
The PC's of Sword of the Brotherhood find themselves in the world of the Sins of Time and meet the PC's of that universe.

SoT PC's have just escaped from a Dragon with the skin of their teeth and are hiding in a cave. They are searching for a way to get out. Before long, a fissure appears before them. Next thing you know, Boniface, Tessa and Giles appear before the SoT PC's

<Some antics between PC's ensue>

<DMBSF prevents Teleporting>

Boniface will receive a vision from an old friend. It is Gilgamesh Intervus, as a specter or ethereal... a transparent image. He will be walking deeper into the cave and out of site.

Intervus will lead them to a chamber with a small astrolabe on a pedestal. A Voice calls out to Boniface from the astrolabe.

The Pedestal that the Astrolabe is on is trapped. Regardless of what the PC's do, should the Astrolabe be removed, the cavern in which they arrived from will collapse and be cut off from them. However, the far wall will open. What's more, the ceiling will descend, squishing the party if they are not quick.

Setting off the trap will force them into another room, which will set of a chain of events.

An endurance fight, in which they must escape the collapsing tunnel, while fighting off hordes of undead.

In truth, Both PC's are witnessing events from another timeline that happened to other people.

The Events unfold as follows:

Chaloemae Incident under the mountain B'nell

Fight on top of a steam airship with Victor.

Fight with the Galatea Aggregate Drones.

It ends with the PC's in the Citadel of Eternity

                The Scene here is a raging battle between 4 Intervusi and a whole bunch of angles. A second Boniface is seen going through some sort of active portal gateway as the last Intervus dies. The Portal Collapses after the other Boniface goes through.

                Intervus is dead on the ground, but all the Angels disappear as soon as the Gate closes via Sands of Time.

                The Voice in Boniface's head tells him to approach the only Intervus in the room now. It wants him to open the Astrolabe.

                Once the Astrolabe is opened, a mist of green energy is produced from the interior and flows into the dead Intervus. The Light permeates him and soon he wakes up.

                At first he is confused as to why Boniface is there. He thought he sent him through the Dimensions Gate. After some explanation, Intervus seems to grasp the reality of the situation.

                He may comment off handedly that a Chrono-Wizard's job is never over. He has no idea where the SoT PC's come from, but he believe he can use the Chrono-dating of the Astrolabe to return them back to their dimension by reversing the flow of time within the PC's own personal causal nexus back to a point before they encountered the Astrolabe.

                As far as the SotB PC's he needs to correct an error Gavindor did in the equation he altered in the Master Paradigm to send the PC's back to where they are suppose to be.

                It seems both sets of PC's are in a realm of Time that he cannot cross into himself, but the Dimensional Retro-closure hasn't finished yet, so he has time to send everyone back where they came from with minor incident in the fabric of space-time.


                He gives his final goodbyes before writing in a journal that seems to alter the fabric of reality. Sands of time ensue and the PC's make it back to where they were.