise tearing through enemy forces.
You hadn't seen much of Trek, NEC, or Death. They must have slipped by like they were suppose to.
The battle was heading in a good direction. THe seemingly unstopable L.T.C. fleet was being pushed back, and their numbers were starting to dwindle. The combite might of the alliance that Bonny and you had formed were supprisingly a match for Lyndhurst.
Losses were being sustained on both sides. Many of the smaller Pirate Airship dirgibles were being picked out of the sky. However, more Lyndhurst Battleships were being torn down as well. Having a couple of Dragons assisting was certainly turning the tide.
Bushimaru was flying over the firing arc of the battleships, then landing on the deck, tearing his way through to the engineering deck where he would cause it to crash into the ground.
Still as the battle wore on, it was difficult for any one person or ship to get close to the Titanius. It had very effective point defence around its ship, which put out alot of fire power.
As the Titanius started to take a more active role in the battle, ships and people started dropping like flies.
Bonny signaled to the armada to then abandon their current targets and concentrate all fire upon the L.T.S. Titanius.
All ships came about and started making their way closer to the Titanius. Celestials charged in.
Vendit turned and started attacking it as well as Bushimaru.
Mordor fire came from the ground also started shooting at the Titanius.
While it seemed at first like a questionable call, going all in agains this monster, with Celestials falling out of the sky, Pirate ships going up in balls of fire, and even Dragon class ships crashing... Once the fleet surrounded the Titanius, things started to turn around. With that much point black fire, it was hard for it to keep up with all the targets around it.
Vendit flew right up close to it, and shot out its massive breath weapon. Bushimaru made it upon the flight deck of the ship and started dueling everyone on it.
The Celestial army was able to finally make it upon the flight deck and prevent more fighters from launching by swarming the crew.
A lucky shot to several of the Titanius' main thrusters caused it to start tilting and listing to one side.
Another ally airship went up into a ball of flame and crashed into the city. The onslaught against the command ship was taking its tole on all parties.
Never have you seen so much fire, and anything resist said fire all at once.
Even the PC's airship that they were on starts taking heavy fire and taking its tole.
At some point, Bonny will take the PC's on board the Flying Feline.
The Titanius finally starts loosing altitude as smoke and flames escape the hull. An explosion here and there finally take it down, and it seemingly slowly falls to the ground, crashing and exploding as it hits.
As you look around you see the cost of such an objective being filled. There was not much left of your fleet. However, much of the remaining Lyndhurst ships started to scatter.
Dispite the cost, it apeared that Victory was all but assured here.
Many of the remaining Lyndhurst Craft signaled their surrender. The rest fled.
Trek, Death, and Cactus boarded the Airship. They said the instruments were not there. They fought a beefed up Victor Unit, but there was no prize at the end. There was no Mr. Ruse or anybody trying to use the instruments.
It was as if the Corporation wanted to keep them busy and distracted.
They did find something though. There was a war room down there that had a bunch of maps out. There was one in particular spread out, like it was left in a hurry. A map of the Dragon Sea. more specifically, a Map of the Kothar Triangle. A reference to some Island named Saventh Yhi.
It was then the sun was blocked out.
A massive creature in the sky seemed to fade in out of nowhere. It had a face at the top, but insect like legs reaching the ground. This thing was miles tall. This... was Epor.
Trek, Death, and Renwo got into a defensive posture. Epor's very shadow was sucking the life from countless people in the city.
Bonny turned to you. She says that the Pc's know Saventh Yhi than anyone here. They will keep Epor Busy, while they go back and figure out what they were doing there. Saventh Yhi Apears to be the Key to everything.
When the PC's go back to Saventh Yhi, they find that all the spires have been activated and are glowing.
While the PC's were getting ready for and commencing with the attack on Central City, Lyndhurst used it as a distraction to make their way to Saventh Yi. One of Bushimaru's goblin slaves was a Lyndhurst Spy, and was keeping tabs on the progress of the deciphering the seven spires. When Bushimaru and the PC's left the island, they called in "The Boss." captured Boku, and activated the spires, causing them to drill down into the planet surface. This left little more than holes in the ziggurats with pillars of energy shooting out of them into the sky. Around each of the holes were spiral ramps left over by the drilling the spires did, leading down to the resonance chamber, where the instruments were playing.